What is Periscope?

Thanks everybody. Anything good said tonight?
I only listened to like the first 10 mins then got called away, but during that time he said news will break about another recruit verifying the allegations from the book. Not exactly sure when or if he even said when, but he definitely said to be ready for it.
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I only listened to like the first 10 mins then got called away, but during that time he said news will break about another recruit verifying the allegations from the book. Not exactly sure when or if he even said when, but he definitely said to be ready for it.

Now that Jaquan is talking I suspect Blakeney's memory will suddenly improve as well.
I literally clicked the notification for his Periscope when I was already in the Periscope app. Said broadcast was too full and had 1.3K viewers. What the hell?? lol. Don't care about chatting, just thought that was crazy
Mine said to full as well but it loaded anyway.
Used to post fairly frequently at I fell out of the habit of going to UK message boards, but found my way back here for Fornigate.

Yep, that was it.
I left there because of a couple of guys, one was named Nick or Mick or something similar. The other was his bosom buddy but I can't remember his name either. Seems like it started with a J.