We are more talented than Vandy and S. Carolina ! So what conclusions can you draw from an embarrassing loss like this ? First of all we can be baited into committing penalties by trash talking and getting in our veterans heads. Surely junior and Senior ball players should know better. What’s the hurry when it’s first down and two feet to goal line that you rush to line and get a procedure penalty. That comes from the QB not settling down these guys. Allowing these teams to come in and simply psych us out and force us to play their game is getting very old. Again the talent is there . It is upon our coaching staff to quit hanging out at the bars and to instill some discipline into this team. When in desperation we started bringing pressure on Pavia we rushed his decision making and forced him into errors ? The fact that in two weeks this is what we put on the field needs to be explained by the head coach. What are you doing Mark Stoops ?