The Magnificent 7 Volume 3 pt % shooters for single season in UK history:

What are you smokin?

First of all define "volume" shooter. So Lamb putting up 140 & 163 (3.7 & 4.1 /gm) is not enough volume?
Secondly, you skip Meeks, who attempted more 3's in a season than any Cat EVER, and made 40.6% >39.7%.
Thirdly, you skip Fitch, who attempted 197 (6.8/gm), a higher "volume" than Ford or Delk or Grady or Reeves, and made 40.1% > 39.7%.
I fed it to you, and you still got it wrong, leaving off Fitch. SMH

AND....If you include Lamb, then you got to include Quickly (42.8% on 4.8 3's/gm); and Rex (41.5% on 5.0 3's/gm). Not to mention Lamb and Fitch both did it twice.