Vitale Wants Larry Brown Banned, Compliments Boeheim, Doesn't Mention Roy

Vitale has no credibility if he is going to shelter his favorites from criticism and go after Brown . Be fair Vitale and treat everybody the same , don't just look at who the NCAA went after because we all know how corrupt they are . Roy is every bit as dirty if not more so and you don't say anything , you should be ashamed .
I know Vitale defends Cal and rightfully so, but he plays favorites. I'm not sure that he'd jump to Cal's defense if he didn't like him so much on a personal basis.
How is he wrong on this? I agree, 3 different schools with PROVEN issues. I think the UNC thing is ridiculous, no doubt. But, it is still pending (although I believe nothing will happen). If and when that "nothing" occurs then there should be a national public outcry. It has nothing to do with Larry Brown. Vitale can't really say anything about UNC other than acknowledging the known issues and the NCAA investigation. He can't draw conclusions. That is not his position. He can certainly comment on a concluded investigation.
How is he wrong on this? I agree, 3 different schools with PROVEN issues. I think the UNC thing is ridiculous, no doubt. But, it is still pending (although I believe nothing will happen). If and when that "nothing" occurs then there should be a national public outcry. It has nothing to do with Larry Brown. Vitale can't really say anything about UNC other than acknowledging the known issues and the NCAA investigation. He can't draw conclusions. That is not his position. He can certainly comment on a concluded investigation.

You sound like Hillary Clinton.
How is he wrong on this? I agree, 3 different schools with PROVEN issues. I think the UNC thing is ridiculous, no doubt. But, it is still pending (although I believe nothing will happen). If and when that "nothing" occurs then there should be a national public outcry. It has nothing to do with Larry Brown. Vitale can't really say anything about UNC other than acknowledging the known issues and the NCAA investigation. He can't draw conclusions. That is not his position. He can certainly comment on a concluded investigation.

He isn't wrong about Brown but Vitale plays favorites. How can he call out Brown and then kiss Boeheim's ass when he has put Syracuse on probation twice in his time there. Has any other coach put their own program on probation twice?? Not even Larry Brown has done that. If Brown needs to be banned - and i agree he does, then so does Boehiem.
He isn't wrong about Brown but Vitale plays favorites. How can he call out Brown and then kiss Boeheim's ass when he has put Syracuse on probation twice in his time there. Has any other coach put their own program on probation twice?? Not even Larry Brown has done that. If Brown needs to be banned - and i agree he does, then so does Boehiem.

Read the facts, Jack!
He isn't wrong about Brown but Vitale plays favorites. How can he call out Brown and then kiss Boeheim's ass when he has put Syracuse on probation twice in his time there. Has any other coach put their own program on probation twice?? Not even Larry Brown has done that. If Brown needs to be banned - and i agree he does, then so does Boehiem.
Agreed 100 %.
should an announcer who sees through one eye- speaks from both sides of his mouth- and whose hyperbole that borders on dementia be allowed to broadcast anymore.Even espn has put his love child the general out to pasture.

Ncaa should look into Dicks mistakes on air with a fine tooth comb and let Espn know the gig is up
Vitale has already drawn his conclusion about UNC when he commented about how bad he felt for UNC . Vitale believes that fairy tale bs that UNC pumps and not the real corrupted school that it is . He's wrong because he picks and chooses , he gave Boheim a pass and wil give Roy one as well no matter what . Know biased when you see it .
There was a time a liked Vitale. Was. He should quit, but I guess ESPN is determined to give him a mic until he finally proves himself a blathering idiot.

I imagine Vitale will be 6 feet under ground pushing up daisies somewhere in Durham, but just keep on talking from the beyond about which sproutlets he's pushing up will be diaper dandelions. General Knight is buried next to him face down, as he requested so his critics can kiss his ass.
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This doesn't surprise me, we all know he plays favorites and the NCAA doesn't get anything right as far as sanctioning a program for violations committed:uzi::bomb::boom::fire:
Why does UK continue to have no iissues with former players and coaches? Why is it always Kansas, UNC, and SMU that end up FACTUALLY having to wash off stink? And the funny part is one of them touts "the way" and claims sainthood over basketball.

I swear, if Noam Chomsky cared about college basketball, watch out!
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Vitale has no credibility if he is going to shelter his favorites from criticism and go after Brown . Be fair Vitale and treat everybody the same , don't just look at who the NCAA went after because we all know how corrupt they are . Roy is every bit as dirty if not more so and you don't say anything , you should be ashamed .

How is he wrong on this? I agree, 3 different schools with PROVEN issues. I think the UNC thing is ridiculous, no doubt. But, it is still pending (although I believe nothing will happen). If and when that "nothing" occurs then there should be a national public outcry. It has nothing to do with Larry Brown. Vitale can't really say anything about UNC other than acknowledging the known issues and the NCAA investigation. He can't draw conclusions. That is not his position. He can certainly comment on a concluded investigation.

He isn't wrong about Brown but Vitale plays favorites. How can he call out Brown and then kiss Boeheim's ass when he has put Syracuse on probation twice in his time there. Has any other coach put their own program on probation twice?? Not even Larry Brown has done that. If Brown needs to be banned - and i agree he does, then so does Boehiem.

The issue is hes more than ready to slam Brown, only because Brown isnt one of his pals. He should either criticize all or none.

I really think his time at ESPN is coming to a close. Ive noticed hes doing periscopes and has his own personal blog (I think its personal. It may be tied to ESPN still. Ive never ready it because I dont care what it says). I think he, or his agent, knows his run is about over.
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I believe you don't throw rocks when you live in a glass house.

It has been over a quarter of a century since UofK basketball was hammered by the NCAA. There are those out there that make remarks from time to time how "dirty" UofK is...the record has not shown that for a quarter of a century.

Thanks to Sandy Bell and the UK administration, and the most significant boosters, UofK has stayed away from issues. You know they have because the NCAA would love to nail Cal. Cal knows this and he realizes how important Kentucky basketball is to everyone in BBN whether you are a fan, administrator, graduate, student-athlete etc.

We have seen for the last 5 years, a school "above it all" and "superior to all" spin and block and undermine all attempts to come clean by what if you look at the information presented appears to be the most abusive scandal Division I athletics has ever seen. Ironically, the regulatory body of intercollegiate athletics, the most powerful sports media network, and others surrounding college athletics seems to not want to treat all equal and don't want to touch the perception of a program that skillfully marketed itself as a model of excellence, academically and athletically. It's architect spun his way in to being untouchable and a saint. Some of us have always known the truth about that architect.

If the regulatory body does not give the "superior" institution a probationary sentence that fits the 25 years of academic fraud, lack of institutional control, improper benefits, etc., the regulatory body in Indianapolis will undoubtedly will have made the decision to cease operations.
Larry probably does not come to his fundraising events, ts.

Bilas had some good tweets yesterday about context and details about the 3 events. Some guys get black hats and some get white hats.
Vitale is only a symptom of the real problem.As clevenger 32 says the big issue is at UNC and no one in the media or the NCAA is willing to address it(or even talk about it in terms that actually depict what has gone on for more than a generation)

I would love to see SMU (and any of a half dozen other institutions that have been sanctioned by the NCAA during the joke of an investigation at UNC) go to NCAA HQ and protest(with signs,marchers and people speaking openly about the mess at UNC)
Reading some of the replies to Dick V's tweet and look who chimes in he says Roy didn't know about academic fraud and the FATZ scandal.

Me ‏@Unc_fan_in_ky 1h1 hour ago
@raphor @wayneordogne rose from Chicago. WWW from Detroit..Rise took test in Detroit. Cal gets players thru WWW... Cal knew !

That joker lives in the same town as I do, and may God help him if I ever see him again after UNC goes on probation. He is the biggest blowhard idiot on the planet. Trust me on this one.

I should have taken a picture of him for all of you to see. I have a good memory, however. A really good memory.......

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That joker lives in the same town as I do, and may God help him if I ever see him again after UNC goes on probation. He is the biggest blowhard idiot on the planet. Trust me on this one.

I should have taken a picture of him for all of you to see. I have a good memory, however. A really good memory.......


I remember him and you always going at it. I replied to his tweet and said that since Cal has ties to WWW and Rose took test in Detroit where WWW is from coincidence and that Cal had to know due to that fact....that you are pretty much saying that since Wayne followed Roy to UNC and Wayne was in all of those email conversations that Roy knew about the academic fraud forever. He hasn't replied. I also said that it is funny that FATZ rental cars were all over UNC campus with tickets on them and that must have just been a coincidence too.
Whether you agree with it or not (I mostly don't), Vitale is standing on the grounds that this happened at three different schools. I think you could make an argument that Brown is a bigger cheater than Jim B and Roy, simply because he's done this at so many places.. But Vitale really should be questioning his buddies at UNC and Cuse.

I haven't kept up on the whole UNC thing. last I remembered following it, I said "it just feels like this whole thing is being covered up by Roy, UNC, ESPN and the NCAA" and I dropped it in defeat. If something comes about this in the way of sanctions or punishment, then Vitale will have to make a statement on the single biggest cheating scandal in NCAA and Basketball history. If he stays quiet or defends, then that pretty much shows the integrity of Vitale in just 140 characters.
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That joker lives in the same town as I do, and may God help him if I ever see him again after UNC goes on probation. He is the biggest blowhard idiot on the planet. Trust me on this one.

I should have taken a picture of him for all of you to see. I have a good memory, however. A really good memory.......

I sure don't remember running into you.
Completely forgot about that. 3 vs 1 and 1 is different than 3 vs 2 and 1. Welp, there goes my last and only defense of Vitale in this scenario.
I sure don't remember running into you.

You didn't know it was me, but it sure was obvious it was you.

Just wait, UNC's day is coming. Crawl into a corner and wait. The Boogeyman is going to come out of the closet soon to get your beloved Tar Cheats. And on that day, I'll have a party, an endless one. I will laugh forever. Can't wait, traitor!
You didn't know it was me, but it sure was obvious it was you.

Just wait, UNC's day is coming. Crawl into a corner and wait. The Boogeyman is going to come out of the closet soon to get your beloved Tar Cheats. And on that day, I'll have a party, an endless one. I will laugh forever. Can't wait, traitor!
Not sure I believe your story but have a nice day.
Not sure I believe your story but have a nice day.

Well, you can believe it or not, but you are just as big an idiot in person as you are on here. Not to mention, a goofy-looking one at that.

Keep on being a traitor, rooting for crooks, and wearing sissy blue. All the while, KNOW that I will be laughing at you.