When did UK games start being televised?

I remember watching the taped delay game early 70's (I graduated HS 1972). I was allowed to stay up and watch the game on Saturday nights. I also remember staying up some week nights when there was no school the next day such as when school was canceled due to snow. Some of my fondest memories, the house was all quiet, snow was falling and there was something comforting about the sausage commercials that sponsored the taped broadcast.

We was all weaned on Al Purnell's sausage
I remember the tape-delayed UK Network showings first appearing on a local UHF channel in Western Kentucky in around 1975. It was before cable TV was widely available, when the only things on tv were the nearby NBC, CBS, and ABC stations and maybe 1 or 2 independent UHF stations. Reception was terrible.

That's actually how I became a UK fan. It was something interesting to watch late when you only had 2-3 other things to choose from to watch. Most stations went off-air at midnight, so that 10:30 UK game might be on until the wee hours.

Now I'm too spoiled to watch anything that isn't on one of the 60 or so HD channels I have available.
Denny Trease's "swish" was music to my ears. Dad was a 101 member and Section Leader when they ushered the games, even though we had season tickets, I'd hang out down in his area and eventually took up an unoccupied seat. We'd rush home and watch the replay afterwards.
Remember Denny Trease calling doing the delayed telecast. " Grevey from the corner , WRITE IT DOWN ! " He did a GREAT job . SO much better than douche bag baker .

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