This refereeing crew was incompetent or crooked.

college basketball needs some actual way of holding these refs accountable. there is no worse group, as a whole, than the guys who call college bball games. it's almost to the point of totally inept.
I will say this. The last foul on towns. The bad out of bounds calls, sure do make you wonder.
Originally posted by NineSec95:
Refs have ruined CBB. How many Ft's was shot today combined? Too many that's forsure.
it's not the fouls that're called.
it's what they let go.

because they let 'em go, the game gets further and further away from what basketball actually is. then they call the dumbest shit.
Definitely incompetent. My good friend swears up & down that the Ole Miss crew was making some extra change.

It appears that fouls are only called when........well, I'm really not sure why they decide to call a particular foul when the 5 previous similar incidents weren't called.
Honestly, I thought the officiating has been bizarre the past two games. But still, cats should be able to overcome.
Originally posted by wildcatdonf:
This refereeing crew was incompetent or crooked. We won this game in spite of them. Who were those guys?
One was Tony Green, need I say more?
It's not just college. It's the entire sport. There is no easier sport to control and manipulate than basketball. Refs at all levels are biased and love to stick it to certain teams, coaches, etc. Am I supposed to believe that these refs never had a favorite team or have opinions on coaches or teams or form an opinion off of ESPN coverage? Gimme a break.

Refs love the sound of their own whistle and calling momentum calls to hear the hometown crowd roar.
This isn't the way basketball was supposed to be. Soon there won't be basketball teams only football.
I'm going to go with incompetence. With 2 critical missed calls on UK "supposedly" stepping out of bounds, it does make you wonder sometimes...
How much does Vegas stand to loose if we run the table? Ever since the NBA ref got busted for point shaving, fixing makes you wonder about the college game and officials. Everyone outside will point to the even FT attempts and PF's...I think human nature is for officials to call an even # fouls between teams...but that doesn't mean the game is called right. AM could hammer us in the first half with no calls.

We played poorly on offense and got out hustled today...but if we get our share of some of those blown calls/ no calls this game doesn't even go to OT. Lost track of WCS getting two hand shoved in the back for AM rebounds. Two out of bounds calls that weren't...Towns has to free himself from a full-nelson because the official is just staring at it waiting for Towns reaction so he calls a double foul.... A couple phantom fouls lead to WCS and Towns being out. Another phantom call gives AM FT's on a missed layup in front of Dakari in OT. Sure felt like the cards were stacked against us.

Luckily AM cant shoot FT's.
Originally posted by Cawood86:

I will say this. The last foul on towns. The bad out of bounds calls, sure do make you wonder.
The out of bounds calls were terrible . Even Clark said they were bad calls and when he says their bad ..... that's something.
Originally posted by HeismanCatNole85:
It's not just college. It's the entire sport. There is no easier sport to control and manipulate than basketball. Refs at all levels are biased and love to stick it to certain teams, coaches, etc. Am I supposed to believe that these refs never had a favorite team or have opinions on coaches or teams or form an opinion off of ESPN coverage? Gimme a break.

Refs love the sound of their own whistle and calling momentum calls to hear the hometown crowd roar.
Agree. You know they have favorite teams/coaches. Not sure what can be done though. They never have to give an answer on the terrible calls they make. To miss 3 out of bounds call right on front of you and they all go against UK, there has to be something fishy there. Not to mention the total BS call on Towns for his 5ht foul.
Did you see the call when Harrison was going out of bounds and they ruled his foot on the line - which it clearly wasn't.

Another bad call by refs.
I agree 'Wildcatdonf' with everything you said. I guess the plan was to foul out 10 of players today.
AM was hammering us and the refs would stare at em until we responded back and it was whistle time.
I loved at the end of the game where they fouled Dakari after he grabbed a missed rebound and dude was just smacking him. That should have been an intentional foul because dude was clearly just smacking and not going for the ball.
AM was very very aggressive in their D, hacking, grabbing, reaching in, over the back, pushing etc and they did not get a whistle but we got the whistle. Granted a lot of the stuff we were called for were fouls but AM was doing the same and worse.
All I want is the game to be fairly called on both ends.
I liked that towards the end of the game they called an over the back on AM when the whole game they had their saddle and spurs out on us and that over the back I wouldn't have even called. What that foul did was stop the clock and put us back on the line since at that time the clock was the enemy of AM./
Originally posted by westerncat:

Originally posted by Cawood86:

I will say this. The last foul on towns. The bad out of bounds calls, sure do make you wonder.
The out of bounds calls were terrible . Even Clark said they were bad calls and when he says their bad ..... that's something.
Yeah. I was laughing at that one, saying that even Cornflakes is calling out the ref.
Coaches should be allowed to challenge one call a half with zero restrictions on that challenge. Get rid of the 'under 8' timeout and give a possible stoppage for a challenge.

Could you imagine if we'd have lost to Wisconsin on Jackson's travel that got free throws last year? Wouldn't it have been awesome to have be able to challenge that it was a travel so we didn't almost lose? Stuff like that would do wonders. Baseball and football have it. No reason why basketball shouldn't.
Lots of anticipation calls and late whistles against UK indicates to me that the refs are thinking about the call they want to make rather than the one they see.
I agree the Ref s did not call a good game, but Ky did not play well, cannot hit FT s make open shots no inside game.
Originally posted by capnmonkey:
Lots of anticipation calls and late whistles against UK indicates to me that the refs are thinking about the call they want to make rather than the one they see.
I think you are right!
The A&M guy put a saddle on Towns and rode him for 8 sec. and think the judges gave him a 90 score for the ride. You realize this is Texas and rodeo country. Uh no the refs call a double foul but he gave a heck of a ride!!!!
Originally posted by capnmonkey:
Lots of anticipation calls and late whistles against UK indicates to me that the refs are thinking about the call they want to make rather than the one they see.
YES! Exactly!
Originally posted by CATS1945:
Did you see the call when Harrison was going out of bounds and they ruled his foot on the line - which it clearly wasn't.

Another bad call by refs.
What happened to reviewing the plays the last 2 minutes of regulation and in overtime?
Originally posted by capnmonkey:
Lots of anticipation calls and late whistles against UK indicates to me that the refs are thinking about the call they want to make rather than the one they see.
A lot of truth in this
There are many good points being made in this thread. I agree that Kentucky didn't play very well. Our intensity level at the start of the game was terrible. It's like we had come to the conclusion that we can just outscore people anytime we want. This is a dangerous thing. I also think we had another lapse when it appeared to have taken control of the game midway through the second half. That lapse opened the door for A&M to stay in the game.

Now as for the refs, there is no question that they made multiple bad calls and their entire approach late was clearly biased against UK. There were 3 out of bounds calls that went against UK. There were several times when fouls were called closely on one end and then whistle was swallowed on the other. Even that last traveling call on Lyles was iffy. Yes, I think it was technically right but I had to watch it in slow motion to be sure. It was the timing and the fact that it erased what would have been a 4pt lead for UK.

Several of the fouls called on UK were iffy as well. Towns' 5th was not much of anything. But that rebound would have given UK a new shot clock and another chance on offense. It's almost as if, in several cases, these officials were trying to do all they could to keep UK from winning. I'm sure that's my imagination but some of these calls were blatant.

Bottom line, these officials didn't do our Cats ANY favors in the game. And I guess we've just got to be prepared for that. Officials are supposed to be unbiased and calling the game without caring who the teams are. They failed miserably at that.
Two different ball games, seven free throws in the first half, sixty-five for the game.

In one of the OT's Lyles was trying to pull in a rebound with one hand because an A&M player was holding his other arm with both hands
Nothing is worst in my opinion than the jump ball scrum. The ball player goes on the floor to get a ball, players just dive onto him. Sometimes a foul is called (AH in the Ole Miss game), other times it's a wrestling match, or the player can call a time out or its a jump ball arrow. It is just STUPID how they allow a total free for all and then the next play a tap on the wrist is called for a foul. As Cal would say "what?"
how about flagrant foul? Booker got PUNCHED in the face going up for lay up....

two out of bounds, push shove on andrew that end up being out of bound.
I used to have a guy who worked for me who was a college b'ball referee and we talked many times about some of the issues in this thread. He absolutely thought that many refs had an agenda against particular schools and/or coaches, and that it would naturally carry over into how a game was called. As he would tell me....referees are human just like fans, and that since they were b'ball refs they were also fans of the game and therefore had biases just like everybody else.
Count the number of times I come on here and complain about calls. Practically never. There was some money made today folks. The refs did all they could to make a good team look bad and a bad team look good. This team lost by twenty to Bama this week. they are not very good but can compete when the refs allow them to do what they did today. I repeat, money was made.


This post was edited on 1/10 6:57 PM by sambowieshin
The bald headed ref got exposed on two out of bound replays he missed pretty bad. Wasn't that close that could have gone either way. Good refs against them they would have a few foul out also. They let several fouls go that almost always get called. They did let one go that we committed late that was pretty obvious but we seemed to get a lot of ticky tac fouls. Some of our drives we were fouled pretty good but they were not called.

Our guys are playing way too soft as a whole. Getting killed on the boards too many times. We are settling too often for the three. Would like to see us make a point to get people in foul trouble early. Put ourselves in positions to take the spineless refs out of the equation on the road.
The SEC refs go out of their way to neutralize home court advantage at Rupp and then on the road they cater to the one time a year good crowd when the Cats come to town. It's been going on for years.