Mav, it feels like 20 days instead of 10. Thank God from here on out it will be basically just 3-4 days between games with the longest stint being 5 days and shortest being 2.

I kinda feel sorry for Ole Piss as these Cats are at home and will be hungry for some competition and The Rebs just aren't very good.

Cats by 35.

This post was edited on 1/5 6:47 PM by KWilt43atbuzz
Wait has been killin' me. Seems like a new year ...... oh waitaminute ....
I generally hate Guy Who Complains About the Meaningless, but the schedule this year has been odd in terms of the way it's set up.

The Friday/Sunday couplets followed by the Ice Age we've had to suffer through since UofL has made for a bizarre rhythm. Last year it irked the crap out of me because we were struggling. This year I don't mind as much, but it's still weird.

IMO there's nothing worse, nothing, than the Sunday game.
IMO there's nothing worse, nothing, than the Sunday game.

*********. *************. ***********

noon games are the worst. no matter what day.
I am more than ready for a game, I was beginning to think I fell asleep and missed the rest of the season. Starting on Tuesday we will play a Tues/Sat schedule except for one Thurs/Sat..
Thats the most boring stretch I've ever witnessed. I thought it would never end. Alas, tomorrow night, 7pm on my brand new bigger and better tv....huge picture to match our bigs can't wait!!!! Hope the Cats are not rusty.
Ole Miss getting ready to be thrown into the lions(cats) den.
Well I don't know about you guys, but I managed to extract every last ounce of joy and delight for the last nine days over beating the Tards.

Now I'm ready for another game.
Originally posted by wildcatdonf:
"Do you want to play a game?" (computer voice)
Sure Joshua. How about chess?

Oh and I am SO ready for a game!

This post was edited on 1/6 2:09 PM by jrpross
I'll be climbing the mountain to the nosebleeds in Rupp tonight and can't wait. Seems like it was last year since I've been to a game there.
Man, its gonna be weird seeing these Cats again. Seems like so long ago when they were beating Kansas, Texas, UNC, & UL. I wonder if any of them have gone bald or have grey hair. I hope osteoporisis and cataracts aren't a problem tonight.
I'm as nervous as a long tail cat in a room full of rocking chairs. This is going to be the longest hour in the history of basketball in five, four, three, two, one.....