The Dreaded Sports Doldrums.

They can definitely be aggressive assholes, but they have the most personality of any fish I think I've ever encountered. I had to keep them slightly overstocked to spread the aggression out and remove any one who was too over the top aggressive but it worked out really well just had to do more frequent water changes on those tanks.
Yep. Americans are similar, except you can't overstock for aggression. I mean, you can, but all you're really doing is spreading the damage. Mine get feisty during breeding, but nothing too bad. A lot of bickering, not bloodbath. Mine are semi-aggresive, and mostly central American. I have a South American, regular blue Acara, named Atari, in the community tank. Keeps to itself and is the peace keeper of the tank.
USA is in the group of eight in the Cricket T20 World Cup hosted by the USA. They are doing well.
WAS. They got eliminated yesterday.

My sports viewing currently :
Golf - Thursday thru Sunday (even the DP Euro Tour in the AM before work
SOME Nascar races on Sundays
Olympic Trials (currently) then the Olympics
Horseracing if I am betting different tracks I will turn TVG or Fan Duel racing
That is it, that's the list. Baseball there is too many games, post season I will watch,,,, some.

Huge boxing fan, somewhat MMA fan.
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It's the heat man. We just don't agree. And while I CAN endure it. I just choose not to. I hate just feeling sticky at 9 am. Sucks.

Now, if summer here were like being near the ocean? Hell yeah. Bring it.

But no, summer in Kentucky is a mixture of swamp ass and "My Goodness, my electric bill is what?"
I've come around on summer's heat nonsense. Once it's your job to endure the heat while hiking through the frickin backcountry, not much about plain old summer phases you. 😂

Not that I'm immune from the heat – I've started sweating the minute I step outside in the mornings. I just don't give the heat much mind.

The one thing I can't get past with summer is the damn mosquitos. I think I'd rather get punched in the throat once by Rocky Balboa than endure a lifetime of insatiable itchiness. Mosquitos thrive in hell, if it exists.
I've come around on summer's heat nonsense. Once it's your job to endure the heat while hiking through the frickin backcountry, not much about plain old summer phases you. 😂

Not that I'm immune from the heat – I've started sweating the minute I step outside in the mornings. I just don't give the heat much mind.

The one thing I can't get past with summer is the damn mosquitos. I think I'd rather get punched in the throat once by Rocky Balboa than endure a lifetime of insatiable itchiness. Mosquitos thrive in hell, if it exists.
It's the one living thing I'd be ok with eradicating off the face of the earth.
Well, with the elimination of UK baseball yesterday, the end of the NBA season, and coming closer to the MLB All Star Break, we've come to the point in the year where sports have kinda slowed up a bit. Not to mention it's going to be hotter than crap this weekend. I just wanted to kinda discuss how you all handle the sport doldrums.

I like to be outdoors a bit, but not when it's so oppressive you can't complete a thought. And the bugs going bonkers.

I like to game a bit (currently going back in Elden RIng) and also just do a little house work.
Summer of Soccer - check out Copa America and Euros
WAS. They got eliminated yesterday.

My sports viewing currently :
Golf - Thursday thru Sunday (even the DP Euro Tour in the AM before work
SOME Nascar races on Sundays
Olympic Trials (currently) then the Olympics
Horseracing if I am betting different tracks I will turn TVG or Fan Duel racing
That is it, that's the list. Baseball there is too many games, post season I will watch,,,, some.

Huge boxing fan, somewhat MMA fan.
Actually they are still playing. Next game is at 7:30 pm.
A little virtual teaching during June and July.

Get my “sports” fix with ANW and a sprinkling of Cardinals baseball and fantasy football podcasts.

A wee bit of streaming some shows I fall behind on.

Mainly time is spent at the neighborhood pool with the 4 yr old. She’s a fish and we make it about 5-6 days/wk. It’s honestly my favorite time of the year.
What a bunch of video game nerds in this thread. Sheesh.
nerds GIF
No doldrums for me.

* NBA Summer League
* Olympics
* MLB and some minor league games to attend.
* The NFL camps open in 4 weeks
* College football camps start the 1st week of August.
* High school football starts the 2nd week of August.
Lot of wasted time there