The NBA is behind all this NIL business

Not really referring to the original court case which included athletes from multiple sports as plaintiffs but happened to be filed by a basketball player but the reality that a majority of the money is coming from the football side of things at most schools, maybe duke and uconn or uk basketball drives it at their respective institutions.
UK football brings in over 3 times what basketball does.
Problem is, does America still truly practice American capitalism as intended or some bastardized crony form of that system?
I don’t support any entity telling a grown man he can’t earn a living. Especially while making money off the back of the athletes
Sure saves them a ton of money. Should be able to phase out any developmental league now. I don't watch the NBA anymore, anyway. I tried, but that sht isn't even basketball. WWF has more integrity than your average NBA entanglement. Crooked officiating, controlled outcomes, rampant traveling, hacks, hooks, dives, and flops, and piss poor D until the end of the game most games.

China can have it.
Typical, paranoid American mentality. Hating the NBA has become political in the USA and everyone has a conspiracy theory. I am a college Beal fan first but not all the collective games in men’s college ball can rival the intensity and the level of skill displayed by players in many of these playoff series. He’ll, we even have teams constantly winning on the road now. This is better than the one-sided 90s NBA and comes closer to the true Golden Era : the 80s.
Yeah, this is why I don't think NIL is being pushed by the NBA. These players leaving early are about to become fewer in my estimation. If these guys can make $2 mil a season? Seriously, why gamble on being effective in the NBA or waste a year or more in the g-league playing insignificant basketball that almost nobody ever sees? Play in college in games that matter, where you know you've had success, and you have a huge number of fans who love you. And with NIL, you lose nothing.

The ONLY positive I see for the NBA is that they don't have to gamble as much on relatively unknown players. Their average age for rookies will likely increase, which is a good thing for that league in my opinion. Players will likely play another season (or more) in college and become more mature players before trying to make an NBA roster.
Perfect post.
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IMO, college basketball teams are now nothing more than glorified minor league basketball teams. Kids can stay in college longer now giving owners a bigger window to evaluate prospects as opposed to only having one year. It works out well for fans in the long run, I guess, as they can see better basketball because of the experience of the players on the court.

Ummmm, football drives the bus in college athletics, not basketball.

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