UK hater John Feinstein dies at 68

Feinstein was an unabashed hater of UK basketball, never missing an opportunity to disparage the program or even the university at large. So far as I am concerned, he lived 69 years too long. Good riddance to that miserable SOB. And cheers to us all!

Posts like these show how some of the BBN have no life and take basketball fandom way too seriously.
Big picture I hope Feinstein did make peace with God before his final breath as I wish for everyone on this planet but from a sports fan perspective he was a smug ass that smeared a legendary coach without merit. He won't be missed by the fans and coaches he attacked.
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His hatred for UK had no bounds......that's all I will say

Then people should probably be less of a jerk when they are living, so that people remember them more fondly.

Good riddance. Sorry not sorry.

Feinstein was an unabashed hater of UK basketball, never missing an opportunity to disparage the program or even the university at large. So far as I am concerned, he lived 69 years too long. Good riddance to that miserable SOB. And cheers to us all!

Nah F that dude..

Not really any such thing any more
People really?
May all of you live long enough to see everybody you love die, then burn in heeeeellll afterwards.
This guy wasnt any different than half this board.

He was a fan of a team and hated UK. Some of our fans have a deranged hatred of UL or UT or Duke. He just had a pulpit to air his hate in public unlike most on here.

Being glad someone's dead or talking crap about the dead because he didn't like your sports team is childish to me but agree to disagree.
Yea there's zero love for him from me.. If I hate you while you're alive I'm not changing my stance once you die,, lol.. That dude hated everything about UK so I hope he gets well soon!! 😁 Now go back to your bacon forum and eat shit.. You're not wanted here,, kinda same thing your momma said about you..
A big difference in not liking someone and being glad their dead.
Got to love people that show the true side of them now you try a personal attack on me and bring my deceased Mother into it of 18 years.
I would expect more class for BBN as a whole but I guess not.

EDIT I guess all of AR and Cal fits into your hate now as well.
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A big difference in not liking someone and being glad their dead.
Got to love people that show the true side of them now you try a personal attack on me and bring my deceased Mother into it of 18 years.
I would expect more class for BBN as a whole but I guess not.

EDIT I guess all of AR and Cal fits into your hate now as well.
You just wished that a few posters get to live long enough to see everyone they love die, then hope they burn in hell.

F you and F off with your self righteous, hypocritical horseshit.
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A big difference in not liking someone and being glad their dead.
Got to love people that show the true side of them now you try a personal attack on me and bring my deceased Mother into it of 18 years.
I would expect more class for BBN as a whole but I guess not.

EDIT I guess all of AR and Cal fits into your hate now as well.
You started the being a prick.. Then expected more class after you wished me and my family to hell? Lol,, I'll send your mom a get well card..

Edit.. Yea ive always hated all of ArKansas and now Kawl.. Never met one good fan..
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Speaking for myself, it's not that I'm glad he's dead, it's just that I won't have to hear his insults ever again.

From his book about Duke losing that title game, he called Joe B "a bland, humorless man" and when called out on it said "the untrue part of that is what?"

From A Season on the Brink he called UK the "bastion of cheating" and talked about how classless our fans were in Rupp that year. I'm pretty sure Knight elicited that reaction wherever he went in a rivalry game.

He said he was mad that UK played Duke so closely in 92 because it made the country sympathize with us when we should have been buried by the NCAA three years earlier.

He said he liked Coach Cal when we first hired him, but a couple Final Fours in he started taking shots at him, too.

I feel for his family. Not that I know any of them. But his practice of using his lofty status to take shots at us consistently will never be forgotten.