What is your favorite sports movie?

Creed Bratton

May 31, 2018
Lex Town
I know there will be a lot of differing opinions depending on if you prefer a comedy over a more serious movie but what are your top 3 Sports movies. For me it would be.

Field of Dreams

Honorable mention to Rocky, The Natural and Major League because on any given day I could replace any of the top 3 with the honorable mentions.
Lot of good boxing movies, e.g, Rocky, Million Dollar Baby and Raging Bull

As for comedies, thought that Bad News Bears was pretty damn funny if you have ever played Little League
Hoosiers, Major League... lots of good baseball movies. harder to make good bball and football movies I guess.
Major League
Major League 2 (greatly underrated)
Tin Cup
Remember the Titans
Varsity Blues

So many good sports movies out there
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Cinderella Man
Friday Night Lights

There's plenty of really good sports movies but those are my favorite.
I guess it wasn't a great movie, but when I was a kid, the Yankees were dominating baseball. They had a streak that was something like 9 world series in 10 years. The Washington Senators had a team. People used to say, Washington, first in war, first in peace and last in the American League. They made a movie called "Damn Yankees" where a guy sells his soul to become a baseball hero and lead the Senators to beat the Yankees.
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I think Vic Morrow was perfect. But Jack Lemmon would have made a great Whitewood.

One of the best moments of the movie almost goes unnoticed. When Cleveland, the woman that is the league administrator, hands Buttermaker the 2nd place trophy, he says, "Thank you sir." 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

What makes this movie so great, at the end of the day, is it got out in front of the overzealous "sports parent" long before anyone else did. It's not just a great sports movie, it's a classic that transcends genre.
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  • Haha
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The Natural

Major League
Bull Durham
Small tangent (Seabiscuit mention prompted this)

I didn't care for the Secratariat movie, but every Derby Day I have one small tradition, and that is to watch Secretariat, not, ironically at the KY Derby, but at the Belmont, justto witness the most dominating thing I've ever seen in sports.

And when Chic Anderson exclaims, "He's moving like a TREMENDOUS MACHINE!" I get a lump in my throat and a tear in my eye. No matter how many times I watch it, it NEVER fails to elicit that response.

In the longest and most grueling of the three Triple Crown races, he ran each successive 1/4, faster than the previous one. He got FASTER and faster, for that entire race. It borders on the supernatural.

BTW - you have to feel for Sham, whom, if not for Secretariat, would be in the conversation as one of the best of alltime.
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Days of Thunder
The Longest Yard

I thought it was cool that they chose the last name Trickle, as an homage to the one and only. LOL

Dick Trickle (and you probably know this) had a hole cut in his helmet, so he could smoke a couple of heaters when there was a yellow flag out. 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

What a legend. He's generally regarded as the greatest short track driver in history, and won NASCAR Rookie of the Year at FOURTY-EIGHT! LOL
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I thought it was cool that they chose the last name Trickle, as an homage to the one and only. LOL

Dick Trickle (and you probably know this) had a hole cut in his helmet, so he could smoke a couple of heaters when there was a yellow flag out. 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

What a legend.
Back when NASCAR still had some characters in the sport. Miss those days of racing. Back then, David Pearson smoked during the races, and I recall Dick Trickle saying one time he only needed an hour of sleep at night for every 100 laps.
I've never watched Miracle. I watched the actual team, but not the movie.

What did the movie change? If I had to guess, it portrayed the game against the USSR as the gold medal game, which of course, it wasn't. (That has become a victim of the Mandela effect)
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I've never watched Miracle. I watched the actual team, but not the movie.

What did the movie change? If I had to guess, it portrayed the game against the USSR as the gold medal game, which of course, it wasn't. (That has become a victim of the Mandela effect)
The Russia game is the main ending to the movie but they do mention the Finland game. They had a roundtable with some of the players as an extra on the DVD and they were talking about the night of the Norway game where they tied before the Olympics and Herb Brooks was so mad he had them doing punishment laps in the dark right after the game. That happened but didn't end with Eruzione saying he played for the USA instead of his college team. It ended when Mark Johnson got mad and smashed his stick against the glass.