The hire is growing on me

Honestly, same for me. I was a little frustrated last night because everything seemed so rushed, and Pope’s resume is underwhelming by our standards. Now that I’ve had time to process it this morning and seen some stuff about his offensive system, been reminded how much he loves Kentucky, and seen that the boosters are ready to roll with him, I’ve moved to a spot of being cautiously optimistic. I think he could be a breath of fresh air after the things that frustrated us about Cal.
It will grow on me eventually. I have major concerns but I will support Pope and hope I have to eat some major crow in time.

Mitch - I am done with him though

Not sure if this has already been posted but an article from the Salt Lake City newspaper. We are in for a treat with Mark Pope. I am definitely pumped. It will be a blast from the past as in the Pitino days.