Wagner at the PG or SG position

which planet were you born on that you even consider thinking DJ is not Cal's starting point guard. The planet Cluelus?
Wow! A little rough on a fellow UK fan. I could see him at times as the shooting guard, but mainly due to his driving ability. His shot selection will be better than in high school. He will not be forced to carry the team like in high school. I could see a different player carry us each game. We have a lot of pieces to work with.
Wagner doesn’t having the shooting ability of quickly. He is the PG, and you play dillingham and reeves off ball and rotate them in with some secondary creator roles
Hopefully, Cal finds 12-15 mpg for Reed somewhere in the rotation. He makes a positive impact and anticipates the game better than anyone I've seen in awhile. We should have no problem rotating guys on the perimeter. A lot will depend on whether Edwards plays the majority of his at the 3 or 4 spot.
Which one do you think Cal will start him at. He is a combo guard to me like Quickley was
1. I think he plays more PG
2. To play more SG we'd have to commit to a ton of Dilly and Wagenr on floor at same tiime
3. I think Reeves will for sure play 30 mpg and I do think Edwards will start and get tons of minutes at SF

So all that said....the SG and SF will be a ton of Reeves/Edwards. So that tells me not a ton of Dilly and Wagner together.
Wow! A little rough on a fellow UK fan. I could see him at times as the shooting guard, but mainly due to his driving ability. His shot selection will be better than in high school. He will not be forced to carry the team like in high school. I could see a different player carry us each game. We have a lot of pieces to work with.
Lol no worries he not rough on me