What was your first favorite song?

Pretty interesting question that I've never really thought on. This is the first song I remember hearing on the radio and asking mom to turn it up. I think I was around 5 when it came out. So either this one or "Do the Bartman" or "Can't Touch This"

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I was never much into music, but I reckon it would be Honky Tonk Blues by Hank Williams. I recall as a kid, there was a small grocery store a mile or two down the road. Sometimes I would go there with dad and get a bottle of coke for 6 cents and that song would be on the radio. The grocers son would be there sometimes. He was seven foot tall and played basketball at Vandy, if memory serves. It was all pretty impressive to a little kid.
I don't know. I loved all of John Williams's Star Wars and Superman music, so possibly that.

I was barely four when MTV debuted in '81 and the first major video that I remember is Michael Jackson's Thriller in '83. It's never been my favorite song, but it was always an event when it was on, especially when it played on the big screen at the local pizza place.
Since it got radio play, the theme from The Greatest American Hero is the first I remember. Played the 45 on my little record player.

Beat It is the first real song I remember playing over and over.
I was born in 73 so I remember my first song I loved being the good ol boys theme from the dukes of hazzard. Loved that show and still love the song. Probably why I love Willie, Waylon, Cash etc so much!
Kindergarten age: Hello, I Love You by the Doors
The next year: Honky Tonk Women

A little later, I remember American Pie. Seems like a million years ago when those songs were first released. Cavemen, Neanderthal times.

These two take me back to when I was very young.

That is funny, we must be about the same age, but I vaguely remember "Downtown" as a very young boy, maybe the first song I can remember on the radio.

First song I remember really catching my ear as to Rock was "Get Off My Cloud" by the Stones, which I still think is one of their best early tunes.