I didn't see, or at least don't remember seeing, Russell play, but I know his accomplishments will never be equaled as far as winning titles go. It's quite astounding (both college and pro), but some people who I respect have made the case that Wilt was the better player. I have no idea, and the gap in titles between the two is hard to overcome, but who is to say Russell would have won that many if he was on another team. Just wondering if you saw them play, and if you have any thoughts on the matter.[/QUOTE]
I have not seen them play. I am 38, so have to go by stats and what others say to put an opinion in. Yes, the titles are astounding, but put another center on that team and would they have won all of those titles. I just find it interesting that a guy who averaged 18ppg is often considered one of the top 5 players of all time. Most accomplished? absolutely!