Who will take Slice's seat on the bench?


Blue Chip Prospect
Jan 19, 2008
Will we see a former head coach? Tony Barbee? If so, who would take Barber's spot? If Donovan goes to the pros, would they consider Pelfrey to be an assistant with Cal? Thoughts
Pelphrey would never be considered.

The way he acted towards Kentucky, and Cal in particular, when he was at Arkansas was asinine, he acted as if he was the $h!t.

No chance he joins Cal's staff.
I sure HOPE that Pelphrey DOES NOT join Cal's staff. I see way more than enough of Pelphrey -- just standing there like a statue watching Laettner catch, turn, and shoot ... without Pelphrey lifting a hand -- every time ESPN runs that damn replay from '92 that they've now been running weekly for 23 years ! ! !

And on another Pelphrey subject ... neither of those four jerseys should ever have gone into The Rafters in the first place. Just MHO, of course.
Originally posted by Ripcord65:

And on another Pelphrey subject ... neither of those four jerseys should ever have gone into The Rafters in the first place. Just MHO, of course.
Originally posted by Ripcord65:
I sure HOPE that Pelphrey DOES NOT join Cal's staff. I see way more than enough of Pelphrey -- just standing there like a statue watching Laettner catch, turn, and shoot ... without Pelphrey lifting a hand -- every time ESPN runs that damn replay from '92 that they've now been running weekly for 23 years ! ! !

And on another Pelphrey subject ... neither of those four jerseys should ever have gone into The Rafters in the first place. Just MHO, of course.
You hate on Pel because he didn't want to be called for a foul on a last second shot? That's funny! I would think you would be madder at Ricky for not putting a big on the ball to stop the perfect pass. Pel ain't coming to UK, first because if Tony gets Slice's job, Tony's position couldn't recruit and I don't think Pel would want a job like that. And someone will have to find me a story where Pel dissed us while at Arkansas.
Originally posted by Tampa_cat54:
Pelphrey would never be considered.

The way he acted towards Kentucky, and Cal in particular, when he was at Arkansas was asinine, he acted as if he was the $h!t.

No chance he joins Cal's staff.
I don't recall anything like that. Please refresh my memory.
Some of you are forgetting the number 1 rule when it comes to other coaches, fans, etc. If they don't genuflect at the alter of the Cats they are haters and disrespectful.
I don't recall anything like that. Please refresh my memory.

You don't recall because Pelphrey never did anything. Only someone completely paranoid would have any problem with him.

Jesus Christ, some of you idiots just love to eat your own. Pelphrey's a class act and as true blue as they come. Shut up.
I doubt that it happens but I would be proud to have Pel as an assistant coach at UK. A member of my all time favorite UK basketball team. A team that gave its all all of the time and were major over achievers.

If some of the talented player that we have had the past several years under Calipari had played with near the passion that team played with we would have already caught UCLA in NCs. That team is why I can never hate Pitino.