Not really a favorite scene, but perhaps the very best acting in a short scene that I can recall ... simply tremendous !!
WTF did I just watch
I really like the head over heels scene.Classic bit from DONNIE DARKO !!! 😎
YES ... DD is full of great scenes and subtexts.I really like the head over heels scene.
Classic bit from DONNIE DARKO !!! 😎
The final battle scene in Platoon. It's builds and builds into a crescendo of violence and tempo. It's the only scene in the movie my Vietnam Veteran father didn't say a word about while watching it. I could see in his eyes he went somewhere during it. I asked why that scene and he said his best friend died in a foxhole as dad ran to get ammo for the pig, a M-60. People said he was an absolute animal in the field, very intense. Crazy cause my dad literally never yelled at me or whipped me once in my life, my mom took care of that. He was a nice drunk ass well.
If anyone can link it, search YouTube for New Years Day Battle Platoon. It would be greatly appreciated.
Not really a favorite scene, but perhaps the very best acting in a short scene that I can recall ... simply tremendous !!
Thank you brother. I 100% appreciate you for doing that man. I truly do. You're good people. I know every single line of that scene.
The whole movie is GREAT. My Dad and his Brothers were Nam Vets. One of them never made it back. He's got effects of Agent Orange and it took years for our government to give him even a 50% benefit. I have stuff going on now that may have been passed on by Dad due to the exposure. Anywho, I'm quite misty eyed at the very end of the movie, when Chris is being taken away by the helicopter and the moment just hits him and that quote he says on the helicopter as it goes into Adagio for Strings. Gives me chills to this day. Just a fantastic movie and one of my favorites.Thank you brother. I 100% appreciate you for doing that man. I truly do. You're good people. I know every single line of that scene.