Two names I didn’t hear mentioned in this hypothetical naming of mods would be:
Nail at the Foul Line
Really, I think they’d be excellent for two reasons. As for Nail at the Foul Line, he’s engaged and friendly with everyone. He keeps the board lighthearted and fun even when much of the board might be in apocalyptic form. He is also reasonable and tries to encourage open dialogue to points he disagrees with. If he disagrees with something, he’ll show you he disagrees but do it in a way that ensures all parties leave the conversation with more joy than they started with.
As for Smashcat, he doesn’t dialogue within threads quite as much as Nail. What Smashcat does is he essentially serves as an operator for the board. He consistently brings forward interesting topics that may have derived from Twitter, another website or an interesting quote. He is level headed and rarely attacks any idea whether positive or negative. He reminds me of jedwar, a current moderator, who likes to allow a conversation and will sprinkle into it a quick thought or insight and move on.
Those are just my thoughts! Go Cats!