Why don’t hardly any SEC teams

I wonder the same thing. It would be interesting to read the enemy's point of view.
Except most of all do have some sort of free board. Unless you’re talking about their rivals sites, which you can’t go by because many Highly trafficked fan sites aren’t under the rivals umbrella.
One board that's a cesspool (so I don't have an account or post) but free and entertaining (so I do lurk and laugh) is SEC Rant.
a modest investment keeps people interested and builds a community of engaged users, which in turn gives you a usable board (e.g., this one)

it also serves as a barrier to the kind of people who exist only to take out their sad existence on others

the third reason is that there's absolutely no benefit to whomever sets up and moderates any free board on any subject other than a closer relationship with their cardiologist, and yet when you inject sports into the mix it somehow only gets worse for them