UN Of Basketball Cover Picture


Jan 2, 2010
I saw this year's Cats Pause Kentucky Basketball Yearbook picture this morning and really liked it. Pretty cool picture with the players and I thought I would share it.

Sorry Mav, I must be getting old because the thought didn't occur to me. http:// http://
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If Tai Wynyard joins the team this season someone will need to Photoshop him into that picture with a New Zealand flag. We still need to add a Chinese player to the team. I figured after Coach Cal's coaching clinic over there a few years back, it might have lead to a player from China joining the team.

Every coach will start going after more international players to keep up. Coach K, Izzo, and Self are going after lots of one and done players now. Next they will hit up international players big time. Time for Coach Cal to bring in aliens, and I don't mean the illegal kind. Someone should Photoshop a bunch of aliens on the Cats Pause Yearbook.
Hawkins off the team now as well?
Uh-oh. Has the penalty for stealing gotten worse in that part of the world?

Used to be just a hand, but if Hawkins is doing it every time the opposing PG comes down the court, they might start lopping off other body parts.
imagine trying to stop ulis from delivering a bomb. no drone is going to stop that. he's much too quick.