Top 10 NBA draft picks of all times

I disagree with a lot of these. When guys are picked late first round, they are not busts. Steve Alford was not a bust.
Wow, tough to call a guy a bust when he is in a car accident. If a guy gets cancer, is he a bust too? A bit strange.
Wow, tough to call a guy a bust when he is in a car accident. If a guy gets cancer, is he a bust too? A bit strange.

Well in Jay Williams case, it is terrible what happened to him and his career and I am glad he was able to find something basketball related that he loved to do. That being said, from a GM standpoint he is a bust and there is no other way to look at it. The part of the article you should be mad over is making this list and not including Len Bias. Again, terrible what happened to Len, but be consistent with your article.
Oh, absolutely. I think really naming anyone who physically didn't get to play a bust is a bit strange. I mean... maybe it was a great pick. But if a guy dies, how on earth do you hold the GM responsible?

There are a LOT of bigger busts out there, which the author basically says at the start, with his "forgotten" caveat (let's face it, a lot of these guys aren't forgotten.) I think he was trying to be different, which is often the bane of good journalism.
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That's a weird and kinda dumb list. Guys that we forgot busted? Guys like the ones on that list are a dime a dozen. One of them was 26th pick in the 2nd round. If he's a benchwarmer for 5 years, he's met expectations. And I have to agree, Williams is an iffy choice.
Being drafted in the NBA; IMO, outside of the top ten is hard to quantify as a bust
The top draft pick of all time was Cliff Hagan who was traded for Bill Russell. Enough said!
If they are going to use Jay Williams as a bust at number #2 because he got in a wreck then honestly how could they not put len bias on this list?
I haven't looked at the list yet. Is Oden number one? Pervis? The dude who was drafted number one out of high school by the Knicks (I think)?

Those are the first three that came to my mind.