What would be your Mt. Rushmore of coaches you hate?

Dale Brown was a good guy and a closet UK fan. He did funny things that preacher man.
I don't hate him.

The same Dale Brown who had a hissy fit at the Coliseum one night and threw his coat on the UK logo at midcourt? The same Dale Brown who accused UK of "brutalizing" the game? The same Dale Brown who asked a reporter post game if he masturbated? Yeah. Just a hilarious dude.

Dean Smyth - biggest cheater in the history of the sport

The Wizard of Westwood would disagree with this... in a grandfatherly way, of course.

Bob Knight, Coach K, Tom Crean, Digger Phelps.

Yeah... Those are the guys...
I've kind of mellowed some in my slightly older age, so I'll have to reach back some.

Knight, Denny Crum, Dale Brown, Dean Smith, Digger, and Ray Mears.

Special shout out/at to Stu Aberdeen, UT assistant under Mears that used to throw temper tantrums jumping up and down on the sidelines holding a clipboard with a whiney @ss, sniveling look on his face. It was during those formative years that I discovered the joy of screaming at the TV. LOL!