Ulis is a Turn Coat

Let's not forget who it was that put all of these former players into this awkward position in the first place.

Cal already has amassed over $100 million in career earnings. Even if he only has 50% of that remaining, he could have lived off the interest alone and taken the ambassador job at $1 million/year. Not a bad gig to promote our program for the next coach - pressure free and truly within his skillset.

Instead, he chose the pathway of greed and pride and ended up creating a Civil War within the former player community.

Let us never forget the real reason all of this happened.
I believe each and every player has a voice. You may not agree with what they say but, they gave an opinion. I still like them all and am thankful for what they did here at UK. I do not know how you managed to blame that Ulis comment on Cals greed and pride.
A Civil War? God man, you are the one that was threatening to burn the house down because Pope was hired. Who made you give those many, many hateful comments in regard to the Pope hire.
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I always find it hilarious when fans try to call out ex players, ones who have put on the jersey and put in the work to be on the court, as not worthy of being welcomed back to campus. All youve done is sit in your butt and cheer from afar. Who they hell are you to tell these guys that they aren’t welcomed back?
Who has put in more of their own personal resources to help Kentucky Basketball succeed the fans who have funded the program for decades or the player who spends 1 year there? This is like saying the hourly employee at Walmart is more important than the investors, or can't be criticized because he is doing manual labor.

I'm not gonna trash any player for no reason and I think this example in the post is probably a bit of a stretch, but this notion that players are beyond reproach just because they wore our jersey and played for the team we like is silly.
He is an employee of the University of Arkansas now. I would expect nothing different. He has to live with the fans there and they pay his salary.

Now, Reed Shepherd is another thing. His loyalty to John Calipari over the university/state is interesting although I have nothing against him choosing to support them over UK. People don’t think the same way that I do - it doesn’t make them evil or bad. With his parents being true blue, I was surprised at his support for Arkansas, but stranger things have happened I guess.
Money talks.
He likes red better than blue. Good for him and Kentucky should never let him forget it. He volunteered that statement without being asked. His action is far more agregis than RP. While being coach of UofSmell, RP clearly stated his affinity for UK by calling it Camelot which is totally opposite of what is coming out of Ulis. Ulis could have carried out the functions of his invisible coaching job without taking shots at Big Blue. Since he chose otherwise, he should not be welcomed back to UK. Finally, his action is worse than Reed because at least he wore both colors equally.
He has a UK jersey tatted on his back, LMDcard.
He didn’t say he hated UK.

That being said, I like Ulis…… that pic of him with blood running down his face is iconic. Still, he won nothing here and was here two years. The guys who won titles & a select few are legends. Cals renegades will always be just that.
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I get angry even thinking coach Pope once supported BYU blue over UK blue.
He likes red better than blue. Good for him and Kentucky should never let him forget it. He volunteered that statement without being asked. His action is far more agregis than RP. While being coach of UofSmell, RP clearly stated his affinity for UK by calling it Camelot which is totally opposite of what is coming out of Ulis. Ulis could have carried out the functions of his invisible coaching job without taking shots at Big Blue. Since he chose otherwise, he should not be welcomed back to UK. Finally, his action is worse than Reed because at least he wore both colors equally.
Easy dude. He’s just trying to be a coach and take his opportunities where he can. Get some help dude. Life ain’t this serious and you don’t make the rules.
He is an employee of the University of Arkansas now. I would expect nothing different. He has to live with the fans there and they pay his salary.

Now, Reed Shepherd is another thing. His loyalty to John Calipari over the university/state is interesting although I have nothing against him choosing to support them over UK. People don’t think the same way that I do - it doesn’t make them evil or bad. With his parents being true blue, I was surprised at his support for Arkansas, but stranger things have happened I guess.
He wore both teams. One for his school one for his coach. Did he ever say he was pulling for one over the other?
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I never understood the delusions that ulis was anything more than a cal guy. He literally has zero connection to uk.

Cal bailed him out by giving him a job after ulis had some things go wrong and perhaps involved in questionable decision making.

He's team Cal all the way as he probably should be given the above. Im sure he loves uk too but no way hes choosing against Cal.
Being severely injured in a sober car crash where(not that I've seen) he wasn't driving recklessly is Ulis fault that he needs to take blame for the rest of his life?
Easy dude. He’s just trying to be a coach and take his opportunities where he can. Get some help dude. Life ain’t this serious and you don’t make the rules.
Finding an opportunity doesn't mean that you throw shade at the school you played at. He volunteered those words; they were not solicited from him. I may not make the rules, but I do make my posts and decide what I put in them even you, dude, don't like it. Ulis isn't a fool. He knew exactly what he was doing and he knew it wouldn't be well received. If he can make that statement, others should be able to respond to it as they see fit.
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I never understood the delusions that ulis was anything more than a cal guy. He literally has zero connection to uk.

Cal bailed him out by giving him a job after ulis had some things go wrong and perhaps involved in questionable decision making.

He's team Cal all the way as he probably should be given the above. Im sure he loves uk too but no way hes choosing against Cal.
No one asked him to choose anything. It is almost like he needed some attention, so he made a statement that shouldn't sit well with UK fans.
I always find stuff like the original post to be so cringe, cringe to get that worked up over something dumb.

All sports consists of hired mercenaries. Very few hometown guys stay.
Well if he is nothing more than a hired mercenary, why are you bothered by my post about the mercenary?
He didn’t say he hated UK.

That being said, I like Ulis…… that pic of him with blood running down his face is iconic. Still, he won nothing here and was here two years. The guys who won titles & a select few are legends. Cals renegades will always be just that.
2 SECT's, 2 SEC regular season championships, 2015 final four.
Shut the hell up! These players gave their blood, sweat and tears to come play here and gave you a lot of exciting moments. All you all can do is bellyache if they don't wear blue 24/7.

These former players also coach in other places, NOT wearing Kentucky Blue...wanna bash them too??

Dwight Perry
Scott Padgett
Steve Masiello
Allen Edwards
Travis Ford
Walter McCarty
Sean Woods

Bunch of f'n snowflakes
What the hell does blood, sweat and tears have to do with the unsolicited statement of a color preference for red vs blue? You may not be a snowflake, but you appear to be intellectually challenged.
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He likes red better than blue. Good for him and Kentucky should never let him forget it. He volunteered that statement without being asked. His action is far more agregis than RP. While being coach of UofSmell, RP clearly stated his affinity for UK by calling it Camelot which is totally opposite of what is coming out of Ulis. Ulis could have carried out the functions of his invisible coaching job without taking shots at Big Blue. Since he chose otherwise, he should not be welcomed back to UK. Finally, his action is worse than Reed because at least he wore both colors equally.

Grow up
So we hang SEC Banners now?

2015 final four. Did u miss that? That is a banner and something.

Are u saying the only guys who won things here the past 65 years are guys from 78, 96, 98 and 2012?

Why does this board worship guys like chuck Hayes, bogans and prince? They didn't even make a final four like Ulis. Did they win nothing here?

I love those guys and think they won things that mattered. I'm asking u. Be consistent.
Some of you guys are truly the most sensitive snowflakes I've ever seen in my life. Good lord.

Ulis played under Cal for 2 years and has coached under him for a few more. He's got a close personal relationship with him at this point. All of you would value a relationship like that over being a fan of a basketball team.

Not to mention Ulis is trying to further his career. Again, none of you would put some blind allegiance to UK over your future career prospects. If you wanted to get a PhD and were offered a place to do so at Arkansas after graduating from UK would you have turned it down because it's Arkansas? No. That's all Ulis is doing, trying to further his career.

Can you all stop whining and realize there's more to life than the UK basketball team?
Not sure I understand your point. You can further your career and do those things without taking shots at your former school. Those aren't mutually inclusive things. Secondly, Ulis is an adult. If he did indeed make such a comment, I see no problem with some backlash. Too suggest that he can level criticism at his former school, but no one should be able to criticize him back is textbook snowflake Karenpalooza crap.
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Wasn’t it reported he wanted to be in Pope’s staff and was told no? I dont hold it against him to pay his bills there. Don’t throw shade at UK though.
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I couldn’t care less about any of Cal’s players, they all had one foot out the door. If they stayed more than a year it was because thet had to. Have Gun, Will Travel.
That’s true but a few players have been outspoken they didn’t have a choice in the matter of if they stayed or not. So Cal really created that environment. Some of the guys are good guys.
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I hate the color red and always have. I don't own even one red shirt. I've just never liked it. Never had to wear it in sports and don't root for a team that is red. (Sorry Reds fans, baseball is the only sport I never played so I obviously don't watch it.)
The color orange has entered the chat
Ulis, like almost every other player of the Cal era outside of a couple bad apples, was amazing here. There wasn’t a fan who didn’t love him.

He literally said he personally prefers red over blue. Also, Cal recruited him, coached him, helped get him drafted, and has now hired him because he can no longer play basketball. If you were Ulis, where would you place your loyalty, especially when speaking to the media?
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Ulis, like almost every other player of the Cal era outside of a couple bad apples, was amazing here. There wasn’t a fan who didn’t love him.

He literally said he personally prefers red over blue. Also, Cal recruited him, coached him, helped get him drafted, and has now hired him because he can no longer play basketball. If you were Ulis, where would you place your loyalty, especially when speaking to the media?
I couldn't care less about where his loyalties. However, I do care about unsolicited gaslighting. Also, Ulis should be smart enough to realize that UK will still be around well after Cal's fat butt has returned to dust. If he takes a look at Cal's coaching tree, he might rethink where he places his loyalty. As for coaches, he has surrounded himself with a bunch of losers.
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He is an employee of the University of Arkansas now. I would expect nothing different. He has to live with the fans there and they pay his salary.

Now, Reed Shepherd is another thing. His loyalty to John Calipari over the university/state is interesting although I have nothing against him choosing to support them over UK. People don’t think the same way that I do - it doesn’t make them evil or bad. With his parents being true blue, I was surprised at his support for Arkansas, but stranger things have happened I guess.
Reed has never had anything to do with Arkansas and as a Kentucky native should have known better.

It's one of the biggest buffon moves I've seen from a college player and that's saying a lot.
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Finding an opportunity doesn't mean that you throw shade at the school you played at. He volunteered those words; they were not solicited from him. I may not make the rules, but I do make my posts and decide what I put in them even you, dude, don't like it. Ulis isn't a fool. He knew exactly what he was doing and he knew it wouldn't be well received. If he can make that statement, others should be able to respond to it as they see fit.
Read the room side. No one gives a **** but you. He played 2 seasons for Kentucky. 10 years ago.
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Finding an opportunity doesn't mean that you throw shade at the school you played at. He volunteered those words; they were not solicited from him. I may not make the rules, but I do make my posts and decide what I put in them even you, dude, don't like it. Ulis isn't a fool. He knew exactly what he was doing and he knew it wouldn't be well received. If he can make that statement, others should be able to respond to it as they see fit.
I think it isn’t wise for the fanbase to choose to consider every referee an enemy, every player who doesn’t perfectly walk the line an enemy, every coach who didn’t perform perfectly an enemy, etc. We are getting to a point where BBN can only be about 12-14 people sitting in a McDonald’s at 7:30 in the morning. It isn’t really us against the world in that way. We are a massive fanbase and we should support our players and have a lot more to celebrate than to hate. Our history is unmatched and our fans have much to be proud and joyful about. Instead, sometimes I feel like we are some of the most hateful and mean-spirited fans of all. Not a blanket statement that applies to everyone just a large contingent
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