Who are Matt Jones' recruiting sources?

He def has one but I've wondered this same thing. Maybe someone on the coaching staff?
I have absolutely no basis, and I'm likely 1000% wrong, but i've always suspected he gets in the rumor mill with stuff that Daniels and some of the area guys aren't sure enough to publish, and occasionally runs with it.

After all, there's no consequence to him if he's wrong.
People on here amaze me sometimes. I mean out of all the people Cal could or could not have taken on the 2012 trophy tour, Matt Jones is somebody that he invited to go with him personally. To think Matt Jones is not connected to the Calipari regime is complete blind hatred for the man. Can he be annoying and condescending? Yes! Does that make him less connected? No! The man is connected and I'm thankful for the information.
People on here amaze me sometimes. I mean out of all the people Cal could or could not have taken on the 2012 trophy tour, Matt Jones is somebody that he invited to go with him personally. To think Matt Jones is not connected to the Calipari regime is complete blind hatred for the man. Can he be annoying and condescending? Yes! Does that make him less connected? No! The man is connected and I'm thankful for the information.
Why so upset? No one is disparaging Matt Jones in this thread.
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He always says he's good friends with Dwayne Peevey.
And when he talks about people who question his sources, he says people who listen regularly should be able to piece it together.
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First of all, why does it matter?

Second, nobody knows who his sources are, and if anyone did, they probably wouldn't say.

My guess is that he has access to the coaching staff. Jones was a personal guest of Calipari on the 2012 Title tour around the state. Additionally, KSR has an annual spot in the Calipari fantasy camp. I'm not sure any of the beat reporters get the same opportunities (maybe they do, I stopped following anything from the CJ or H-L years ago).

Another person would be Joe Craft. Jones has said on a number of occasions that he has been personally invited to travel with Joe. Most recently he flew with him to the HOF induction, and then later to the USC game. My guess is that Joe Craft's contributions to the program have opened lines of communication on recruiting.
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John Calipari and Kenny Payne are two of his most trusted . Even they are wrong sometimes though . Cause these kids , they can surprise you .
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Well I know Mike Pratt is one of his sources. If you listen to KSR you would know that... he's admitted it before. He also tries to get in good with players so he can use them as sources. I am absolutely sure his sources are not on our coaching staff.
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Evan Daniels and someone really close to the coaching staff.
People on here amaze me sometimes. I mean out of all the people Cal could or could not have taken on the 2012 trophy tour, Matt Jones is somebody that he invited to go with him personally. To think Matt Jones is not connected to the Calipari regime is complete blind hatred for the man. Can he be annoying and condescending? Yes! Does that make him less connected? No! The man is connected and I'm thankful for the information.
lol catch more feelings. Just because Cal invited him to an even doesnt mean he is going to tell him inside info to a freaking media guy who will spill it on twitter
lol catch more feelings. Just because Cal invited him to an even doesnt mean he is going to tell him inside info to a freaking media guy who will spill it on twitter
It does however mean he is an insider and is privey to more information than practically anyone else. Doesn't take a mental heavy weight to figure that out.
People on here amaze me sometimes. I mean out of all the people Cal could or could not have taken on the 2012 trophy tour, Matt Jones is somebody that he invited to go with him personally. To think Matt Jones is not connected to the Calipari regime is complete blind hatred for the man. Can he be annoying and condescending? Yes! Does that make him less connected? No! The man is connected and I'm thankful for the information.

Where did you read people running him down in this thread? People are merely speculating on where he gets his information. Absolutely nothing negative was mentioned about him, so why are you amazed by people on here?
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People on here amaze me sometimes. I mean out of all the people Cal could or could not have taken on the 2012 trophy tour, Matt Jones is somebody that he invited to go with him personally. To think Matt Jones is not connected to the Calipari regime is complete blind hatred for the man. Can he be annoying and condescending? Yes! Does that make him less connected? No! The man is connected and I'm thankful for the information.

Is this you Matt?
Seriously, how hard is it to understand that it really doesn't matter who he knows around the program....
He is a pawn, nothing more, nothing less.
What kind of a question is this?

Do you think Matt is going to post in this thread and tell you?

Sarcasm usually derives from anger, so I'm wondering why you would be angry by me merely asking a question. Bad day at work?

This board has thousands of visitors. I figured the question might actually find a reciprocal answer. What does it hurt to ask?

In fact, why don't you consider why it would even be an issue for you. It's not even a big deal, so perhaps go reassess things to actually make a fuss about. This isn't one of them.
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People on here amaze me sometimes. I mean out of all the people Cal could or could not have taken on the 2012 trophy tour, Matt Jones is somebody that he invited to go with him personally. To think Matt Jones is not connected to the Calipari regime is complete blind hatred for the man. Can he be annoying and condescending? Yes! Does that make him less connected? No! The man is connected and I'm thankful for the information.

Agree only on Matt Jones being connected to Kentucky & Coach Cal.

Like Chick-fil-A, he has multiple sauces...
I'd be surprised if Matt Jones had sources inside the Kentucky program (directly on staff) the way he lambasted Calipari while Calipari was at Memphis. Unless he apologized to Calipari and washed his car. :)
I'd be surprised if Matt Jones had sources inside the Kentucky program (directly on staff) the way he lambasted Calipari while Calipari was at Memphis. Unless he apologized to Calipari and washed his car. :)
That's all you have to troll on? Everyone knows Matt Jones was just jealous of of Calipari and UM after we lost to them in the Maui Tournament. His jealousy reminds me of the KU fans that troll here daily. Except you guys are a little more bitter, but that probably comes from more losses, and by a larger margin and in the title game.

You guys are too easy. It's like playing you in basketball.

One last thing. It's great you know who Matt Jones is and his past posting. Because, I have no idea who anyone who writes about KU is and couldn't care less what they ever said, much less remember it.

Does KU even have someone that covers their team? If so, I bet you cover UK more than they do KU.
BTW, Everyone knows Matt Jones hacked TBK's email and still follows it. It's clearly his source. Only the lifetime members that spent $500 still hold a grudge.
Sarcasm usually derives from anger, so I'm wondering why you would be angry by me merely asking a question. Bad day at work?

This board has thousands of visitors. I figured the question might actually find a reciprocal answer. What does it hurt to ask?

In fact, why don't you consider why it would even be an issue for you. It's not even a big deal, so perhaps go reassess things to actually make a fuss about. This isn't one of them.
It is a stupid question.
Do you not believe he has scources or what?
He hosts the pre game show, I am pretty sure he has a couple solid scources from time to time.

Stupid question.
I'm pretty sure he has multiple sources at the top of the program. And the middle. And the bottom. And as long as he never screws up and says "this guy told me this" he'll continue to get inside stuff.
I have absolutely no basis, and I'm likely 1000% wrong, but i've always suspected he gets in the rumor mill with stuff that Daniels and some of the area guys aren't sure enough to publish, and occasionally runs with it.

After all, there's no consequence to him if he's wrong.

I just don't see that at all. I think its obvious that he has a few sources that he uses and 1 or maybe 2 of those are extremely reliable sources, maybe from the coaching staff. I personally think he has 1 that is from the staff. The others may be someone from the radio crew, high profile former player, booster, or someone similar that knows someone on the staff or in the basketball department. You would be surprised what some of the people in the department actually know. My sister worked in the department under Tubby and while she never talked to Tubby or a recruit, she knew a lot simply from over hearing conversations and gossip within the basketball department. So, it is more than likely a combination of sources with different levels of "clearance" but I think it's obvious that he has at least 1 that is on the staff.

Fans called out people like Matt and other recruiting analysts like Meyer for being wrong or changing their opinion but what they fail to understand is that recruiting changes SO MANY times during a recruitment. These are 16-17yr old kids who will change their mind a lot during their recruitment. Take Bridges for instance, up until his MSU visit, almost everyone in the industry thought he was a complete lock to come to Lexington. Something drastically changed during the visit and it turned him into an MSU lock. Whatever they did worked and it worked well. So, what are these analyst in the industry going to do? They're going to change their pick to MSU because the recruitment changed. Yet there are a lot of guys on here who will bash him and call him out for changing his pick. Well, that's just the nature of the beast and nothing is set in stone until it's over. The "Crystal Ball" that they use on 247 is meant to be constantly changing. It is simply a representation of what is happening at that moment in the recruitment and what those guys are hearing at that moment.
So, it the same with Matt as I'm sure his info changes. He was all Bridges to UK up until that week. He was extremely confident because I believe the staff was extremely confident as well. Now, everything has changed and he has told everyone on his site and radio show. Anytime he has heard something from an unreliable source, he makes that known. When he received the secret text from the random person about the Brown recruitment (I think it was Brown), he made that known exactly where that info came from and that you could take it for what it's worth. Yet guys on here and other fans criticized him for it and basically blamed him for the info and for talking about it. It really just amazes me all the butthurt, around here in particular, for Matt because I think he is great for our program and I am really glad that he does what he does with his website and radio show. It makes the work days more bearable and bring has a lot of good info and entertainment during the off seasons.