UNC *** system president being asked to step down

Next it will be the student dorm's janitor. Anybody but the people who were actually responsible in the athletic department.
Another domino falls:

CHAPEL HILL Tom Ross, president of the University of North Carolina, will leave the job following an agreement with the system's Board of Governors, according to two sources close to the situation.

A joint announcement from Ross and the Board of Governors is expected at the board's regular meeting in Chapel Hill Friday.

Ross is 64. Past UNC presidents have customarily retired at 65, but Ross was not ready to retire, sources said, and was asked to leave the position. He is expected to stay in the job until next January.

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Hopefully I'm completely wrong, but I believe the NCAA is taking its sweet time and allowing UNC to clean house as they see fit. That way when a light punishment comes down, the NCAA can point to this and say "look how hard they are trying to get rid of the bad apples on their own."
Originally posted by Re2126:
Hopefully I'm completely wrong, but I believe the NCAA is taking its sweet time and allowing UNC to clean house as they see fit. That way when a light punishment comes down, the NCAA can point to this and say "look how hard they are trying to get rid of the bad apples on their own."
I believe you are right. I look for a very light punishment for those UNC***cheaters. IF is light then other schools the NCAA came down hard on should sue the heck out of the NCAA cheaters.
Poor fella will be relegated to drinking colars and golfing at Pinehurst daily. Luckily Roy still has a house there, the one where the former player was arrested.
So, they can't find a replacement until next January? Sounds like they expect something to happen between now and then.
this can't be true, according to UNC fans it was just one rogue professor
In UNCheat***'s official statement, they praise Ross up and down, said he's done a terrific job, said they had complete confidence in how he would guide them in the future, said it had nothing to do with his age...

Then refused to give a reason why they fired him.

And then, "Past UNC presidents have customarily retired at 65. Ross, who is 64, was given a pay increase to $600,000 base salary in a contract through Jan. 3 of next year, plus 10 percent of his salary in a retirement plan. The board also may provide additional increases, though it did not specify what those might be. Ross will eventually join the faculty of the UNC-Chapel Hill School of Government after a research leave, the statement said."

Some firing.

Read more here:
Next up: Chancellor Folt

Eventually, someone will tell us whether Roy loses his job after a fat increase.

Im counting on recruiting to take major hits until SOMEONE provides closure.
Originally posted by Re2126:
Hopefully I'm completely wrong, but I believe the NCAA is taking its sweet time and allowing UNC to clean house as they see fit. That way when a light punishment comes down, the NCAA can point to this and say "look how hard they are trying to get rid of the bad apples on their own."
This is the way it looks.
Is this a joke? They asking a 64 year old to step down in a year. Meanwhile where gonna give you a raise and 10% of his retirement.
Originally posted by Chuckinden:

Originally posted by Re2126:
Hopefully I'm completely wrong, but I believe the NCAA is taking its sweet time and allowing UNC to clean house as they see fit. That way when a light punishment comes down, the NCAA can point to this and say "look how hard they are trying to get rid of the bad apples on their own."
This is the way it looks.
Yep, I think that is the plan. The more they fire and let go, the easier the NCAA might be easier on them.
What is funny is SMU just received a Letter of Inquiry for academic issues and UNC is overlooked for years of academic fraud.
The money is starting to flow to out all the top officials.

On a side not, article in the local paper saying that the UNC system has to raise tuition next year 5%. Guess they have to pay all those legal fees UNC Chapel Hill has incured trying to bury this story.
Originally posted by KyFaninNC:
The money is starting to flow to out all the top officials.

On a side not, article in the local paper saying that the UNC system has to raise tuition next year 5%. Guess they have to pay all those legal fees UNC Chapel Hill has incured trying to bury this story.

All of these investigations are paid for by private funds so information can be denied when FOIA requests are made. The Ram's club keeps that money flowing to protect the banners.