When Reese hit Clark upside her head yesterday

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OMG you can't be serious. Poor little Caitlyn Clark. You sound worse than Billy Packer "What is he doing to Woj". You couldn't have an unbiased take if the facts slapped you right smack dab in the face.
She is getting so abused she hasn't even had any skin broken or blood from the "blows" she has absorbed. Hell I haven't even noticed a bruise on her whole body, I seriously doubt she has taken "that much" abuse. You see players all the time with scratches on their arms, bloody noses, etc. If Clark was getting hit that severe as you are portraying, you would think there would be marks left showing such damaging results. yes my post gets a bit exaggerated, just like yours did.
I never said anything about Clark. I said Reese is comparable to Bill Laimbeer, which she is. Then people brought race into it.

Was it this ? I do agree with him though . My reasoning is I don’t think Reese is on the level of Clark talent wise . I’ve felt that way during the whole Iowa/LSU thing .

The so called beef seems to be one sided to me . Reese has a problem with Clark meanwhile Clark keeps saying good things about Reese.
It's the perfect power move. Reese needs Clark for her brand. Not totally, but it def helps her. Clark needs nothing from Reese. By simply ignoring her, she highlights the different levels both players are on.
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Yeah. Your “buddy” is a bit different than someone who has constantly ran their mouth and been in your face for years. I took a T in a college game for hitting a guy in the face with an inbounds pass because he tried to save a ball off my head. Had a few fights in practices because of cheap shots in drills with “buddies”. Big difference in lacing them up at the local Y with friends for a run and in a competitive scenario. If someone hit me or one of my teammates like Reece did we would have been fighting or near fighting. Definitely exchanged words.
Congrats on your cheap shot
Technically, a basketball play involves the actual "basketball".......not the opponent's head.

And that behavior made the refs call more than a traditional foul, right?

Clark should not have to make it to the wnba and be bullied by her own peers.....

Its beyond me, why she wasn't picked for the Olympics.
Technically, a basketball play involves the actual "basketball".......not the opponent's head.

And that behavior made the refs call more than a traditional foul, right?

Clark should not have to make it to the wnba and be bullied by her own peers.....

Its beyond me, why she wasn't picked for the Olympics.
Cry me a river, she was playing in the Final 4 when tryouts were going on. She’ll get her time, why do you think she’s so special that she should have everything handed to her?
whats happening, is just nothing more than being bullied. I'd say keep calling techs or flagrant until her own opponents stop behaving that way. She deserves a chance to win. Now I've seen in mens game, player steals the ball and gets tackled while attempting a layup.....Not saying it does not happen. But it seems like shes got at least a chip on her shoulder from other players in the wnba. And she broke a record, not exactly fair considering that someone else also has a record of sorts.
whats happening, is just nothing more than being bullied. I'd say keep calling techs or flagrant until her own opponents stop behaving that way. She deserves a chance to win. Now I've seen in mens game, player steals the ball and gets tackled while attempting a layup.....Not saying it does not happen. But it seems like shes got at least a chip on her shoulder from other players in the wnba. And she broke a record, not exactly fair considering that someone else also has a record of sorts.
I've said the same throughout this thread. But she's in their head as they want her to bite and get angry and she won't. She's punking the punks. They look like fools, especially Reece's team. Was good to see Serena Williams speak out on CC's behalf. She said she was bullied as well.
Interesting, I don't keep up with women's ball much but this could've been someone else too. Maybe Serena realizes what is going on. You just can't be blatant about if reese would've blocked the ball......and missed much of Clark.....No Story. Gutsy play on Reese's part.
Everyone said "basketball play."

To try and take race out of this discussion, I will compare Reese to a white player. That looked an awful lot like a Bill Laimbeer "basketball play."

I know Laimbeer coached in the WNBA for a number of years. Is this his influence?
First is was not a basketball play, second this was not her first dirty play so we have a history already established. These types of dirty plays will not stop until suspensions are handed out.
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First is was not a basketball play, second this was not her first dirty play so we have a history already established. These types of dirty plays will not stop until suspensions are handed out.
She wore a special pair of “Joker” themed shoes for that game and is embracing being a villain. She’s an immature POS. Her advertising prayer on Hallow only makes the app look stupid. Bunch of scum including Mark Wahlburg making money off of a prayer app, lol

Everyone said "basketball play."

To try and take race out of this discussion, I will compare Reese to a white player. That looked an awful lot like a Bill Laimbeer "basketball play."

I know Laimbeer coached in the WNBA for a number of years. Is this his influence?
The WNBA teams each need an enforcer that is terrible at basketball but is mean enough to put shit players like Reese into the third row of seats.
Everyone said "basketball play."

To try and take race out of this discussion, I will compare Reese to a white player. That looked an awful lot like a Bill Laimbeer "basketball play."

I know Laimbeer coached in the WNBA for a number of years. Is this his influence?
That looked like a play that happens frequently in college and professional basketball. That foul still wasn't as hard or as dangerous as the one made on Reese about 3 weeks ago when she caught a forearm to the neck that sent her to the floor on the back of her head. It didn't get any attention on this board because it didn't involve Clark. To add additional perspective to this, Clark's treatment is kids play when compared to what Jordan experienced (Jordan Rules) during his early years in the NBA. His treatment had nothing to do with race and nor does Clark's.
Right it’s just a flagrant 1, happens all the time. But there’s a dude in this thread saying it means she might have a mental health problem. That’s absolutely nuts and it’s racially motivated rhetoric and I’m tired of people expecting me to pretend it isn’t.
But that's Rupp Rafters bro
Something to think about for anyone reading this thread. Today is the second time in the history of Rupp’s Rafters that a thread has been made about a foul call in the WNBA and both have been this season. I know it’s the off-season and it’s kind of dead right now, but if you’re acting like you don’t know what’s going on here, you’re just insulting my intelligence. Mods eventually took the last threads about this “feud” down, both times after letting the usual crew air their frustrations for a day or so, then both times the threads disappeared after I came in late and lifted up the rug and started sweeping some of the bullshit out into the open. Stop playing dumb.
This is the kind of engagement the mods want. I pointed that out in the other post, and was banned from the conversation.
It's the perfect power move. Reese needs Clark for her brand. Not totally, but it def helps her. Clark needs nothing from Reese. By simply ignoring her, she highlights the different levels both players are on.
Being that Reese has more people following her on social media, one could say that is an inaccurate statement.
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