Whatever happened to IL WILDCAT?

Watched the game at a UK bar in Chicago. Not a single person there wore anything but blue. Was amazing to be a part of.
Was it "The Pony" - on Belmont ? I used to go there for all big gsmes when I lived in Wrigleyville.

It is an all UK bar i seen them turn folks away if they had on UL or Duke Garb - not turn away per say but politely say this place isn't for you.
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I think maybe you either have to be the son of a mod or you have to kill a mod. 🤔

One day, a small black box arrives at the door. That box is indestructible. If you throw it away, it reappears the next day.

Ignore the box, and nothing happens. You always feel its presence, but it doesn’t really control you, does it?

Open the box, and you become a mod…with all that entails…
Was it "The Pony" - on Belmont ? I used to go there for all big gsmes when I lived in Wrigleyville.

It is an all UK bar i seen them turn folks away if they had on UL or Duke Garb - not turn away per say but politely say this place isn't for you.
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I’ve certainly never asked to be a mod. Have no idea what it takes to be a mod. Kind of strange considering I’ve been here for over 2 decades. Maybe there’s a secret handshake?
I've been a mod on a much smaller site. It is difficult. If you go hands off it can turn into free fall...if you get real strict it can shut your board down.

He's a moderator who knows how to stay in his lane and avoid the Rupp rage! 😉
I don’t believe that. He’s always interacted with posters and this year was calm compared to the past, besides that on everyone’s profile it says where you were last seen . Even if you were just viewing. He was last seen January 9 .
I've been a mod on a much smaller site. It is difficult. If you go hands off it can turn into free fall...if you get real strict it can shut your board down.
Dude , not to hijack this thread but, I saw where you posted over on the Louisville board that 6 or 7 SEC teams didn’t deserve their tournament bid . I’m curious who you would have put in ahead of them .
I've been a mod on a much smaller site. It is difficult. If you go hands off it can turn into free fall...if you get real strict it can shut your board down.
you seen that first hand on the ul board
when they made that one woman a mod she single handily alienated most of the very few that were left
now it is the dead sea
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Yeah....during that fiasco I backed out..before the heat rolls I'm a grown man that talks sports with anybody...I pmd her and another mod. She had been getting threats from characters that claimed to be UK fans. And some of those she probably could've called the cops on. So the hammer came down across the board and it ended up as it did. I'm not saying they really were UK fans, but some stuff gets outta bounds.
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Yeah....during that fiasco I backed out..before the heat rolls I'm a grown man that talks sports with anybody...I pmd her and another mod. She had been getting threats from characters that claimed to be UK fans. And some of those she probably could've called the cops on. So the hammer came down across the board and it ended up as it did. I'm not saying they really were UK fans, but some stuff gets outta bounds.
when someone makes a threat to a mod and then claims to be a fan of their biggest rival, i highly doubt many would do that
i know we will never know, but i would be curious how many ul fans posed as UK fans and made threats against her because she become a stone cold dictator
i say that because many left that board and went to the scout board and talked some serious sh%t about her
You'd be a good one.

You would make a great mod.

Thank you. As we all know message boards are likely on the way out. So perhaps the higher ups at Rivals is paying less and less attention to the forum.

I had spent a good month talking to the current mods, Jeff Drummond and Justin Rowland. It appeared like they were very open to the idea of adding me but it sounded like it got hung up somewhere and my messages stopped being returned.

Obviously a new mod hasn't been added in quite sometime so I think they've stopped caring. If a Mod has been gone for 2+ months you'd think they'd want to get some more eyeballs on the forums.
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Thank you. As we all know message boards are likely on the way out. So perhaps the higher ups at Rivals is paying less and less attention to the forum.

I had spent a good month talking to the current mods, Jeff Drummond and Justin Rowland. It appeared like they were very open to the idea of adding me but it sounded like it got hung up somewhere and my messages stopped being returned.

Obviously a new mod hasn't been added in quite sometime so I think they've stopped caring. Obviously if a Mod has been gone for 2+ months you'd think they'd want to get some more eyeballs on the forums.
You, Aike, and Jrpross would be a good trio to start with. All of you consistently post here. All of you are sane enough to handle the job.
I've been a mod on a much smaller site. It is difficult. If you go hands off it can turn into free fall...if you get real strict it can shut your board down.
Same. I remember being a mod on a board and enforcing a rule only to have other mods go “hey man. He was only joking.” Mind you this was after spamming the board with like 50 porn threads.

Sometimes you just can’t win. People are fickle.
when someone makes a threat to a mod and then claims to be a fan of their biggest rival, i highly doubt many would do that
i know we will never know, but i would be curious how many ul fans posed as UK fans and made threats against her because she become a stone cold dictator
i say that because many left that board and went to the scout board and talked some serious sh%t about her
You really never know man. There's a pretty solid reason a Lotta mods keep a real low profile...even limiting their own posts. It's a job that can be a thousand dollar a day headache that doesn't (usually, normally) pay anything.
Yeah....during that fiasco I backed out..before the heat rolls I'm a grown man that talks sports with anybody...I pmd her and another mod. She had been getting threats from characters that claimed to be UK fans. And some of those she probably could've called the cops on. So the hammer came down across the board and it ended up as it did. I'm not saying they really were UK fans, but some stuff gets outta bounds.
I started a Facebook site that grew to over 8500 members. I was the sole administrator. It got where every evening was spent dealing with things . I finally said “to heck with this” and turned it over to someone else.
I thought he was a pastor and a couple of folks knew him?
Yes he was a minister. I have spoken with him in private messages. He had been here since 2003 .Never seemed like the kind of guy that would just disappear without saying anything. He had even started doing something new this year with his scouting reports. Just hope he’s okay.
Yes it is very strange not to hear from him at all. Love me some ILWildcat !! He has always been around here and always very respected and respectful. I do wish him the best, worrisome we haven't heard from him lately.

He always has great insight and did a marvelous job breaking down teams in preparation for upcoming games. A really great guy, happy he's been here with us, and I am glad we're asking about him. I miss many old posters in the sky around here.

we miss you ILWildcat! God Bless you ! Get word to us, someone !

I have explicit instructions upon death the board to be notified of my passing. Krystal will have her hands full .... LOL ! But hopefully that won't be for a long time.
Two names I didn’t hear mentioned in this hypothetical naming of mods would be:
Nail at the Foul Line

Really, I think they’d be excellent for two reasons. As for Nail at the Foul Line, he’s engaged and friendly with everyone. He keeps the board lighthearted and fun even when much of the board might be in apocalyptic form. He is also reasonable and tries to encourage open dialogue to points he disagrees with. If he disagrees with something, he’ll show you he disagrees but do it in a way that ensures all parties leave the conversation with more joy than they started with.

As for Smashcat, he doesn’t dialogue within threads quite as much as Nail. What Smashcat does is he essentially serves as an operator for the board. He consistently brings forward interesting topics that may have derived from Twitter, another website or an interesting quote. He is level headed and rarely attacks any idea whether positive or negative. He reminds me of jedwar, a current moderator, who likes to allow a conversation and will sprinkle into it a quick thought or insight and move on.

Those are just my thoughts! Go Cats!
I don’t believe that. He’s always interacted with posters and this year was calm compared to the past, besides that on everyone’s profile it says where you were last seen . Even if you were just viewing. He was last seen January 9 .
I wasn't implying he was a recluse or shied from confrontation.
I see him as one who knows the fanbase on here and he knows when and who to respond to.
I hope and pray he's okay .
Yes he was a minister. I have spoken with him in private messages. He had been here since 2003 .Never seemed like the kind of guy that would just disappear without saying anything. He had even started doing something new this year with his scouting reports. Just hope he’s okay.
Yeah. Me too
I’ve certainly never asked to be a mod. Have no idea what it takes to be a mod. Kind of strange considering I’ve been here for over 2 decades. Maybe there’s a secret handshake?
I've been on here since at least '98? I'm fairly sure it was this message board that I got on the night my son was born, telling everyone that UK's future p.g. was on the way...alas, wasn't meant to be. Although he did live in Wildcat Lodge his first 2 years at UK, which was pretty cool.