Originally posted by Son_Of_Saul:
Originally posted by UKWildcats#8:
That said, things are going very bizarre this spring with recruiting regardless. I'm not saying there is a good chance Cal leaves, but to say there is no chance at this point would be a bit crazy as well.
But where does any of that come from? Cal has refuted the notion time and again. You might as well say there's a chance Self leaves for the NBA, because there is just as much baselessness regarding him or any coach for that matter.
We've created the narrative because most of us feel Calipari is impulsive and driven to prove something. Why can't he prove something on the college level?
He's said he gets his satisfaction from helping kids. Why can't we finally take his word for it?
Hey Saul, I understand to a certain extent but did we hire him for his satisfaction? Not trying to be cute but is this what the BBN wants?