That is pretty much my thinking. Louisville, do them like they have done Cal.... take'em away and punish. In the North Carolina deal.... wipe all the records of every sport that had a participant. Fire all administrators/ teachers that were directly involved and charge them with a crime; prosecute, fine and put them in jail for a while - there is no excuse for using a human as a tool/ possession - this took place at an institution that was supposed to be one of the best, at developing young people into great humans. I don't know what the regents are or do, but for sure the president needs to go. When lives are getting screwed up, for sure some of top needs to go.
I'm not sure everyone associated with athletics needs to go. I would guess that some there didn't have a clue what was going on, struggling to meet all the needs of their family, did their job and went home. Some could have had an ideal or even known but couldn't do anything about it except lose their job and wreck their life. It is possible to be put in a no win situation. I have seen it in Kentucky State Government.