USA TODAY article

He’s already said NUMEROUS times that he won’t accept a penny less than the ENTIRE buyout. So we are stuck with him for at least 2 more years. Sad, but that’s where we are thanks to Mitch Barnhart. Maybe holding Mitch accountable for that HORRIBLE contract that is like a ball and chain on the program!!
People can say what they want about Harbaugh but when he wasn’t getting results, he went and reworked his deal because he wanted to stay the coach. At this point, I think Cal wants to be fired.
He’s already said NUMEROUS times that he won’t accept a penny less than the ENTIRE buyout. So we are stuck with him for at least 2 more years. Sad, but that’s where we are thanks to Mitch Barnhart. Maybe holding Mitch accountable for that HORRIBLE contract that is like a ball and chain on the program!!
Where did he say this?
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Where did he say this?
Behind the scenes to people that are close to him. Heck, he said during the selection show footage from his house on a hot Mike that if UK fired him, he and Ellen would have enough money to buy their own island.
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He’s already said NUMEROUS times that he won’t accept a penny less than the ENTIRE buyout. So we are stuck with him for at least 2 more years. Sad, but that’s where we are thanks to Mitch Barnhart. Maybe holding Mitch accountable for that HORRIBLE contract that is like a ball and chain on the program!!
You do realize that President Capulito and the Board of Trustees had to approve the contract. Any one of them could have nixed that deal…and none did. They are all to blame
He’s already said NUMEROUS times that he won’t accept a penny less than the ENTIRE buyout. So we are stuck with him for at least 2 more years. Sad, but that’s where we are thanks to Mitch Barnhart. Maybe holding Mitch accountable for that HORRIBLE contract that is like a ball and chain on the program!!
We're dead. The program is dead

Eff Cal and Eff Mitch.
I'll second exactly what Dan Wolken writes in this article.

I had such high hopes for Calipari. The first press conference he ever gave after getting here had all of us full of hope, even despite a colored and controversial past. He was so impressive, at least that Calipari was, the humble kind and with much more humility than he shows today (my guess is that that is part of his downfall). Karma is not usually very nice to those who don't show a lot of humility. He is the author of his own misfortune. He is the owner of a very bad business model, and then relies on one excuse after another to cover his own coaching shortcomings and the aforesaid bad business model that is not built for March but is built squarely for failure.

Dan Wolken is right and hopefully soon, when Calipari realizes that not just Kentucky fans are calling for him to step down, then maybe he'll actually do it. Before the A&M game, I actually thought it was possible even after winning at Tennessee that this team could flame out and lose their last two. Unbelievably, that's what they did. We weren't fine. And we damn well were not built for March.
Dan Wolken, VERY well written article. Why would Cal want to subject himself to that level of negative atmosphere if he were to stay? For God sake enjoy your remaining years in peace, just leave.
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I'll second exactly what Dan Wolken writes in this article.

I had such high hopes for Calipari. The first press conference he ever gave after getting here had all of us full of hope, even despite a colored and controversial past. He was so impressive, at least that Calipari was, the humble kind and with much more humility than he shows today (my guess is that that is part of his downfall). Karma is not usually very nice to those who don't show a lot of humility. He is the author of his own misfortune. He is the owner of a very bad business model, and then relies on one excuse after another to cover his own coaching shortcomings and the aforesaid bad business model that is not built for March but is built squarely for failure.

Dan Wolken is right and hopefully soon, when Calipari realizes that not just Kentucky fans are calling for him to step down, then maybe he'll actually do it. Before the A&M game, I actually thought it was possible even after winning at Tennessee that this team could flame out and lose their last two. Unbelievably, that's what they did. We weren't fine. And we damn well were not built for March.
I miss that Cal. That Cal was fun.

But once he won that title he got metaphorically fat and happy. Which is fine for a year or so. Natural even. We all do it. You graduate, you take that summer to really unwind and have some fun before while job hunting a bit. You get promoted you celebrate for a week or so.

But if you rest there you will decay. Whelp. Guess where we are.
Can't say I disagree.

If Cal stays, next year will be so ugly. If the team sucks, which it very well could, it will get nuclear.

I hope Cal, Mitch and the powers that be at UK take Wolken's advice and neogotiate a reduced buyout and let Cal craft a "Did the best that I could, but I think it's time to move on" kind of statement. He can either retire, go into broadcasting or coach somewhere else for one last hurrah. That, to me, is a better option than a messy firing that will be a PR nightmare for the university or, worse, allowing Cal to continue coaching with an angry fanbase, likely a mediocre product on the court and the program continuing to drift into the abyss of mediocrity.
Need more of this and not let up. Everyone knows this is unacceptable and not Kentucky Basketball all across the nation. Yet the goons in charge here have enabled it and are solely responsible for Kentucky being in the shape they are in today. If you can't fire Cal, go after the next biggest problem, Barnfart.
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Can't say I disagree.

If Cal stays, next year will be so ugly. If the team sucks, which it very well could, it will get nuclear.

I hope Cal, Mitch and the powers that be at UK take Wolken's advice and neogotiate a reduced buyout and let Cal craft a "Did the best that I could, but I think it's time to move on" kind of statement. He can either retire, go into broadcasting or coach somewhere else for one last hurrah. That, to me, is a better option than a messy firing that will be a PR nightmare for the university or, worse, allowing Cal to continue coaching with an angry fanbase, likely a mediocre product on the court and the program continuing to drift into the abyss of mediocrity.
I get the feeling that Calipari is a "I can take the heat" kind of guy, and is going to martyr himself to the very end in his pursuit to simultaneously destroy this program while getting as many recruits drafted as possible. And at the very end he's going to spill some bullshit about how "I do this for the kids and their families, it's just a game".
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Dan Wolken, VERY well written article. Why would Cal want to subject himself to that level of negative atmosphere if he were to stay? For God sake enjoy your remaining years in peace, just leave.
I can’t see how he will stay in Lexington knowing that every interview he gives, the interviewer isn’t even listening to him, etc. He KNOWS his credibility is forever gone here. Nobody sticks around under those circumstances………unless they’re just using the school as a vehicle to achieve their own goals. So he stays since his recruiting is still going well and we are hostages. Sigh.
if he comes back, lets just accept UK isn't going to win the SEC regular season, is not going to win the SECT, and its unlikely UK will advance past the second game of the NCAA tourney

some of you will think I am kidding with this, but I am not.

with that said, then why would an AD support him if he demands a full buyout. Save money by firing his assistant coaches and replace them with grad students, drastically cut the recruiting budget and ask NIL donors to consider donating to an athletic fund that ostensibly would be used to buyout Cal.

Those moves are at least $4m

UK will tank but Cal will get the blame, he can go on national television and lash out but that only makes him look greedy. If Cal is putting UK in a no win situation by not leaving, UK can tighten the screws to where not only is he miserable but the failure of the program gets squarely put at his feet , if he objects to this publicly it severely damages any chance he has to land at a major p5 program after UK and it puts UK in a position the following year to pay his buyout without taking much of a hit in their athletics budget. Bring in a $6m a year coach and you more or less break even on Cal in 5 years.

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