His dad said they would take more visits. And it could be a couple of months before deciding what to do. Canceling the Oregon visit seems good for UK right now but agree with you might be misinterpreted. If we don't hear about another visit in the next few weeks then I'd say UK imight be in decent shape.Unfortunately, he also makes it clear he knows nothing more than any of us, so his opinion isn't worth a lot. The cancellation of the visit to Oregon could be interpreted several ways, as was thrashed out on this board ad nauseam.
OP needs to go to thread title school.
Link?Jamal may still visit Oregon this month. He is trying to rest up before going to Greece.
Where do you think he goes??? You were so right with your wiggins prediction....Jamal may still visit Oregon this month. He is trying to rest up before going to Greece.
Jamal may still visit Oregon this month. He is trying to rest up before going to Greece.
OP is obsessed with Jamal Murray. This is his 4th thread about him in the span of about 3 days.
Drew seems to think it's down to UK or staying in high school another year.Seems an easy choice to me.
I think Drew is correct in that assumption. It's UK or class of 2016.
Who is Jamal Murray? I just looked through the Rivals 150 and didn't see that name. Is he a transfer or are people really getting excited about a recruit that isn't even a 3 star top 150? And if he is a transfer will he be available this year?
-nevermind, I just looked at the 2016 recruiting top 150 and he is on that one. So why is everyone so worried about a recruit for 2016?
Obviously one of two things... Pranking the readers here or you have not kept up with the recruiting saga of this young man. If it is the latter, Murray is considering reclassifying to the 2015 class after a stellar performance in the spring all star games. If it is the former, well played.Who is Jamal Murray? I just looked through the Rivals 150 and didn't see that name. Is he a transfer or are people really getting excited about a recruit that isn't even a 3 star top 150? And if he is a transfer will he be available this year?
-nevermind, I just looked at the 2016 recruiting top 150 and he is on that one. So why is everyone so worried about a recruit for 2016?
We are mainly recruiting him for his ability to do sketch comedy. If he also makes shots, that's a double whammy!He is a very high rated 2* but he looks to jump to a 3 when the next rankings come out. He is the son of Bill and Anne Murray, thus the kid has some talent.
OP is obsessed with Jamal Murray. This is his 4th thread about him in the span of about 3 days.
Jamal may still visit Oregon this month. He is trying to rest up before going to Greece.
Yo TY. I was just a reader when you were posting all the BS about having inside info on Wiggins. You had me all jacked up and excited. Then I found out that you actually didn't have any sources when we didn't get him. I felt the way I did when I was a kid and became aware that Santa Clause wasn't real. I was devastated. LOL, Ok I'm joking about that obviously, but just be cool and quit trying to act like you have inside info all the time. I remember thinking you were like some big time guy with sources, but you probably work at McDonalds or some s*** bro. Murray isn't going overseas. We all know this...MAN.
Happy Bday!!!!Well today is my birthday, so sorry Jamal, you can have the other 29.
OP is obsessed with Jamal Murray. This is his 4th thread about him in the span of about 3 days.
Not to defend TyBlue, but he wasn't saying Murray was going to play overseas.
Murray is playing on the Canadian U18 team in the U19 FIBA world cup in Greece this June.
You can read all about it here... http://247sports.com/Article/Jamal-Murray-uncertain-on-reclassifying-to-2015-36740674
Yo TY. I was just a reader when you were posting all the BS about having inside info on Wiggins. You had me all jacked up and excited. Then I found out that you actually didn't have any sources when we didn't get him. I felt the way I did when I was a kid and became aware that Santa Clause wasn't real. I was devastated. LOL, Ok I'm joking about that obviously, but just be cool and quit trying to act like you have inside info all the time. I remember thinking you were like some big time guy with sources, but you probably work at McDonalds or some s*** bro. Murray isn't going overseas. We all know this...MAN.
Drew seems to think it's down to UK or staying in high school another year.Seems an easy choice to me.
But that has nothing to do with his not visiting Oregon lasr weekend. Their staff expected his visit & the Murray's cancelled it. It's really not that hard to figure out why.
So Calipari may lose a guy to a high school?
Could we lose you to an all troll whiny little brat school? You would fit right in...
Obviously one of two things... Pranking the readers here or you have not kept up with the recruiting saga of this young man. If it is the latter, Murray is considering reclassifying to the 2015 class after a stellar performance in the spring all star games. If it is the former, well played.
You may want to direct your pissy little rant to Franklin too, he was the one that reported this not me.
Schwumpy you are nonstop trolling Cal. Don't start denying it now.
Nope, not trolling Calipari or anyone else. Spin it whatever way that makes you feel good but again, Franklin brought this to the forefront...either Murray attends UK or high school next season. Bottom line is if he says no to UK and Calipari he's selected a HS over UK. Don't see how you can deny that.
But that has nothing to do with his not visiting Oregon lasr weekend. Their staff expected his visit & the Murray's cancelled it. It's really not that hard to figure out why.