Hoosier Fan I understand what you are trying to say. I can tell you are proud of your MBA business degree thinking, however, it is also true that Indiana basketball has been irrevelant for over a decade. I have family and friends in Indiana, many have Kentucky roots from 50 years ago - many became big IU fans and thought Bobby Knight could walk on water. But think about the last two decades including Bobby Knight's last decade as Coach - what has Indiana basketball accomplished on the court? I and many other college fans do feel for many Indiana fans - we sure went thru a similar period in the waning years of Tubby and the short period of Billy G. It so hard to fanthom that IU has put up with this poor showing. It is also very hard for all the MBA Business guys like you talk about to allow such a product to be put out representing IU all these years.
If you wish to discuss business degrees that is great. But also don't start comparing Kentucky's professional's failures in sports and saying they are all going to be that way. You show a person from Chicago we all know about who failed miserably managing his money. We know that many of the athletes fail - but you fail to mention is how many of the "modern" last 15 years have failed and how many of John Calipari's players have failed. You see, it is much like public schools in general today - most schooling doesn't include how to balance a check book, how to compare insurance policies, how to know how much house you can afford, etc., etc, etc. Is that a college failing - or is that public education and parents failing?
The basketball players at Kentucky are also instructed in public relations, speaking and how to handle their money for the future. Not everyone passes every course, but if you will study what has and is happening at Kentucky, who you want to throw rocks at, you find that a very strong attempt is made to "educate" the players to be good citizen's and pay back from their enormous earnings. Why don't you compare how much John Calipari's players have donated back to their home communities, their pro home communities and to the University of Kentucky. Then compare that to your Indiana Hoosier Alumni. I think you will find you will have to be very humbled.
It's a shame that many, many IU basketball fans are very bitter about other basketball programs and UK in particular. I understand their pride of a once great and proud program. Now it is only a proud program - it is definitely not a great program. Just think about all the Basketball programs that have blown by IU. You think I am just poking fun? Who's program is currently better - Wichita State or IU? Arizona or IU? Wisconsin or IU? Florida or IU? VCU or IU? Villanova or IU? Virginia or IU? Gonzaga or IU? Oklahoma or IU? San Diego State or IU? These are just some programs that immediately come to mind. IU's fans deserve a basketball program that competes.
I have family in friends at Tennessee, they have made my life miserable about our football program. I love UK and attended UK. I want UK to be competitive in both basketball and football as well as anything else we field a team in. We have endured the pain of losing and looking incompetent in football for much longer than IU has in basketball. Tennessee has fallen on some hard times recently as well - just like IU has in basketball, but they appear to be building another "powerful" program. It is easy for them - they have the biggest and baddest of everything in that sport. Fortunately for UK, we have decided we wish to participate in football again too! It is much harder and it takes much longer to build a competitive football program - but UK is well on its way - finally!
Again can you say that about IU basketball? In reality what has Tom Crean ever done as a basketball coach? He had one good year led by a basketball star named Dwayne Wade. Eliminate the Wade year's and what has he really accomplished? A sweet sixteen run and a very early in the season home biased buzzer beater win over UK. I give you those points - now provide some other proof he has done well and is a good choice? IU is being laughed at by it's decisions in basketball. Bobby Knight in his prime, love him or hate him, was a great basketball Coach - but since then IU has not found the guy. But you want find the guy when your MBA guys gives a very mediocre coach a "guaranteed" buyout that is huge in comparison to your future Cody Zeller earnings you are convinced of.
Hoosier Fan, I understand your defending your program, but going after Kentucky is wrong way to show your pride. It runs very natural in Indiana, as again, I have many friends and that is all they do is throw this stuff around. You guys need to be taking your venom and depression out on the IU adminstration. If you attacked them with as much vigor as you do UK on these sports boards you might get a good coach to come to Indiana and build it back. Personally we hope you guys concentrate on UK, let us and unfortunately UL take your state's best basketball players because they want to play for coaches like Calipari and Pitino. They want to play for almost anyone else but Tom Crean. While you preach to us look at your program in detail. How many players has Crean recruited to Indiana that have left the program for some mysterious reason before they graduate? It may surprise you find out you have as many one and done players as Kentucky has!
Take the time to chew on the facts I have mentioned above. I may get hammered by a lot of Kentucky fans, but we on these boards think we have a lot more power than we do. We want IU to focus on jealousy and not on improving their situation. We will always get the last laugh! IU can live in the past and enjoy their history - but it isn't helping them now - IU's basketball history is now almost as ancient as the once powerful Greeks!
Go Big Blue!