When you really start looking at it, it's remarkable how we've dominated this rivalry. 33-15 all time. 24-12 since the Dream Game. Even in the 80s when UL had their best decade ever and we had a mediocre decade, we topped them 5-4. Now in the midst of their second best run in their program history, we've topped them 7 of 8 times. There is no decade during which they had a winning record over us. Open it up to all 10-year periods, there still isn't one where they've had a winning record over us: 94-95 season through 03-04 season, they matched us 5-5. (Weird fluke where 4 times a top 5 Kentucky lost to UL, 3 of those unranked). UL never won more than 2 in a row, never won 3 out of 4, never won 4 out of 6.