TJ Walker...great tweet!!

The last 6 seasons have not been bad at all. We beat UNC or Auburn & its a totally different discussion. Not many fanbases would be so disappointed in those seasons. Any fanbase that is will never be pleased or happy unless the impossible happens.
"what is, things and Indiana fan would say, Alex".

You have to be kidding me with this garbage. The bottom line is, we didn't beat UNC, we didn't beat Auburn, we didn't beat Kansas state and we didn't beat Indiana. We squesked by Houston, Buffalo and Wofford though.

Add this historically bad season to the mix. We didn't even qualify for the NIT.

"Not many fanbases would be so disappointed in those seasons". Are you joking? This is UK, not some second rate program. There has been more NBA talent come through these doors thd last 12 years than any other program by a mile. Two on this team were supposed to be lottery picks, at least one more was supposed to be a first rounder. This has turned into a clown show.

I thought this was supposed to be "the gold standard"? Do you understand what that means?
Rick got 2 teams. You cannot credit Rick for 98. They were a year removed from Pitino system.

Let me know when Rick went to 4 final 4's in 5 years?
Wrong. They ran Pitino’s system that season. He went with Pitino’s system that season because the players were so familiar with it. They pressed full court and the whole nine. Nice try, though.
The last 6 seasons have not been bad at all. We beat UNC or Auburn & its a totally different discussion. Not many fanbases would be so disappointed in those seasons. Any fanbase that is will never be pleased or happy unless the impossible happens.

I agree most fan bases would be happy with those results. Most teams also aren’t paying their coach $9 mil a year. If Cal was an above average paid coach, then above average results would be fine. He’s being paid more than any college coach of all time including coach K. That kind of money needs to result in beating Auburn and UNC, not almost beating them.
You're wrong!! Pitino was heavily criticized & UK fans began saying he was a motivator but not a coach because he could not win the big games.

Most thought 93 team should've won it & Rick did not have them ready for Michigan game.

94 was a very disappointing season.

95 team could've won it but play awfylul in Elite 8 against UNC & chatter got much louder.

96 finally stopped that talk.

Amazing how people have amnesia about these things.
You are so wrong in that analysis.
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I would agree Calipari needs to play a little nicer with the fanbase. I also agree with the idea that the average fan who is ready to fire Calipari because of one season gone horribly wrong and those who think he forgot how to coach 4 months ago are not to be taken very seriously right now. Coaches, especially hall of fame coaches with multiple Final Fours, Elite 8s, and a title at said school, and only a year removed from one of his best coaching jobs and an SEC regular season title and a likely 2 seed in the NCAA-T, do not get fired for a bad season with a dozen issues beyond his control. It's really that simple. This is common sense. I really don't care about the stats from the last 5 years that don't include what might have happened in last year's postseason. He's getting another year. And we look foolish, entitled, and spoiled when we demand his firing. That thread that keeps being bumped looks ridiculous, in my opinion. We just need to take a breath and see what happens this off season, with recruiting, and next year. That's all we can do anyway.
I don't think most people are saying much about his lack of coaching ability, even though that is an issue. It’s more about his NBA first system that has made UK an NBA farm system. He’s putting the NBA first and UK is suffering because if it. The system is eating him now.

Keep in mind, those final fours he reached from 11-15 were on the backs of guys that turned out to either be NBA all stars or REALLY good NBA players. How great of a coach do you have to be to take elite talent to a final four?

I think he's a great motivator and he knows how to handle young kids and get them organized into a team in most settings, but you have to admit, he has been exposed as a mediocre game coach many times. But this season takes the cake. I think the critisisms are valid.
Interesting how the Cal first fans continue to point out how close we were to final 4s in 17 and 19.

We were extremely close to elimination:

2011 Sweet 16 vs OSU
2014 Rd 32 vs WSU
2014 Sweet 16 vs UL
2014 Final 4 vs Wisconsin
2015 Elite 8 vs Notre Dame

All had open last second shots that could have eliminated us.

What ifs go both ways
Your post is spot on. One thing I ask though, don't you think Coach Cal needs to take a step back and look at his offensive strategy? It seems the game has evolved and this 'beat your man, get to the rim, and have bigs clean it up" just is not working.
First things first, he needs to get his priorities straight before he does anything else.

His priorities the last 12 years focused on the NBA draft, that needs to change immediately.
Compare any program to Cal's 5 seasons & you're not going to find any program or coach with that success.

2010: Elite 8
2011: Final 4
2012: final 4, National Champs
2013: NIT
2014: Final 4, National runner-up
2015: final 4

**I mean...come on! To expect that kind of run continuously is unrealistic.

2016: 2nd round
2017: Elite 8 (one shot shy)
2018: Sweet 16
2019: Elite 8 (one shot shy)
2020: Tourney canceled, projected 2 seed, won SEC by 3 games

**Yea, that's Schools would love even that.

You're just an emotional overreacting UK fan & it's blinding you to what you're saying. You're seeing what you want to see.
I understand what you are trying to say...but as I have always been told when dealing with a emotional issue look at the numbers. You will have to admit no matter how you feel about Cal that the program is in decline. The reasons I THINK for it and the reasons IT will be hard to get back on track of his earlier ways are these.
1) Cal adopted the one and done when it was brand new and most Coaches were still on the 4 year model
2) When Duke and all other Blue Bloods realized that UK was getting all the stars see 2015 they knew they had to change and as a result they started getting more than their share of them, hence it left UK with fewer to succeed with.
3) Cals best assistants for various reasons left and went in other directions: Antiqua super people person and recruiter, Strickland, very good with guards, Payne, great communicator and big man coach: Hence you left Cal a great salesman without his top advisors and coaches.
4) The big debate about paying college players resulted in part to the NBA offering a alternative to college, get paid and play lots of Bball in G League instead of attending classes which most are thinking they are going to not need for they all believe they can make it to the NBA or at least big money overseas.
5) I dont live very far from Possum Trot and I did feel my Country was disrespected, many of our Dads fought in WW 2 and brothers and even some of us in Vietnam, w know who built this Country and how they did it and we know who is tearing it to shreds. He needs to leave politics out of it and just Coach basketball.
6) I have always heard that if you put a frog in a pot of water on the stove and turn the stove on that it heats up so gradually that the frog will not realize it until it is to late and he will be cooked, I never tried it or saw it done, but you could make the comparison to Cal. Joe B told him when it started that 10 years were about what he could expect, I hoped then he would retire here but now believe Hall and the frog are right.
7) Just as the other coaches changed to adopt the one and done, so Cal can change and correct the ship but he is going to have to make that change: The definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over and expecting different results
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I mean you have to be pretty thin skinned to have your feelings hurt by a frustrated basketball coach. Imagine if social media was around during the Pitino years, that man got down right rude with fans on his weekly call in show but that’s what makes great coaches great, the arrogance and I love it.
I never liked TJ covering recruiting but his show is pretty entertaining and Nick usually has some stuff on the football side of things.
This. Cal is a saint compared to RP’s view of the fans.
I don't think most people are saying much about his lack of coaching ability, even though that is an issue. It’s more about his NBA first system that has made UK an NBA farm system. He’s putting the NBA first and UK is suffering because if it. The system is eating him now.

Keep in mind, those final fours he reached from 11-15 were on the backs of guys that turned out to either be NBA all stars or REALLY good NBA players. How great of a coach do you have to be to take elite talent to a final four?

I think he's a great motivator and he knows how to handle young kids and get them organized into a team in most settings, but you have to admit, he has been exposed as a mediocre game coach many times. But this season takes the cake. I think the critisisms are valid.
Which player from 2011 was an NBA star or really good NBA player? You would think if that were true one of them might still be in the NBA.
Who said anyone expects four final 4's in 5 years? Nobody is expecting that, but 2 total E8's, a historically bad season, constant losses in Rupp, and in 6 years, UK has beaten 1 Power 5 team in the NCAAT.

The first 5 years was incredible, but it's never going to happen again, the players are just not available anymore.

But can anyone deny that the records Cal has amassed the last 6 years will continue? I think what we have seen the last 6 years is the real Calipari, especially if he's going to prioritize the NBA draft. He's not good enough to satisfy his NBA draft boner AND win titles. He can't have both, but he refuses to believe that.
I admit to not being able to predict the future, but the side of me that is nervous about Cal is laid out nicely in your last paragraph.

on the other side, I think sometimes we forget that we were perfectly positioned in 2 of those seasons (UNC-Higgins; Auburn-?), but came up short. Last year’s team seemed poised for a deep run too.

there’s no doubt about the overall trajectory though. Cal needs to dominate transfer market as he did HS seniors his first 5-7 years.
GRACE TO YOU .. unless you are some ignorant hick from Eastern Ky .. you know what .. you disgust me . And sure don't represent any grace a Christian would claim. Please change your username to " I'm better than you " or "Not from eastern ky" because you must have zero understanding what grace is .

Dan, that Gracetoyou is hard to tolerate. Don’t let him ruin your day
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You think maybe it had something to do with our best player being hurt both games?
Uhhh, K-State, only played their best player for a few minutes, he had a bad foot injury. Bruce Weber realized he didn’t even need the kid.

Auburn was completely without their best player for the entire E8 game, so that EXCUSE doesn’t fly.

Bottom line, our young guys choked in both games. PJ blew it at the free throw line in both games and Hagans did what Freshmen do when the lights get bright, choked on his game and turned the ball over multiple times in crunch time.

Nice try on that excuse though.
Interesting how the Cal first fans continue to point out how close we were to final 4s in 17 and 19.

We were extremely close to elimination:

2011 Sweet 16 vs OSU
2014 Rd 32 vs WSU
2014 Sweet 16 vs UL
2014 Final 4 vs Wisconsin
2015 Elite 8 vs Notre Dame

All had open last second shots that could have eliminated us.

What ifs go both ways
Pretty sure that would apply to almost any team whom has ever played in the tournament. That's some very odd logic.
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Uhhh, K-State, only played their best player for a few minutes, he had a bad foot injury. Bruce Weber realized he didn’t even need the kid.

Auburn was completely without their best player for the entire E8 game, so that EXCUSE doesn’t fly.

Bottom line, our young guys choked in both games. PJ blew it at the free throw line in both games and Hagans did what Freshmen do when the lights get bright, choked on his game and turned the ball over multiple times in crunch time.

Nice try on that excuse though.
I love the revisionist history to fit your narrative.

How much time do you spend thinking about Cal all day?
Which player from 2011 was an NBA star or really good NBA player? You would think if that were true one of them might still be in the NBA.
Hi Leadbelly. Remember your 5 seed prediction? I think the bet we had was a ban bet wasn’t it?

Yeah, Brandon Knight played well for the Pistons for several years. That was an unlikely run to the FF, but lets not act like Jones, Liggins, Lamb and Knight weren't exceptional talents. I would take that team over any post 2017 Cal team, simply because Knight was better than any pg we have had since Fox. He was smart and he could score. He would turn Hagans inside out.

I could also flip it on you and bring up the serious lack of coaching in the 2010 loss to West Virginia, but you probably don't want to talk about that, do you?
Pretty sure that would apply to almost any team whom has ever played in the tournament. That's some very odd logic.

As I stated earlier, Kentucky fans like to use the we were so close in 2017 and 2019; well the reverse could be true

It would appear their logic is the odd one
190-38 for 83.3%
#1 seeds: 3
NCAAT: 21-4 for 84%
Elite 8: 5
Final 4: 4
Title games: 2
Titles: 1
Vs AP Top 25: 41-14 for 74.5%
vs Top Rivals: 38-11 for 77.6%

149-59 for 71%
#1 seeds: 0
NCAAT: 9-4 for 69.2%
Elite 8: 2
Final 4: 0
Vs AP top 25: 23-23 for 50%
vs Top Rivals: 23-25

73% winning to 83% before 2016
23-23 Vs AP ranked teams to 41-14 before 2016
Losing records versus top rivals, KU, Tennessee, UCLA, etc
1-4 versus Power 5 programs in the NCAAT since 2016

Resume A (5 seasons)
131-40 record
2 Elite Eights
2 Outright SEC Titles
9-5 NCAA Tournament Record
2 SEC Tournament Titles

Resume B (5 seasons)
149-59 record
2 Elite Eights
2 Outright SEC Titles (3 Overall)
9-4 NCAA Tournament Record
2 SEC Tournament Titles

Resume A: Tubby Smith’s Last 5 Years at Kentucky
Resume B: John Calipari’s Last 5 Years at Kentucky
Something doesn’t add up. How would we have played 37 more games over the span of 5 years under Cal than we did under Tubby? That’s literally an entire seasons worth of games plus some tournament games. I could understand a difference of 7 or 8 games depending on how far we advanced each year, but 37 games doesn’t add up. That’s an average of over 7 games per season difference.
Hi Leadbelly. Remember your 5 seed prediction? I think the bet we had was a ban bet wasn’t it?

Yeah, Brandon Knight played well for the Pistons for several years. That was an unlikely run to the FF, but lets not act like Jones, Liggins, Lamb and Knight weren't exceptional talents. I would take that team over any post 2017 Cal team, simply because Knight was better than any pg we have had since Fox. He was smart and he could score. He would turn Hagans inside out.

I could also flip it on you and bring up the serious lack of coaching in the 2010 loss to West Virginia, but you probably don't want to talk about that, do you?
Lol, what?

Brandon Knight was awful in the league. It's why he was traded 6 times in 8 years. Jones, Lamb, Harrellson and anyone else who played on that team weren't good NBA players. Stop lying to spin a narrative. It's desperate. Hagans defense would have impacted Knight quite a bit. It's why why struggled for much of the season. UCONN's guards picked us apart.

What lack of coaching? We got zoned and couldn't shoot, and we bricked free throw after free throw. Again, stop with the revisionist history. It makes you look desperate.
Nice deflection.
What was deflected?
As I stated earlier, Kentucky fans like to use the we were so close in 2017 and 2019; well the reverse could be true

It would appear their logic is the odd one
Not at all. It seems you have a poor understanding of logic and how it applies.

What teams in history haven't been in close games in the NCAA tournament? If you play in the tournament, you will very likely be in a nail biter. However, many teams play games and never get close to winning.
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Lol, what?

Brandon Knight was awful in the league. It's why he was traded 6 times in 8 years. Jones, Lamb, Harrellson and anyone else who played on that team weren't good NBA players. Stop lying to spin a narrative. It's desperate. Hagans defense would have impacted Knight quite a bit. It's why why struggled for much of the season. UCONN's guards picked us apart.

What lack of coaching? We got zoned and couldn't shoot, and we bricked free throw after free throw. Again, stop with the revisionist history. It makes you look desperate.

What was deflected?
So a simple zone was all it took to take out a team full of NBA first rounders?
The 2011 and 2015 teams beat the living piss out of that same zone. They did it by getting the ball inside and beating the press for easy fast break buckets. But Cal sat there and watched bad shooters fire long bricks all game. Same team duke destroyed by a thousand.
So, are you saying Jones, Liggins, Knight and Lamb weren't exceptional players? 3 of them were good NBA players. Knight was good enough to play several years in the NBA, I'd say that's a good NBA player.

The deflection was you avoiding the topic and asking me how often I think about Cal. Do you understand what a deflection is?

Now, about that 5 seed prediction… what happened?
Not at all. It seems you have a poor understanding of logic and how it applies.

What teams in history haven't been in close games in the NCAA tournament? If you play in the tournament, you will very likely be in a nail biter. However, many teams play games and never get close to winning.
Cal + nail biter games = not a good thing for UK
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So a simple zone was all it took to take out a team full of NBA first rounders?
The 2011 and 2015 teams beat the living piss out of that same zone. They did it by getting the ball inside and beating the press for easy fast break buckets. But Cal sat there and watched bad shooters fire long bricks all game. Same team duke destroyed by a thousand.
So, are you saying Jones, Liggins, Knight and Lamb weren't exceptional players? 3 of them were good NBA players. Knight was good enough to play several years in the NBA, I'd say that's a good NBA player.

The deflection was you avoiding the topic and asking me how often I think about Cal. Do you understand what a deflection is?

Now, about that 5 seed prediction… what happened?
Yea! Anytime you have a team of below average shooters and you zone, you have a good shot to beat them. Why do you think teams zoned the hell out of this year? Does being a first rd draft pick guarantee you win every game or something?

Lol, no you are comparing different teams and players? IIRC, wasn't 2011 and 2015 some of our best 3pt shooting teams? Lol

Yes! They were good college players. None of them were close to exceptional. Lol, which one of them were good NBA players? How many all-star appeances between them? Playoff appearances? Titles? Any other accolades? Stop trying to make-up shit to fit a narrative. It looks desperate. Knight was so good he got traded 7 times in 8 years?

That wasn't a deflection. You made up lies and created your own history. There was nothing to argue or deflect from. However, you did deflect from my question about how much you think about Cal. Why is that?

What 5 seed prediction?
Will you still be saying all of this if we lose majority of our team (again) this year then go something like 17-13 (or worse) next year then lose 5-9 guys again? Just curious.

If we have an awful year next year then legitimate heat should be on Cal. But not after this bizzarre, uncharacteristic season & certainly not for some moronic view that the previous 6 seasons were awful. With that standard there would not be a coach left in college basketball....not one.

Even by UK standards there have only been 3 special 5 year periods:
Rupp: 1948-1951

Pitino: 93-97 (Smith 98)

Calipari: 2010-2015

You guys have totally unrealistic expectations that UK basketball has NEVER lived up to. And even what you call down years 2016-2020 was a good period for UK historically. This past season is no reason to be stupid & jump ship with Cal.

Wrong. They ran Pitino’s system that season. He went with Pitino’s system that season because the players were so familiar with it. They pressed full court and the whole nine. Nice try, though.

Your must be a kid & do not remember that season very well. That team won ugly a lot most of the season but started hitting their stride in SEC Tournament & continued that run. Halfway through that season I can guarantee you there were not many UK fans that thought that team would win it all.
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