The Ukraine war. (Yes, we'll mind our manners)

That wasn't the point of the tweet, nor why I posted it.
He also doesn't seem to care that they were using cluster bombs.... It's wild how he loves to call Russian war criminals for using them but it's all good when we give them to Ukr to use. His hypocrisy is next level insane.
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They'd already left or were/are rich and connected, but still. Given that their average aged infantryman is 40-something, I'm sure they're gonna win that war of attrition you're salivating for.

Yep. Ukr had over 35 million people in 2014. It's reported that only about 20 million still remain in Ukr.
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They'd already left or were/are rich and connected, but still. Given that their average aged infantryman is 40-something, I'm sure they're gonna win that war of attrition you're salivating for.

You realize that downs video was confirmed to be of Russian origin, right? I thought truth was the first casualty?
You realize that downs video was confirmed to be of Russian origin, right? I thought truth was the first casualty?
"confirmed"... LOL. It's amazing that everything bad about Ukr is Russian disinfo. You never did say if you believed that Putin has a pee tape of Trump or that Russia faked the Hunter laptop???? Was our intel 100% on those?
"confirmed"... LOL. It's amazing that everything bad about Ukr is Russian disinfo. You never did say if you believed that Putin has a pee tape of Trump or that Russia faked the Hunter laptop???? Was our intel 100% on those?
Isn't it amazing everything confirmed bad about Russia is ''CIA'' disinfo?

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Isn't it amazing everything confirmed bad about Russia is ''CIA'' disinfo?

Did we ever find "weapons of mass destruction" in Iraq? Have you ever wondered why ISIS was defeated so fast when Trump was elected when it kept growing exponentially when Obama was in office? Do you ever even think about stuff like that?
Did we ever find "weapons of mass destruction" in Iraq? Have you ever wondered why ISIS was defeated so fast when Trump was elected when it kept growing exponentially when Obama was in office? Do you ever even think about stuff like that?
Yes. And because those things happened. It must mean that everything after it, is the same no matter what.

Be smarter.
The tweet is stupid too. Ukraine has just started drafting.

You act like I should be surprised at their propaganda. I'm not.

It's not stupid. Those "men" should be fighting for their country you, not enjoying a football match.

“How it looks like now: a man of conscription age went abroad, showed his state that he does not care about its survival, and then comes and wants to receive services from this state. It does not work this way. Our country is at war,” Dmytro Kuleba, Ukraine’s foreign minister, wrote on X, promising the new rules will be “fair”.
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I'm sure they will eventually.
“I support individual battalions in Ukraine with donations every month – this is my duty,” said Anton, who works as a waiter.

“But I don’t want to fight, as I don’t trust our government. They don’t care about people. And they don’t care if there’s a war going on, they're corrupt and keep stealing the money that we pay for the army. Why go to war for a state who only wants to steal?” he said bitterly.
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“I support individual battalions in Ukraine with donations every month – this is my duty,” said Anton, who works as a waiter.

“But I don’t want to fight, as I don’t trust our government. They don’t care about people. And they don’t care if there’s a war going on, they're corrupt and keep stealing the money that we pay for the army. Why go to war for a state who only wants to steal?” he said bitterly.
So you found one quote from a guy?

I can play this game.
"I'm not a natural-born killer, and I never dreamed to be that type of guy," said Omelyan, who served as Ukraine's infrastructure minister from 2016 to 2019. But he says he sees enlisting as a way to protect his family. And he's confident in the war's outcome.

"We will win," he told NPR.

"Ukraine will not kneel," one prospective enlistee told Beardsley. "We will push these bastards from our land."

"If I have to, then I will. Of course, I mean, I've never held in my arms a gun, for example. I don't know how to shoot it. I don't know how to use it. But if I get drafted, then I'll be OK with it. And I'll go fight," he said.
So you found one quote from a guy?

I can play this game.
"I'm not a natural-born killer, and I never dreamed to be that type of guy," said Omelyan, who served as Ukraine's infrastructure minister from 2016 to 2019. But he says he sees enlisting as a way to protect his family. And he's confident in the war's outcome.

"We will win," he told NPR.

"Ukraine will not kneel," one prospective enlistee told Beardsley. "We will push these bastards from our land."

"If I have to, then I will. Of course, I mean, I've never held in my arms a gun, for example. I don't know how to shoot it. I don't know how to use it. But if I get drafted, then I'll be OK with it. And I'll go fight," he said.

I didn't find it, no. It's not like I went searching it out.

I know there are people willing to go die too. That's a point I made to you people 2 years ago; they're willing to sacrifice their men endlessly. It's in their DNA.
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I didn't find it, no. It's not like I went searching it out.

I know there are people willing to go die too. That's a point a made to you people 2 years ago; they're willing to sacrifice their men needlessly and endlessly. It's in their DNA.
''Needlessly'' huh?
The people who surrendered to the Taliban are still in charge. I'm not sure you appreciate how inept our leadership is. It's one thing to talk tough on the internet but people are going to be in harms way and most of the kids in our country will wave Palestinian flags and burn US flags. We need to take care of our country for a while and heal some stuff.

Hard to argue with any of that. But I think it is a better argument for continued funding than against it honestly.
They'd already left or were/are rich and connected, but still. Given that their average aged infantryman is 40-something, I'm sure they're gonna win that war of attrition you're salivating for.

This and the obviously false news report are just two more very clear data points showing there is a very concerted effort to make things look much worse than they are.
The people who surrendered to the Taliban are still in charge. I'm not sure you appreciate how inept our leadership is. It's one thing to talk tough on the internet but people are going to be in harms way and most of the kids in our country will wave Palestinian flags and burn US flags. We need to take care of our country for a while and heal some stuff.
Your first point rings true for sure, but I am not sure how competent they are at other points in time either and also we are still top dogs so it stands to reason that we are still less incompetent than everybody else. The second point, people are already in harms way. Letting Putin roll only spares his side losses as the Ukrainians will fight to the end from all reports and personal connections as well. For every liberal whacko there's a kid coming out of Parris Island that's full of piss and vinegar. I like the sentiment of take care of the country and heal some stuff, but I think keeping us on top of the global stage is how we do that. I think supporting Ukraine keeps our boots off the ground in a way that not supporting them leads us to.

Good poll to read. It shows a huge difference between old and young in Urkaine. Also funny to see them interview a man by the name of Eirc Ciaramella. Some of you might remember his name being floated around as the man who started the Impeachment process over pausing aid to Ukraine. Ciaramella was working with Biden when he was VP and was his chief advisor on Ukraine issues. So that dude definitely has a financial stake in Ukraine winning.
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In May 2022, Sachs said that the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 would be hard to beat and that Finland's moves to join NATO would undermine a negotiated peace: "All of this talk of defeating Russia, to my mind, is reckless."[69] In June 2022, he co-signed an open letter calling for a "ceasefire" in the war, questioning Western countries' continuing military support for Ukraine.[70]

In 2022, he appeared twice on one of the top-rated shows funded by the Russian government, hosted by Vladimir Solovyov, to call for Ukraine to negotiate and step away from its "maximalist demands" of removing Russia from Ukrainian territory.[71]

Sachs has suggested that the U.S. was responsible for the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipeline. In February 2023, he was invited by the Russian government to address the United Nations Security Council about the topic.[72][26]

Its like an INSISTENCE on global war
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Amazing really to watch this play out time and time again, and in real time.

(and you can save your breath with your stupid insults and straw man arguments; they only serve to persuade the similarly inept)
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Amazing isn't it?

Its like an INSISTENCE on global war

Israel on the news announcing draft call up for their Orthodox population (formerly exempt)

Who is the diplomat / ambassador for peace in any of this?
All voices justifying war

Check on selective status pgms for US at your leisure
The economy is tanking. War is always the answer. The defense sector says so.

In other news:

Just engineers, for now. Not sure if they will defect immediately or not, but things are about to get real interesting.

Imo this is the worst thing that has happened in this whole mess as far as implications for the United States goes. Russia gets reinforced while the Norks get their rocket program advanced two decades overnight. Bad deal,
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The economy is tanking. War is always the answer. The defense sector says so.

In other news:

Just engineers, for now. Not sure if they will defect immediately or not, but things are about to get real interesting.

Imo this is the worst thing that has happened in this whole mess as far as implications for the United States goes. Russia gets reinforced while the Norks get their rocket program advanced two decades overnight. Bad deal,
No chance. 3 generation rule will keep em at bay. If you defect or commit a crime in NK. They punish you, your parents, wife or husband, and kids. And if you don't have kids they punish your grandparents.
Oh what's this

NYT confirms war-ending Russian-Ukraine peace agreement sabotaged by West​

By Gregory Clark
Jun 27, 2024
“We were very close in mid-April 2022 to finalising the war with a peace settlement,” one of the Ukrainian negotiators, Oleksandr Chalyi, stated at a public appearance a year later.
According to another negotiator speaking at the time “Putin and Zelenskiy surprised everyone with their mutual willingness to consider far-reaching concessions to end the war.”
Sadly, that end was not to be. According to Chalyi “instead of embracing the Istanbul Communiqué and the subsequent diplomatic process, the West ramped up military aid to Kyiv and increased the pressure on Russia, including through an ever-tightening sanctions regime.”
The perennially Russophobic United Kingdom took the lead with Boris Johnson arriving in Kyiv on April 9, even before the draft treaty was to be finalised. He reportedly told Zelenskiy that any deal, “would be some victory for [Putin]: if you give him anything, he’ll just keep it, bank it, and then prepare for his next assault.”
Ukraine’s top negotiator in Istanbul, David Arakhamia, has stated that Johnson traveled to Kiev specifically to persuade Vladimir Zelensky to withdraw from the talks.
Kiev was also under pressure from the US, which had long been doubtful about the talks and the guarantees it was supposed to provide.
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Oh what's this

NYT confirms war-ending Russian-Ukraine peace agreement sabotaged by West​

By Gregory Clark
Jun 27, 2024
“We were very close in mid-April 2022 to finalising the war with a peace settlement,” one of the Ukrainian negotiators, Oleksandr Chalyi, stated at a public appearance a year later.
According to another negotiator speaking at the time “Putin and Zelenskiy surprised everyone with their mutual willingness to consider far-reaching concessions to end the war.”
Sadly, that end was not to be. According to Chalyi “instead of embracing the Istanbul Communiqué and the subsequent diplomatic process, the West ramped up military aid to Kyiv and increased the pressure on Russia, including through an ever-tightening sanctions regime.”
The perennially Russophobic United Kingdom took the lead with Boris Johnson arriving in Kyiv on April 9, even before the draft treaty was to be finalised. He reportedly told Zelenskiy that any deal, “would be some victory for [Putin]: if you give him anything, he’ll just keep it, bank it, and then prepare for his next assault.”
Ukraine’s top negotiator in Istanbul, David Arakhamia, has stated that Johnson traveled to Kiev specifically to persuade Vladimir Zelensky to withdraw from the talks.
Kiev was also under pressure from the US, which had long been doubtful about the talks and the guarantees it was supposed to provide.
Kuleba says narrative that 'Ukraine rejected peace deal' is 'lie promoted by Russia'

The often-repeated narrative that "Ukraine rejected a peace deal offered by Russia in the spring of 2022" is "one of the favorite lies promoted by Russia," said Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba in a video address posted on X on May 14.

The failed peace negotiations between Russia and Ukraine, which were held in Istanbul shortly after the beginning of the full-scale war, have been a regular feature of disinformation campaigns spread by Russia and its allies. One popular theory, which is unsupported by accounts of the talks at the time, is that former U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson sabotaged the negotiations.

Kuleba said that Russia is intent on pushing this unsubstantiated narrative because it wants to "shift the blame for the Ukraine."

"They want people to forget that it was Russia that started the full-scale war in February 2022 and instead focus on the talks at the end of March 2022."

Kuleba acknowledged that Russian and Ukrainian delegates did indeed meet in the early months of the full-scale war and discussed how to bring an end to the fighting.

But Kuleba argued that the respective positions were "so far away" and the "Russian demands were so bizarre that the prospect of a real solution was not even remotely in sight."

Kuleba added that the narrative that Johnson somehow sabotaged the talks also does not match the timeline because the negotiations continued for months after Johnson visited Istanbul.

The real figure responsible for the lack of peace in Ukraine, Kuleba concluded, is Russian President Vladimir Putin, who "has been ruining peace in Ukraine for more than a decade."

kraine's new draft, according to Lavrov, said the status of Crimea, which Moscow annexed from Ukraine in 2014, should be raised at a meeting between the two countries' presidents.

It also said Ukraine could hold military drills with foreign countries without receiving Russia's permission, something Moscow disagrees with.

"Such inability to agree once again highlights Kyiv's true intentions, its position of drawing out and even undermining the talks by moving away from the understandings reached," Lavrov said, adding that the proposals were "unacceptable".

In the strongest signal to date that the war will grind on for longer, Putin said Kyiv had derailed peace talks by staging what he said were fake claims of Russian war crimes and by demanding security guarantees to cover the whole of Ukraine.

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Oh what's this

NYT confirms war-ending Russian-Ukraine peace agreement sabotaged by West​

By Gregory Clark
Jun 27, 2024
“We were very close in mid-April 2022 to finalising the war with a peace settlement,” one of the Ukrainian negotiators, Oleksandr Chalyi, stated at a public appearance a year later.
According to another negotiator speaking at the time “Putin and Zelenskiy surprised everyone with their mutual willingness to consider far-reaching concessions to end the war.”
Sadly, that end was not to be. According to Chalyi “instead of embracing the Istanbul Communiqué and the subsequent diplomatic process, the West ramped up military aid to Kyiv and increased the pressure on Russia, including through an ever-tightening sanctions regime.”
The perennially Russophobic United Kingdom took the lead with Boris Johnson arriving in Kyiv on April 9, even before the draft treaty was to be finalised. He reportedly told Zelenskiy that any deal, “would be some victory for [Putin]: if you give him anything, he’ll just keep it, bank it, and then prepare for his next assault.”
Ukraine’s top negotiator in Istanbul, David Arakhamia, has stated that Johnson traveled to Kiev specifically to persuade Vladimir Zelensky to withdraw from the talks.
Kiev was also under pressure from the US, which had long been doubtful about the talks and the guarantees it was supposed to provide.

UkraineRichie with a brain as smooth as the finest bowling ball made in China will post any shitty globalist propaganda that is counterintuitive to his warped ass death infatuation.

This death lover thinks he is a Libertarian hahahahahaha
April 7 (Reuters) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Thursday that Ukraine had presented Moscow with a draft peace deal containing "unacceptable" elements at variance with a previous agreement, comments that Kyiv dismissed as "pure propaganda".

The Kremlin has said talks with Ukraine are not progressing as rapidly as it would like, and has accused the West of trying to derail negotiations by raising war crimes allegations against Russian troops in Ukraine, which Moscow denies.

Lavrov said on Thursday that Ukraine had presented a draft agreement on Wednesday that deviated from proposals both sides' negotiators had agreed on.

Ukraine's new draft, according to Lavrov, said the status of Crimea, which Moscow annexed from Ukraine in 2014, should be raised at a meeting between the two countries' presidents.

It also said Ukraine could hold military drills with foreign countries without receiving Russia's permission, something Moscow disagrees with.
"Such inability to agree on once again highlights Kyiv's true intentions, its position of drawing out and even undermining the talks by moving away from the understandings reached," Lavrov said, adding that the proposals were "unacceptable".
Kyiv says it is committed to the talks but is not willing to give up its sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Lol at anyone still purporting this myth that ''Boris Johnson scuttled talks''. Neither Putin or Kyiv was signing off on that.
UkraineRichie with a brain as smooth as the finest bowling ball made in China will post any shitty globalist propaganda that is counterintuitive to his warped ass death infatuation.

This death lover thinks he is a Libertarian hahahahahaha
Sources straight from Russia's mouth is globalist propaganda? You MAGA guys were never bright, but this is a new low.
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