Trent Noah Training

Love this. This kid is putting the work. Continue this effort and it will pay off. Happy to have him on our team. This type of work ethic is contagious.

Out talenting teams is easy. I want to out will them. This is what it takes.
Yep. We out talented the majority of teams we've played. I haven't seen any heart around here in a minute outside of a few guys. It's about time we bully some teams around.
Having homegrown players on the roster is an advantage we have here at Kentucky that other places don't have imo. The players here know the program's legacy, what it means to be here, and they ultimately don't wanna go play anywhere else if they can eventually see the court as a Cat. Hopefully Pope can find that local talent and cultivate it. Looks like he's gonna try!
Folks I think this young man is going to be a star very early on in his career idk what is giving me that feeling but he really passes the eye test to me and has some absurd shooting numbers to back it up. I wouldn't be surprised if we see him contribute earlier than anyone expects.
Not sure how you meant that but it’s not only an objective thought, it has reasoning behind it as well. Fundamentally sound, high IQ, glue guy, will to win. When I look at Noah, I see a lot of Darius Miller in him.
Ppl will laugh at the comparison bc the skillsets and style aren’t exact.

But from a “what can they bring to a team” it’s fairly similar. Miller was a versatile Swiss Army knife 6th man that could play the 2-4 if needed and was an absolute zone buster in the high post w his face up game. He was the c factor on the 12 title team. Without his versatility we would have needed another guard and a forward to play at a high level
After watching Cal for 15 years out talenting teams doesn’t always work so easy lol.
Sad thing is if Cal was an above average coach he would have won multiple banners with the talent he had.

Imagine showing up at every draft celebrating your early first round draft picks when you didn’t win a damn thing. Year in and year out.

We need talent. We also need a coach that knows what the hell to do with that talent.
Sad thing is if Cal was an above average coach he would have won multiple banners with the talent he had.

Imagine showing up at every draft celebrating your early first round draft picks when you didn’t win a damn thing. Year in and year out.

We need talent. We also need a coach that knows what the hell to do with that talent.
You know that!
I really like this signing. Had Noah gone to USCjr, we'd have been kicking ourselves. Pope is just a few pieces away from having a tough, balanced roster. I think teams used to playing against softer Cal-coached squads will be in for a surprise.
This one guy just shows how much Cal's ways was not what Kentucky basketball is about. Used our history and fans to do it the way he wanted to instead of the way it should have been done.
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Who was the guy coaching him there? a local guy or someone national?
It seems to be Jordan Brangers.


Kid always wanted to play for UK. Cal never showed interest. That's why he backed out of SC. Pope wanted him.
He looks pretty skilled from his workouts, I know a lot of people really wanted him here that have seen him play. I think he could be a good one for us someday. No telling when he will get PT but I like having him.
Ppl will laugh at the comparison bc the skillsets and style aren’t exact.

But from a “what can they bring to a team” it’s fairly similar. Miller was a versatile Swiss Army knife 6th man that could play the 2-4 if needed and was an absolute zone buster in the high post w his face up game. He was the c factor on the 12 title team. Without his versatility we would have needed another guard and a forward to play at a high level
Plus his athleticism was great too. He was a phenomenal player.
What I like is his dedication and commitment to get better. He's putting in the work and it will pay off. I remember once someone asked Larry Bird why he spent so much time in the gym after everyone else had gone home working on all parts of his game. His answer was that someone else is out there doing the same thing and I don't want them to be better than me. Hope we're seeing some of that attitude in Noah.

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