"The Boys" Amazon Prime show discussion *SPOILERS*

You say that like it's a bad thing. It isn't. Hating gay people is wrong, as is treating them poorly. But being gay isn't normal. It's an outlier and if being gay was normal, then humanity would cease to exist. So seeing acts of homosexuality as disgusting makes perfect sense simply from an evolutionary perspective. Straight people are supposed to be repulsed by it so that they are attracted to the opposite sex and reproduce. That's ingrained in our species. People can love whoever they want and do whatever they want. I'll be kind to them regardless. But I don't have to pretend that being gay is normal or something that's enjoyable to watch. But some people like torture porn and that's messed up too. To each their own but making fun of someone who doesn't enjoy seeing it actually makes you the weird one.
Don't forget that this moron used the phrase "caught the gay" as if that's supposedly possible. I thought "science" dictated that people were born gay.

Even Bill Burr addressed what you just said, though.

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I need to see firecracker naked. I am in great danger of catching this ghey that everyone is talking about if it doesn’t happen soon.
Don't hold your breath. It's not going to happen. And she's just a 6 trying to act like a 10.
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Is Negan really there? We know that Butcher is seeing his dead wife, but is Jeffrey Dean Morgan actually there or just in his head?
That is the theory. I don't remember him interacting with anyone else.
I think he is an army buddy he couldn't save back in the day.
Yeah the show is nothing more than political propaganda.

It’s an interesting commentary on what the country has turned into though. Most people just pick a team and no matter what that team does they turn a blind eye to it. And yes that works for both sides. I’d watch a comedy about a mentally compromised dude like Biden if it was funny.
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It’s an interesting commentary on what the country has turned into though. Most people just pick a team and no matter what that team does they turn a blind eye to it. And yes that works for both sides. I’d watch a comedy about a mentally compromised dude like Biden if it was funny.
Don't disagree with you. Both sides pick teams like it's sports and not actual politics. If the show was balanced towards pointing out the faults of both sides, I could get on board with that. But it obviously isn't and neither is the rest of shows/movies the majority of Hollywood spits out. Wake me up when someone puts out a show where the main villain is a parody of the democratic leader.
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Don't disagree with you. Both sides pick teams like it's sports and not actual politics. If the show was balanced towards pointing out the faults of both sides, I could get on board with that. But it obviously isn't and neither is the rest of shows/movies the majority of Hollywood spits out. Wake me up when someone puts out a show where the main villain is a parody of the democratic leader.

I enjoyed the first 2 seasons then it got a little obvious for my liking. The 2 candidates provide plenty of quality entertainment with their own actions, we don’t need Hollywood giving us a repeat.
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Says the alpha virgin. Live a little, pal. Get out of the basement and talk to the 6. Just close your eyes and she’s a 10! Yee haw! WonderBraa out.
LOL you think you know me. I'm married, DA.

The fact that you refer to your stupid username in the third person is ignore-able. Bye indeed.
I'm all caught up on The Boys, Diabolical, and Gen V.

I like the cast and new characters of Gen V (especially Maddy Phillips/Cate, Lizzy Broadway/Emma, and London Thor/Jordan), but I don't like or dislike anyone nearly as much as anyone in The Boys (except maybe Derek Wilson/Tek Knight, but his role's pretty small). Also, I love Clancy Brown, so I wish his role hadn't just been a glorified cameo.
LOL you think you know me. I'm married, DA.

The fact that you refer to your stupid username in the third person is ignore-able. Bye indeed.
Gotcha that makes sense. Well you could still close your eyes and imagine your wife as a 10 instead if that helps.
There's going to be at least a couple of deaths in the season finale next week. Who do you think is gonna bite the dust?
This past episode (7) was not only the best episode of the season but one of the best of the entire series.
I don't have Amazon prime. Matter of fact my wife controls everything Amazon like a dictatorship. Looking forward to watching the new season but can't, yet. Unless anyone knows any secrets
I don't have Amazon prime. Matter of fact my wife controls everything Amazon like a dictatorship. Looking forward to watching the new season but can't, yet. Unless anyone knows any secrets

Yeah, pretty easy. Go to Walmart and get a prepaid credit card. Open a new gmail and use the card to open a new prime membership. Watch it on your computer/phone.
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Spoilers for episode eight (I got bored and looked them up):

Butcher kills Neuman and Ryan accidentally kills Mallory.

The Seven kill everyone in Vought Tower.

The Boys try to leave the country but they get stopped:


There's a lot more, but those are the major points.
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