UK Asst. Coaches Watch World’s Tallest Teen

If UK can get him, sign him. Calipari never uses but 10 or 11 of his scholarships anyhow. It won't be like he's taking a scholarship from some 5-Star recruit. Who knows at 7'6" he might develop into something great. Then on the other hand he might not never develop into anything at all, if that's the case then what's it going to hurt having him as our 11th man
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1. He doesn’t look like a twig.
2. He was being out rebounded by guys a foot shorter.
3. His first free throw must have been an air ball because they cut away.
4. He’s not starting the game with the jump ball at center court. How do you have someone that tall not?
His frame looks so much more healthy than a guy like Holmgren who is disturbing to look at. He may not be as skilled but if he can rebound and block shots he may have a slot playing pro ball, and it's more likely his body will hold up for him.
Gotta be careful with bigs like this. Because ankle and foot injuries often end their careers or severely limit them. He does seem a bit stockier than some of the other skeletons we've seen at his height, so that may help with durability.

If he's good at clogging up a lane or two, I say go for it.
His frame looks so much more healthy than a guy like Holmgren who is disturbing to look at. He may not be as skilled but if he can rebound and block shots he may have a slot playing pro ball, and it's more likely his body will hold up for him.
I guarantee you Chet will have a better pro career than this guy.
I guarantee you Chet will have a better pro career than this guy.
I wasn't stating otherwise? This guy seems to be an overseas player from what I saw in that video, but things can change. Chet will be very good if his body will hold up, and I'm not convinced of that.
A kid that big in his teens may have giantism. Heart and lungs have trouble pumping blood and air in a body that big. He could be on the way to 8 feet and an unhealthy life.