Triple Murder In Corbin....

Apr 12, 2014
Seems like no one is really talking about it. I can remember when nothing ever happened in this small town. Now just one day after a house blows up, we have a triple murder????

It's just insane. Prayers to the family.
Was it Corbin that had that weird 'hunting accident' from several months ago? Or was it some other hilljack town?
Union college prof and family. They were thinking it was tied to a guy on the run from NC wanted in another murder.
How does the guy who did it end up in Baltimore in their car? This is a crazy coincidence, or one weird ass story.
It was the couples teenage son that killed his parents and sister. He was then killed in police shoot out in Balitmore.
I was reading about this in the Middlesboro paper and really can't understand how a 16 year old kid could murder his family. He was thought of as being a good kid, so what in the world went wrong.
Originally posted by musrat59:

I was reading about this in the Middlesboro paper and really can't understand how a 16 year old kid could murder his family. He was thought of as being a good kid, so what in the world went wrong.
The Devil.
Originally posted by musrat59:

I was reading about this in the Middlesboro paper and really can't understand how a 16 year old kid could murder his family. He was thought of as being a good kid, so what in the world went wrong.
They took his computer away from him. Kids today.
Damn, I'm afraid to tell my kid he can't play video games now.

Kid had to be messed up. May have appeared to be a normal kid to the world but normal kids don't do that.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by UK_Norm:
He voted for Obama
UK_Norm not sure how old you are but to make a statement about President Obama and reference his name in the triple murder is just obtuse and ignorant. I'm not sure if you thought it was funny or you hoping someone laugh at your witless one liner but the statement reflects poorly on you as a person. You should be ashamed of yourself. The killing of a whole entire family is nothing to laugh about or poke fun of. Instead of joking and acting stupid you should pray for the community and the extended family. Hopefully you will never have to deal with a tragedy such as this in your life.
A few years ago, there was a kid who beat his parents to death with a hammer and then threw a big party at his house while his parent's dead bodies were in the closet. Want to take a guess what caused this?

They took his X-Box away. Yep.
Originally posted by HeismanCatNole85:
A few years ago, there was a kid who beat his parents to death with a hammer and then threw a big party at his house while his parent's dead bodies were in the closet. Want to take a guess what caused this?

They took his X-Box away. Yep.
Is that really true dude? Wow.