What do you think of Pitino's idea?

It’s not the worst idea, but so many schools like ours would probably get left behind. Then we wouldn’t have the money to do the other things it pays for in the universities. Great for traditional powers but fringe top 25-50 teams would get screwed eventually.
It’s not the worst idea he’s had. Or the second worst. Or even the third or the fourth. In some order those are: * Hiring hookers for minors on recruiting trips * Banging a nutty slut in an Italian restaurant * Getting caught paying a player on FBI tapes and * Leaving Kentucky.

But it is not a good idea. Like all his ideas it’s self-serving and cynical and attention grabbing. It would punish schools that find themselves winners in this like Kentucky. It could lead to some schools being force out of existing conferences if their football was traditionally weak.

Why would a strong school in a strong conference like Kentucky not want its athletics all in the same conference? It would seem stupid for me if I were a student-fan at say Oregon to have conference rivalries with the Big Ten in football and the PAC-12 in basketball. Or Texas A&M -- we're a B-12 basketball school playing Central Florida and Cincinnati home-and-home. But we're in the elite SEC in football.

St. John’s doesn’t even have a D-1 football team so it doesn’t matter to them.

Oh yeah. It would require re-doing about 20 years of movement based on economic forces which is about as likely as the Titanic resurfacing in pristine condition. That ship has hit the iceberg.
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It’s not the worst idea he’s had. Or the second worst. Or even the third or the fourth. In some order those are hiring hookers for minors on recruiting trips, banging a nutty slut in an Italian restaurant, getting caught paying a player on FBI tapes and leaving Kentucky.

It’s not a good idea. Like all his ideas it’s self-serving and cynical and attention grabbing. It would punish schools that find themselves winners in this like Kentucky. It could lead to some schools being force out of string conferences if their football was traditionally weak.

Why would a strong school in a strong conference like Kentucky not want its athletics all in the same conference? It would seem stupid for me if I were a student-fan at say Oregon to have conference rivalries with the Big Ten in football and the PAC-12 in basketball?

St. John’s doesn’t even have a D-1 football team so it doesn’t matter to them.

Oh yeah. It would require re-doing about 20 years of movement based on economic forces which is about as likely as the Titanic resurfacing in pristine condition. That ship has hit the iceberg.
I think what he's getting at is football does away with the conference pretense altogether. But you preserve the basketball rivalries and the smaller sports don't have to travel across country to play a conference soccer game or baseball series.
Sounds logical and would help stop non revenue producing sports in some schools from having to travel so far.
It’s not the worst idea he’s had. Or the second worst. Or even the third or the fourth. In some order those are: * Hiring hookers for minors on recruiting trips * Banging a nutty slut in an Italian restaurant * Getting caught paying a player on FBI tapes and * Leaving Kentucky.

But it is not a good idea. Like all his ideas it’s self-serving and cynical and attention grabbing. It would punish schools that find themselves winners in this like Kentucky. It could lead to some schools being force out of existing conferences if their football was traditionally weak.

Why would a strong school in a strong conference like Kentucky not want its athletics all in the same conference? It would seem stupid for me if I were a student-fan at say Oregon to have conference rivalries with the Big Ten in football and the PAC-12 in basketball. Or Texas A&M -- we're a B-12 basketball school playing Central Florida and Cincinnati home-and-home. But we're in the elite SEC in football.

St. John’s doesn’t even have a D-1 football team so it doesn’t matter to them.

Oh yeah. It would require re-doing about 20 years of movement based on economic forces which is about as likely as the Titanic resurfacing in pristine condition. That ship has hit the iceberg.
Not all of Kentucky’s teams are in the same conference now. SEC doesn’t sponsor men’s soccer, for example, as UK is in the Sun Belt conference. Also doesn’t sponsor cheerleading g or rifle.
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Also doesn’t sponsor cheerleading or rifle.
Cheerleading isn't regarded as an actual sport, so conference sponsorship isn't an option.

And I think UK is the only SEC school that even has a rifle program. The conference obviously can't sponsor a sport that involves only one member.
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it is one of the dumbest ideas i have seen
it would cause so many sports to be shut down
I don't think that would happen. Football would still bring in the same, if not more, money. It would actually probably save some of these programs money due to travel.

In premise, it's not a bad idea, but it's way too late. Let football be their own world and let the other sports do their thing within their current conference, prior to all of this movement.
Nah I'm a simple man... keep all the sports in the same conference. Just gotta roll with the changes
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Football did not cause anything here. Greed caused everything here. We are on the road to the NFL, MLB, NBA. Prices for Tickets and live events will be so expensive that the average fan will not be able to go to an event. Money is what we all seem to bow down to. And money will continue to drive everything. IF TV contracts was huge for Basketball and drove the sport we would be absorbed by ACC/ Big 10 and Big 12.
It’s not the worst idea, but so many schools like ours would probably get left behind. Then we wouldn’t have the money to do the other things it pays for in the universities. Great for traditional powers but fringe top 25-50 teams would get screwed eventually.
Do you really think we'd get left behind in football? I mean we aren't a powerhouse, but we're more than solid as a p5 school and are often in the top 30 rankings at some point in the season
Several articles out there on the net that has KENTUCKY as a 29 or better program under the Mark Stoops years. Has us above Tennessee / Texas and tons of others. kansas was last followed by Vandy.
Would SEC football keep Kentucky football around if those Kentucky Basketball perks weren’t on the table? I don’t see why they would. Even with Stoops having done generally much better than expected we’re still frankly bottom feeders.

OTOH, SEC keeps Vandy around and they suck at both pigskin and roundball, so…..

(Are they rifle gods down there?)
hes saying that because St. Johns has no football team. hes just wanting attention again. and he believes when all these big schools get together. it will be less bids for those in mostly basketball only conference
it is one of the dumbest ideas i have seen
it would cause so many sports to be shut down
I believe the opposite. I think having teams in minor sports travel across the country regularly will ultimately result in schools getting rid of some of the minor sports because they are losing too much money on them.
If you've followed Pinto's career he's always in favor of what's best for good old Rick, the hell with everything else.
I believe the opposite. I think having teams in minor sports travel across the country regularly will ultimately result in schools getting rid of some of the minor sports because they are losing too much money on them.
I agree. I mentioned this in another thread, but I think doing travel partners like they did in the PAC12 for years is the best way to go. Games are played on Thursday evening, Sunday afternoon (for any sport that you can do this, soccer, lacrosse, volleyball, etc. In the BIG10, UCLA and USC would be travel partners. And let's say Michigan and Michigan State are travel partners. UCLA would play at Michigan on Thursday and at Michigan State on Sunday. USC would play at Michigan State on Thursday and at Michigan on Sunday. Cuts down on travel and days away from school.
rick injury GIF
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I believe the opposite. I think having teams in minor sports travel across the country regularly will ultimately result in schools getting rid of some of the minor sports because they are losing too much money on them.
Yep. Many people are like "who cares about those sports anyway?" Well, that's ALL of your women's sports, plus baseball, soccer, track, etc
Do you really think we'd get left behind in football? I mean we aren't a powerhouse, but we're more than solid as a p5 school and are often in the top 30 rankings at some point in the season
Yeah I think eventually programs like our would not be able to keep up with what it would take to stay in the race with the other top 15-20 teams. The powers would eventually wanna split all the revenue with themselves. Why would they share with teams that don’t drive their playoffs is my thoughts.
Nope. We are one of the haves. The have nots love this idea of ppl clinging to false hope that the genie ever goes back in the bottle and returns to the pre 2000s. The only way that happens is complete implosion to where the college game is essentially only the ppl w no professional aspirations bc another league comes on the scene to take place as the only choice for potential pros.

So as a have…as an original member of the SEC….let the have nots die and if you aren’t part of the 2 major conferences then you have an uphill battle to consistent relevancy. Let football drive all this and let the basketball program continue to benefit from a budget standpoint from insane football tv contracts. Sorry but I want to stay the premier program and we need to get back to that mentality and excellence. We won’t do it if we get left out of football realignment and removed from the SEC
Apparently the ACC is now considering adding Stanford and Cal.

Imagine the burden that would place on their non-football sports with every single conference road game except one being a cross country four-time-zone journey. Are they really gonna make the women's field hockey team do that?

That's why Pitino's idea at least makes theoretical sense. These new geographically enormous mega-conferences are only suited to football. They mean a travel and logistical nightmare for the other sports.
I don't think that would happen. Football would still bring in the same, if not more, money. It would actually probably save some of these programs money due to travel.

In premise, it's not a bad idea, but it's way too late. Let football be their own world and let the other sports do their thing within their current conference, prior to all of this movement.
what happens when the national brands like Bama, UGA, UM, tOST want a bigger piece of the pie and we know under what Pitino is suggesting it will happen sooner or later
then the money gets squeezed
not to mention UK is locked in the SEC
would you ever want to give up our place at the table
Nope. We are one of the haves. The have nots love this idea of ppl clinging to false hope that the genie ever goes back in the bottle and returns to the pre 2000s. The only way that happens is complete implosion to where the college game is essentially only the ppl w no professional aspirations bc another league comes on the scene to take place as the only choice for potential pros.

So as a have…as an original member of the SEC….let the have nots die and if you aren’t part of the 2 major conferences then you have an uphill battle to consistent relevancy. Let football drive all this and let the basketball program continue to benefit from a budget standpoint from insane football tv contracts. Sorry but I want to stay the premier program and we need to get back to that mentality and excellence. We won’t do it if we get left out of football realignment and removed from the SEC
We are currently one of the haves. With Oklahoma and Texas coming to the SEC, we are about to have less. If the entire college sports system collapses because of a few football teams, people will regret it. It is easy in a position of power to tell everyone else to get lost. But the teams in power have to have someone to be in power of. And anyone that thinks we should eliminate minor sports is wrong. I would be willing to bet, having not done any research at all on it, that if you took the annual salary of college athletes that played football and basketball, compared to the annual salary of college athletes that played minor sports, all when they are 40 years old, the minor sports would win. Even if we say net worth of those athletes, I think the minor sports would win. It is a way to educate kids that otherwise wouldn't get educated. As we've seen, professional athletic salaries are a fleeting thing. Too many football and basketball players make a bunch, and then spend or lose it. The other sports kids get educated and have good careers. I love college sports, but I think fans, yes fans that continue to pay whatever it costs to watch, support, etc., have let this get a bit out of control.
Would SEC football keep Kentucky football around if those Kentucky Basketball perks weren’t on the table? I don’t see why they would. Even with Stoops having done generally much better than expected we’re still frankly bottom feeders.

OTOH, SEC keeps Vandy around and they suck at both pigskin and roundball, so…..

(Are they rifle gods down there?)

USCjr: 597-572-41
UK: 645–640–44
Miss St. 581-590-36

The two other schools bring nothing to basketball.
Of course UK would have a historically better record if we didn’t have administrations treating football as an afterthought for so many decades.

Funny thing: Arkansas is 703-507-37 overall (coming historically from the old SW Conference-but we lead the head to head series against them.

Kentucky brings more to the conference than the other schools mentioned.
Apparently the ACC is now considering adding Stanford and Cal.

Imagine the burden that would place on their non-football sports with every single conference road game except one being a cross country four-time-zone journey. Are they really gonna make the women's field hockey team do that?

That's why Pitino's idea at least makes theoretical sense. These new geographically enormous mega-conferences are only suited to football. They mean a travel and logistical nightmare for the other sports.
Adding those schools would add some academic prestige but you are right about the travel. That seems irresponsible to the member schools to put that kind of burden on them.

From a coaching standpoint however it opens up the west coast to recruiting
It would be a death knell to UK football. SEC would drop us and the football Renisance we have would end. About half of the kids that consider us now do so because they want to play in SEC. Lose that and see what kind of kids we get. Also the revenue sharing peice would be a hot mess. Poorly thoight out proposal that would only benefit schools with no football like his.