What are you listening to?

The switch up at 1:20...

drake GIF
Anyone that is my age range (granted, that's a small group in the larger context of this message board) that attended Reds baseball games in the 70's should get a nostalgic kick out of this.

BTW - corny as it is, this guy is an absolute boss, in his own, don't give two fvcks way. When I was watching this, I pictured his neighbors losing their sh*t, because it looks like he lives in an apartment complex, and based on the limited sample of his videos I watched, he's partial to playing that old classic Hammond on Sunday mornings, and he's not shy about "GIVING IT THE GAS"

It's early Sunday morning, you closed down the bars, got in around 3:00 am. You've taken a couple of aspirin, laid down, and just when you are drifting off into a nice, deep slumber... well, you get the picture, LOL

Just sublimely perfect in the most quirky and humorous of ways. LOL

Music/instrument/genre aside... this makes me chuckle, smile, and happy on so many levels. Thanks for indulging me. LOL

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