The Last of Us

The show is fine, definitely a lot better pacing than TWD which is needed for me to maintain interest. The one thing that I’m pretty amazed by, seeing as how Halo was the last shooting game I ever played back in college, but how damn involved are video games now? Like WTF. All these plot lines and shit were in a VIDEO GAME?? That’s mind blowing to me.
I get that. Last year I brought my PlayStation home for Christmas so I could play games with my nephew. At one point I wanted to watch football but he wanted to keep playing games. I said that was fine but you CANNOT play a few games I had on it (last of us, GTA…)

My mom went ‘was I just a terrible mom for letting you play those games when you were a kid?’

I had to explain the difference between mortal kombat 1 and GTA 5. She was rather shocked
I get that. Last year I brought my PlayStation home for Christmas so I could play games with my nephew. At one point I wanted to watch football but he wanted to keep playing games. I said that was fine but you CANNOT play a few games I had on it (last of us, GTA…)

My mom went ‘was I just a terrible mom for letting you play those games when you were a kid?’

I had to explain the difference between mortal kombat 1 and GTA 5. She was rather shocked

I remember playing GTA 1 whenever it came out - fun game. I haven’t played video games in probably 20 years and am actually excited for my 4 year old son to get a little older and play Mario Kart and all that with him. But damn if I’m not going to be the confused old man with all the other shit out there now. Adults playing and online seems to have made it a whole new ball game from when we were growing up.
Oh it’s crazy the difference. The guy that wrote the score for ‘the last of us’ GAME won 2 Academy Awards for best score years before the game came out. Voice actors are totally legit now. I’d put Troy Baker (Joel in the game) against anyone.

When Resident Evil came out I’m pretty sure the voice actors were just random people in the building
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Good points, and I never played the game, nor know the underlying plot lines going in. Just seemed a bit much after episode 3, like an agenda being pushed.

Excellent show, though, for the most part.
It's a great show. I didn't like episode 3 mostly due to lack of story progression. It sacrificed the plot to be woke.
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So you agree that in real life they go to jail even if it was pretending?

That's what this is all about, anyway. Modelling this behavior for children. Never mind that in a child's life it is stressing enough to learn about the opposite sex and how to approach them. Instead tell them "hey, you know how comfortable you are with your friends? Well turns out you don't have to mess with those pesky girls after all you can just bang your best friend Ralph!"


The right to marry and pursue life and liberty for gays was not enough. I fully supported that. But they immediately pivoted to targeting kids with their ceaseless propaganda like some army recruiter and that pisses me off.

Did you feel the same way when the boy and girl kissed in the movie My Girl? The last episode and that movie have the same basic plot and both have underage kisses. Although the hetero kids in My Girl seemed quite a bit younger.

Did you make a spectacle of yourself when that movie came out? Are you going to pretend you don’t approve now so you won’t come off as the bigot that you are?
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How often do you guys discuss your sex lives to the general public in your daily lives? Do you show up to work and say "Hey, check out my balls as I plan on clanging them off some old grey balled dude later on tonight" or do you just STFU and go about your day?

Why do gay people demand everyone approve of their sexual tastes or be a bigot? I don't have the right to not want to see or approve of what they find stimulating?

The right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness does not guarantee everyone has to like what you do, just that they not stop you from doing it when you're not hurting anyone else.

Child abuse, statutory rape, nor any of the existing laws on the books do not provide gay exemptions. Freedom to pursue your own happiness does not guarantee everyone has to like what you do or something is wrong with them.

Nobody on earth likes the woke. They are universally despised because they are the most insufferable jackasses on earth.

Promoting a gay lifestyle is not required in order to not be a bigot. I am all for everyone doing whatever they want to so long as they don't hurt anyone else but I am also for the right to say "hey, two old dudes going at it is disgusting" or "stop peddling your shit to kids" is a perfectly fine position to take in a normal world where a bunch of empty headed woke dumbasses have basically ruined the world in a decade.
Why would it be "abhorrent" if a 17 year old kissed a 14 year old in a tv show? I don't think anyone blinks an eye if that happens in the litany of tv shows and movies that are about teenagers "coming of age". The thing that riles people up on this board is that it is same sex. A number of the posters here are nuts and would probably criminalize homosexuality if they could. They certainly want it behind closed doors because to show two girls kissing is "grooming".
I wonder how these dudes felt about 17 & 14 year old kids kissing when they were in high school? Did they turn them in to the teacher or principle? The cops? The kid's parents? TBH, some of these dudes crying about it on here are simply attention hoors who have an inherent need for something to clutch their pearls over and argue about.
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All the viewers that were offended by woke gay episodes. Probably loving this creepy jesus cult stuff tonight.
This last episode was much better than the woke gay episodes. And I don't believe in a god.
Being gay is not the issue. Entire episodes contributing nothing but woke ideology is my issue. For some reason I shouldn't have an opinion or question the attempt at indoctrination.
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Ellie giving zero phawks in this episode. And Joel getting his feet back under him to be his Rambo self is very satisfying.

Just knew this episode was going to be 45 minutes of a gay infected orgy. Glad they went another direction.
For now.. lol
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Even with all the distractions Joel is one of my favorite TV characters of all time. The singular ability to do what needs to be done in the quickest and often most violent way possible is appealing. The fact that it happens in a world were apparently the only sex that ever takes place is homosexual maybe highlights how great of a character he is amongst all the fruit loops going at it like wild rabbits with their balls flailing and lips locking all over the place.
Some of you made the argument that just because there were gay characters in previous episodes then the show was promoting a gay agenda. Do you also believe that the show is promoting r*pe culture because this episode's villain tried to force himself on Ellie (make Ellie his child bride as the show creator explained) or can we separate what happens on a TV show from real life? Just seeing if we can be a little consistent.
I don’t get why anyone likes endless zombies flailing around with no coordination and obviously very dumb. Do you enjoy them scaring you or just like oh cool they’re going to bite this person?
Four episodes in. Pretty good. The little girl is not a great actress. Everyone else has been great and given really good performances. The outrage over the Offerman storyline is exactly the same as the ‘too woke’ comments about House of Dragon. Ridiculous. Everything in the world that exists is not here to comfort you. It’s the things that challenge you and expand your horizons that make you stronger and smarter. Hiding from them makes you weak.
Four episodes in. Pretty good. The little girl is not a great actress. Everyone else has been great and given really good performances. The outrage over the Offerman storyline is exactly the same as the ‘too woke’ comments about House of Dragon. Ridiculous. Everything in the world that exists is not here to comfort you. It’s the things that challenge you and expand your horizons that make you stronger and smarter. Hiding from them makes you weak.
You are missing the issue here. Homosexuality, transgenderism, race, religion etc......take your pick.
Entire episodes dedicated to ANYTHING (comfortable or otherwise) promoting ideology without furthering the story is going to be met with criticism.
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Four episodes in. Pretty good. The little girl is not a great actress. Everyone else has been great and given really good performances. The outrage over the Offerman storyline is exactly the same as the ‘too woke’ comments about House of Dragon. Ridiculous. Everything in the world that exists is not here to comfort you. It’s the things that challenge you and expand your horizons that make you stronger and smarter. Hiding from them makes you weak.

Wow, did not know watching balls on balls sex was something I needed in my life to become stronger and smarter.
Thanks for helping me out bro. I apologize in advance if I didn't use proper pronouns in this reply.
You are missing the issue here. Homosexuality, transgenderism, race, religion etc......take your pick.
Entire episodes dedicated to ANYTHING (comfortable or otherwise) promoting ideology without furthering the story is going to be met with criticism.

It was a story of two people in a relationship that showed what the world was like. It advanced the story and helped set the scene for what the world is like. It introduced the concept of the raiders and provided the main characters with the means to get to their next scene. It gave context to the world. You’re just upset about the storyline they used to paint that picture because it involved homosexuality. You can act like it is because it didn’t advance the story line but I don’t believe you.
Wow, did not know watching balls on balls sex was something I needed in my life to become stronger and smarter.
Thanks for helping me out bro. I apologize in advance if I didn't use proper pronouns in this reply.

Was that what it was? Balls on balls sex? Looked two dudes kissing a couple of times and a story of their relationship developing over time. Pronoun shit is weak sauce. Grow up.
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Was that what it was? Balls on balls sex? Looked two dudes kissing a couple of times and a story of their relationship developing over time. Pronoun shit is weak sauce. Grow up.
Oh I agree on the weak sauce, but then again I am just not sure how to correctly reply to folks in this day and age that think 45 minutes of homosexuality in a zombie show is something needed for people to get stronger and smarter.

What in the world did people do before the Last of Us?
It was a story of two people in a relationship that showed what the world was like. It advanced the story and helped set the scene for what the world is like. It introduced the concept of the raiders and provided the main characters with the means to get to their next scene. It gave context to the world. You’re just upset about the storyline they used to paint that picture because it involved homosexuality. You can act like it is because it didn’t advance the story line but I don’t believe you.
Yet it completely ignored the actual plot of the story. It's not about a gay love couple. Most of the series has been nearly word for word the game's plot lines. A huge part of that game plot was missed(the interactions between Bill, ellie, and joel) because of having two gay dudes having a romance. Frank was barely mentioned in the story this show is based on. It didn't further anything. Episode 3 was largely unnecessary to the plot of the show. Just say, "watch episode 2 and then episode 4 because ellie and Joel got the car in episode 3." You won't miss anything of the actual narrative. That's the problem.
Yet it completely ignored the actual plot of the story. It's not about a gay love couple. Most of the series has been nearly word for word the game's plot lines. A huge part of that game plot was missed(the interactions between Bill, ellie, and joel) because of having two gay dudes having a romance. Frank was barely mentioned in the story this show is based on. It didn't further anything. Episode 3 was largely unnecessary to the plot of the show. Just say, "watch episode 2 and then episode 4 because ellie and Joel got the car in episode 3." You won't miss anything of the actual narrative. That's the problem.

None of you would have the storyline talking point if Offerman had hooked up with a woman. And it is within the realm of possibility that a storyline from a video game needed some help getting from point a to point b. It’s also possible that they were just very effective in trolling people that would be offended by it.
Oh I agree on the weak sauce, but then again I am just not sure how to correctly reply to folks in this day and age that think 45 minutes of homosexuality in a zombie show is something needed for people to get stronger and smarter.

What in the world did people do before the Last of Us?

Being able to handle things you are uncomfortable with makes you stronger and smarter. It’s not as difficult as you are making it. Surely you have to disregard things you don’t like in your daily life. Do you expect everything to be custom tailored to your sensibilities and tastes?
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None of you would have the storyline talking point if Offerman had hooked up with a woman. And it is within the realm of possibility that a storyline from a video game needed some help getting from point a to point b. It’s also possible that they were just very effective in trolling people that would be offended by it.
Actually yes because the story wasn't that much about the hookup at all. They made up an entire episode out of a few lines in the game and completely threw out key moments of character development. If only half the episode was the romance part, and we got the actual plot/character development that is supposed to be there, it wouldn't be a big deal. The scenes with Riley and the kiss, is straight out of the extra gaming content. Not a big deal imo.
It was a story of two people in a relationship that showed what the world was like. It advanced the story and helped set the scene for what the world is like. It introduced the concept of the raiders and provided the main characters with the means to get to their next scene. It gave context to the world. You’re just upset about the storyline they used to paint that picture because it involved homosexuality. You can act like it is because it didn’t advance the story line but I don’t believe you.
Neat trick you do, telling me what I'm upset about. Pretty sure, I'm the expert on my thoughts....not you!
You don't believe me? Say it ain't so.....
Being able to handle things you are uncomfortable with makes you stronger and smarter. It’s not as difficult as you are making it. Surely you have to disregard things you don’t like in your daily life. Do you expect everything to be custom tailored to your sensibilities and tastes?
You are more uncomfortable with guys on a message board not toting the WOKE message than I am of homosexuality. It's not even close. The fact that this is a hill you want to take your stand on is simply amazing to me. I would feel the same way if Offerman hooked up with a woman for the entire episode. Or if Ellie hooked up with a guy named Riley. It was unnecessary.

And I still just can't get over that embracing it will make you stronger and smarter.
It is hilarious to me that people who are homophobic decide to watch a show based on a game with a main character in the LGBTQ+ community and then get all up in arms that there are gay people on said show.
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If you think crying about it on a messageboard makes you seem smart and strong I don’t know what to tell you.
Sweetie, everybody on this thread knows who is more apt to cry about certain uncomfortable situations.

I don't think anybody on here has cried about episode 3 because it made them uncomfortable.
They simply said it wasn't needed and it didn't advance the story. And I agree with them.