UK-UofL first pitch moved up

If you think the Birds stink this year, you are wrong. Maybe not as good as some past years but still top 20. They are still finding their legs but are very dangerous. Especially when we are still trying to find ours. As Jeff said, Harper's effectiveness will be key.
They don't stink. They have talent. They're never as good as they think they are, but they're certainly not bad. They've avoided a sweep when they lose a series (unlike UK who got murdered in fayetteville three straight nights) and most of their losses are to good teams (except for Wake Forest).

UK is not good enough to assume wins over anyone at this point. If we can lose at home to Xavier, we can certainly lose to UL. With that said, I am hoping for / expecting a win tonight and think it could be a springboard into a good weekend against a middling gamecock team.
I was there till the end it was not pretty but we got the win! Longest dang game I ever sat through, ugh! CATS bull pen came through! Wind played a big part in so many errors. Plan to be there tonight and from forecast it may be only game played for the weekend. Think Gamecocks are not as good as past years. GO CATS!