Who Stays Around Longer


Gold Member
Dec 14, 2012
Nicholasville, KY
Cal at UK
Pitino at UofL
K at Duke
Ole Roy at UNC

I put them in the order that made sense to me but it is really hard to predict.

Why do they leave?

I will say:

Cal retires at UK with a slight chance he goes the NBA route again.
Pitino retires due to some undisclosed illness.
K will simply retire maybe due to health.
Ole Roy's resignation will be called a retirement to preserve the Carolina Way.
Cal will retire here. He has a better chance of becoming the CEO at Vespa than an NBA head coach
Cal will not go to the NBA. K will coach longer than Pitino. Pitino's health will force him out soon. K will coach as long as he wants too. I actually thought your analysis was very good.
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K is really aging. I can't see him coaching more than five years. Hes doing well. But it is hard to imagine a guy 75 or older coaching d one basketball. Maybe he will do it
How crazy would it be to think Cal and Pitino still going at it in 10 years?

Roy will be the first to go, and he won't hold up to this sham for the long term.

Do you think Cal leaves before Pitino? I don't, for some odd reason.
Roy will be 1st to go. Will fall on his sword and resign.

Pitino will go next. Health keeps declining. How much longer can he last?

K will be like Rupp. Will stay as long as he can draw a breath.

Cal's not going anywhere. Will stay another 10 or 15 years.
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Roy will be 1st to go. Will fall on his sword and resign.

Pitino will go next. Health keeps declining. How much longer can he last?

K will be like Rupp. Will stay as long as he can draw a breath.

Cal's not going anywhere. Will stay another 10 or 15 years.

I would rank them first to go as follows:

Coach Cal
Coach K
Coach Pee

Coach Rupp was forced out as UK coach and did not "retire". In truth he was fired because he was told to leave. I doubt Duke would treat their coach like we treated Rupp. Pitino will be at Louisville until the bitter end.
Adolph Rupp was forced to retire because of his age.

This is true. Kentucky used to have a mandatory retirement age for pubic employees of which Rupp was considered to be on as coach at UK. I believe the mandatory age was 70 so Rupp had no choice though he tried to fight it. That requirement is no longer on the books. Considering that and the fact Rupp wanted to continue coaching, he would have ended up with even more wins on this total if that law didn't exist. Of course, his health didn't hold out for that many more years after retirement but he would have definitely added to his totals.
I won't lie, I could see Cal being done before all those guys. He did say this is a type of job that you stay at for around 10 years, so if he stays true to that we get another 4 years. I would love to see Cal stick around forever, but I just don't see it. I don't think Cal wants to be coaching his whole life. I would love for him to be at UK for another 20 years, but I don't know if he would want to stay on this grind for much longer.

K and pitino will stick around as long as they can. I don't see them retiring until major health issues arise or they get pressured from their programs to step down. Same with Roy unless something darastic happens with the UNC mess.
I guess what i dont get and never will is....why pitino wants to stay there yet couldnt get out of Camelot fast enough.....thoughts?
I guess what i dont get and never will is....why pitino wants to stay there yet couldnt get out of Camelot fast enough.....thoughts?

He was younger and had the Celtics, one of top NBA programs of all time, calling with a boat load of cash. He came in and helped return UK to prominence, and the appeal of doing that with the Celtics had to be there. I doubt he had many NBA teams calling after Boston. So now he's at a place where he still gets paid a ton of money and really the fan expectations/involvement is pretty small so there's not a ton of pressure on him from UL fans.

I also think the appeal of trying to out-do UK and compete with us has to be a motivational factor in being at UL. Even though we all know how that is going.
I would rank them first to go as follows:

Coach Cal
Coach K
Coach Pee

Coach Rupp was forced out as UK coach and did not "retire". In truth he was fired because he was told to leave. I doubt Duke would treat their coach like we treated Rupp. Pitino will be at Louisville until the bitter end.

Actually back then there was a mandatory retirement age I believe so he wasn't fired, he just didn't want to leave.
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I wouldn't be surprised to see UL drop to middle of the ACC and pitino go in 2-3 yrs. Roy goes now this season or he will outlast K and pitino. K I believe has another 3-5 and call will be here another 8-12 years Imo
Of those 4, two seem long term, the other 2 shorter term. K and Pitino, at this point, look like they could coast for years. Cal has said repeatedly this isn't a job you have for 10 years, and I see no reason not to take him at his word. Roy looks like crud, and his results have dipped, so I could see him bowing out sooner than later. Of course, 5 years ago Pitino looked worse, and had worse results, than does Roy now, and he stuck it out.....K is, what, 68 now? But he looks like he could coach until he's 80, and I can't imagine anyone at Duke objecting.....
Roy rides the turd out for another two years at Carolina until the storm passes.

K signs off at the next 1st round exit in the NCAA sighting health reasons. Hopefully Wojo ends up with job.

Quick turns it over to Jr. within the next 2-3 years and stays on as mentor/role model.

Cal if we're lucky retires here and hangs 3-4 more banners before calling it quits.
Cal, I think. I believe Cal will be here another 7 to 10 years. He loves this place, even though the job has taken a toll on him, but I can't imagine any of those other guys making it that long at their respective schools. I think K is the first to retire (obviously), probably in a couple of seasons. Then Ole' Roy, probably in 4 or 5 more seasons. Pitino will either retire in 5 seasons, or coach until he's a mummified corpse (which he doesn't look to far off of now).