Two Officers Shot In Fergusen

Originally posted by WayneDougan:
The police should just get the hell out of there. Holder threatened to replace them anyway. Let him start today.
This is the solution!!!...All the officers should resign and leave the city with no police...Also, across the country something should be enacted that white police officers should refuse to serve in black communities ...Black communities should be responsible for finding qualified community members to go to the police academy and then when something happens then there will be no beef...People say this is a one sided affair , but I beg to differ...My daughter is in an interracial marriage(as is my son) and she told me that when she and her husband went thur the MLK memorial in Memphis that she had never been called such awful names in all her life
and spoken to like trash...
Originally posted by sluggercatfan:
Originally posted by WayneDougan:
The police should just get the hell out of there. Holder threatened to replace them anyway. Let him start today.
This is the solution!!!...All the officers should resign and leave the city with no police...Also, across the country something should be enacted that white police officers should refuse to serve in black communities ...Black communities should be responsible for finding qualified community members to go to the police academy and then when something happens then there will be no beef...People say this is a one sided affair , but I beg to differ...My daughter is in an interracial marriage(as is my son) and she told me that when she and her husband went thur the MLK memorial in Memphis that she had never been called such awful names in all her life
and spoken to like trash...
She is white and was called names by black people, that what you are saying?

That is awful either way that she was treated that way, but just curious as to what the situation was.
People have been so fed up in Ferguson over the years that they have turned out to vote in local elections at a clip of 7-8%.
Originally posted by sluggercatfan:
Originally posted by WayneDougan:
The police should just get the hell out of there. Holder threatened to replace them anyway. Let him start today.
This is the solution!!!...All the officers should resign and leave the city with no police...Also, across the country something should be enacted that white police officers should refuse to serve in black communities ...Black communities should be responsible for finding qualified community members to go to the police academy and then when something happens then there will be no beef...People say this is a one sided affair , but I beg to differ...My daughter is in an interracial marriage(as is my son) and she told me that when she and her husband went thur the MLK memorial in Memphis that she had never been called such awful names in all her life
and spoken to like trash...
You reap what you sow.
Originally posted by Chuckinden:
You reap what you sow.
Exactly what Method Man said on MSNBC, only from the other side:

With this thing that happened in Ferguson just now with the two officers, sad, very sad. I hate to say that FBI report kind of played into this and these things shouldn't be happening, but you reap what you sow in a sense.
Originally posted by qwesley:

People have been so fed up in Ferguson over the years that they have turned out to vote in local elections at a clip of 7-8%.
Dang, is that a fact? Crazy, but I can believe it.

Love to see numbers for everywhere. What are presidential elections? Like 50% of citizens?
Ferguson has seen enormous demographic change in the last 20 years, with the percentage of its black population growing from 25 percent to 67 percent. But five of its six city council members are still white, as is the mayor. The school board has six white members and one Hispanic. One reason for the disparity is that, like many cities, Ferguson holds stand-alone elections for local offices in the spring of odd-numbered years when nothing else is on the ballot. Voter turnout is abysmal — 7 percent of black voters compared with 17 percent of white voters. By way of contrast, 54 percent of blacks and 55 percent of whites voted in the 2012 presidential election in Ferguson.

-via NR

This post was edited on 3/13 12:37 PM by qwesley
Holder's report on the investigation concluded wide spread racism within the police department based on racist emails and data showing stops, citations, & arrests all predominately made upon Blacks. Unfortunately the report never factored in, although widely known, that the population is 67% black. Furthermore the report never made any sort of subjective or factual analysis whether the stops, citations and arrests were justified or not. So basically the report is based on little more than the racists emails. Which are unacceptable, but which could have been corrected by simply firing those that wrote them.

I personally believe the police department was indeed corrupted by racists feelings, but the question is would it be any different considering the Freguson community? I truly believe even if an entirely black police department were (will be) put in control, the racism will continue - with blacks on blacks. I can tell you for a fact that there are a whole lot of African Americans that do not like the kind of behavior that is Paramont in Ferguson anymore than the racists that dominate this board.

And that is what is so troubling to see here. the general consensus that all blacks are like the looters and the apologists in Ferguson. That is not true, it appears to be true because of the apologists we see on TV and racists feelings held by a huge portion of whites.

There is simply no excuse for the people of Ferguson elevating Michael Brown to a level of a martyr and no excuse for witnesses at his killing giving false testimony, and no excuse for the multiple riots and the widespread looting. There is a real problem in Ferguson and Holder's report never bothered to take that into consideration. Indeed if the people in Ferguson want justice and equality and respect they can get it by simply living and behaving like other people all across this country.

And yes Holder and Obama's public embrace of that investagation report was unwise, and done for the purpose of apeasing the racial hatred the blacks hold toward the police in Ferguson, but only accomplished more hatred and likely the shooting of two innocent policemen.

And indeed maybe things will return to normal in America when Obama and Holder leave office, but it will not be because the racism will be gone, only because it will again be covered up like it has always been in America. There is just so much wrong with almost all viewpoints and all sides taken in this matter. Racism is alive and well in America, on both sides.
Michael Brown was a POS. Luckily we got that convenient storage footage early before they kept showing pictures of him from his 11th birthday blowing out candles or smiling and holding a diploma and acting like he was an angel.

There is no amount of money you could pay me to be a white cop in a city like Ferguson or Detroit, Cleveland, Memphis, or St. Louis.
What bothers me most is that in Obama and Holder's attempt to make a statement about police racism in the country using this local issue as an example, they are undermining local law enforcement in general. They didn't even pick a good example, which makes it worse.
Just an awful place right now. Complete breakdown in order.

The race baiters and pot stirrers have whipped this thing up into a frenzy. Kept yelling "hands up don't shoot" even though that was a lie. Sharpton is disgusting. He has no conscience apparently.

The stepdad needs to be prosecuted for his role in inciting a riot.
Originally posted by Hacksaw Cat:

Originally posted by sluggercatfan:

Originally posted by WayneDougan:
The police should just get the hell out of there. Holder threatened to replace them anyway. Let him start today.
This is the solution!!!...All the officers should resign and leave the city with no police...Also, across the country something should be enacted that white police officers should refuse to serve in black communities ...Black communities should be responsible for finding qualified community members to go to the police academy and then when something happens then there will be no beef...People say this is a one sided affair , but I beg to differ...My daughter is in an interracial marriage(as is my son) and she told me that when she and her husband went thur the MLK memorial in Memphis that she had never been called such awful names in all her life
and spoken to like trash...
She is white and was called names by black people, that what you are saying?

That is awful either way that she was treated that way, but just curious as to what the situation was.
His parents live in Memphis and they were visiting...The situation was they were touring the museum and she was being ridiculed for being there...nothing more...Said she left in tears
This post was edited on 3/14 1:08 AM by sluggercatfan
Originally posted by Chuckinden:

Originally posted by sluggercatfan:

Originally posted by WayneDougan:
The police should just get the hell out of there. Holder threatened to replace them anyway. Let him start today.
This is the solution!!!...All the officers should resign and leave the city with no police...Also, across the country something should be enacted that white police officers should refuse to serve in black communities ...Black communities should be responsible for finding qualified community members to go to the police academy and then when something happens then there will be no beef...People say this is a one sided affair , but I beg to differ...My daughter is in an interracial marriage(as is my son) and she told me that when she and her husband went thur the MLK memorial in Memphis that she had never been called such awful names in all her life
and spoken to like trash...
You reap what you sow.
What the hell is that suppose to mean...Just exactly what did she sow?...
Originally posted by DDS62:
Holder's report on the investigation concluded wide spread racism within the police department based on racist emails and data showing stops, citations, & arrests all predominately made upon Blacks. Unfortunately the report never factored in, although widely known, that the population is 67% black. Furthermore the report never made any sort of subjective or factual analysis whether the stops, citations and arrests were justified or not. So basically the report is based on little more than the racists emails. Which are unacceptable, but which could have been corrected by simply firing those that wrote them.

I personally believe the police department was indeed corrupted by racists feelings, but the question is would it be any different considering the Freguson community? I truly believe even if an entirely black police department were (will be) put in control, the racism will continue - with blacks on blacks. I can tell you for a fact that there are a whole lot of African Americans that do not like the kind of behavior that is Paramont in Ferguson anymore than the racists that dominate this board.

And that is what is so troubling to see here. the general consensus that all blacks are like the looters and the apologists in Ferguson. That is not true, it appears to be true because of the apologists we see on TV and racists feelings held by a huge portion of whites.

There is simply no excuse for the people of Ferguson elevating Michael Brown to a level of a martyr and no excuse for witnesses at his killing giving false testimony, and no excuse for the multiple riots and the widespread looting. There is a real problem in Ferguson and Holder's report never bothered to take that into consideration. Indeed if the people in Ferguson want justice and equality and respect they can get it by simply living and behaving like other people all across this country.

And yes Holder and Obama's public embrace of that investagation report was unwise, and done for the purpose of apeasing the racial hatred the blacks hold toward the police in Ferguson, but only accomplished more hatred and likely the shooting of two innocent policemen.

And indeed maybe things will return to normal in America when Obama and Holder leave office, but it will not be because the racism will be gone, only because it will again be covered up like it has always been in America. There is just so much wrong with almost all viewpoints and all sides taken in this matter. Racism is alive and well in America, on both sides.
Your viewpoint is a perfect example of what is wrong with america today. The idea that most if not all people are racist is horrible point of view and completely untrue. That idea is what creates problems like this. People actually believe that race is a driving force behind peoples actions, when the huge majority of the time it plays no role whatsoever. It takes away all ability to look at a situation rationally and see it for what it is.
Originally posted by sluggercatfan:
Originally posted by Chuckinden:

Originally posted by sluggercatfan:

Originally posted by WayneDougan:
The police should just get the hell out of there. Holder threatened to replace them anyway. Let him start today.
This is the solution!!!...All the officers should resign and leave the city with no police...Also, across the country something should be enacted that white police officers should refuse to serve in black communities ...Black communities should be responsible for finding qualified community members to go to the police academy and then when something happens then there will be no beef...People say this is a one sided affair , but I beg to differ...My daughter is in an interracial marriage(as is my son) and she told me that when she and her husband went thur the MLK memorial in Memphis that she had never been called such awful names in all her life
and spoken to like trash...
You reap what you sow.
What the hell is that suppose to mean...Just exactly what did she sow?...
I was talking about the Ferguson situation, not your family.
Originally posted by Chuckinden:

Originally posted by sluggercatfan:

Originally posted by Chuckinden:

Originally posted by sluggercatfan:

Originally posted by WayneDougan:
The police should just get the hell out of there. Holder threatened to replace them anyway. Let him start today.
This is the solution!!!...All the officers should resign and leave the city with no police...Also, across the country something should be enacted that white police officers should refuse to serve in black communities ...Black communities should be responsible for finding qualified community members to go to the police academy and then when something happens then there will be no beef...People say this is a one sided affair , but I beg to differ...My daughter is in an interracial marriage(as is my son) and she told me that when she and her husband went thur the MLK memorial in Memphis that she had never been called such awful names in all her life
and spoken to like trash...
You reap what you sow.
What the hell is that suppose to mean...Just exactly what did she sow?...
I was talking about the Ferguson situation, not your family.
Ok...I raised my kids with the creed that Dr. King set forth and tried to get them to live by that...I do think that a lot of the problems have come from people outside the Ferguson area that are trained to incite this kind of stuff and are anarchist trying to drum up crap about the police force...I know that the group that are run ing around with the mask on are a large group of trouble makers funded by haters like George Soros...if people don't start waking up and vote principle and not image then this country is about to be "fundamentally changed" as our present administration is trying to do...SANTA CLAUS is not real and a lot of folks in this country had better come to a quick realization of that fact before we reach a point of no return

This post was edited on 3/14 6:57 PM by sluggercatfan
Originally posted by MegaBlue05:
The po-leece didn't even die.

What's the big deal?
IF Obama AND Holder would come straight out and tell these folks that the "po-leece" is INNOCENT and NOT GUILTY of the charges and they COULD NOT prove it and knock all the BS off then maybe things would change...
Originally posted by Catfan in Tn.:

Police have arrested a suspect in the shooting.
Im sure those racist cops will try to pin this on a black man as well.....
Originally posted by Conn501:

Originally posted by Catfan in Tn.:

Police have arrested a suspect in the shooting.
Im sure those racist cops will try to pin this on a black man as well.....
YEP! Then yet another excuse to riot, loot and raise hell.