The ballsiest stunt the SEC could pull

Jan 27, 2023
With so much this and that speculation on who will end up in the SEC next, more or less, who will they pluck from the ACC, what if instead thee powers that be went out and pulled Ohio St from the Big 10? I mean, if the SEC really wanted to claim king of the mountain and make sure everyone else knows they are fighting for a distant 2nd, that’s the move right?
I won't come at you, but I will say this: if you're okay with the crap that's going on here, then you're part of the problem. I'm fed up with the greed from all directions. NIL, players sitting to protect their draft stock, streaming services gouging viewers, adding more teams to the tournament to increase revenue under the disguise of "increased competition", the list goes on.

I'm with you on work stress. Manager wants to meet with me tomorrow regarding people under me who can't be trusted to do their jobs correctly without management having to stand over their shoulders 24/7.
Ohio State fans, administrators and coaches know its days of 10-1 records, win one real game (Michigan) and waltz into the playoffs would end immediately in the SEC.

Better to stay a big fish in a mediocre but still lucrative pond than have to really compete with the best.
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Also, please don’t @me with this attack or that one. Knee deep in physical labor today. Just needed a minute to eat and give my brain a breather. I’m sure there’s all kinds of holes in this thought or a better way to word it.
That would be hilarious. I don’t think Ohio State has the balls to play in the SEC though. They get to be Fake tough in that weak ass conference that always chokes on everything.
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There is no benefit to OSU moving to the SEC. It looks like the Big 10 and SEC are going to be the two left standing, and they rule the Big 10. Why move to a conference they don't rule? Also, it would definitely hurt us if OSU moved to the SEC. Being the northern most SEC school has always been a recruiting draw for us north of Kentucky.
I won't come at you, but I will say this: if you're okay with the crap that's going on here, then you're part of the problem. I'm fed up with the greed from all directions. NIL, players sitting to protect their draft stock, streaming services gouging viewers, adding more teams to the tournament to increase revenue under the disguise of "increased competition", the list goes on.

I'm with you on work stress. Manager wants to meet with me tomorrow regarding people under me who can't be trusted to do their jobs correctly without management having to stand over their shoulders 24/7.
Sounds like they have a hiring problem. A self- directed workforce is the most productive.
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Lol. Ohio state makes more money from the consortium than any football media deals. They aren’t leaving that for any reason. It’s worth 10 billion. That’s billion with a B. Secured funding is way bigger than media deals.
With so much this and that speculation on who will end up in the SEC next, more or less, who will they pluck from the ACC, what if instead thee powers that be went out and pulled Ohio St from the Big 10? I mean, if the SEC really wanted to claim king of the mountain and make sure everyone else knows they are fighting for a distant 2nd, that’s the move right?
There's a better chance that Notre Dame would join the SEC before Ohio State would. OSU nor any other Big10 team is leaving that conference. Just like that no team will ever leave the SEC. The SEC is already far above the Big10 when it comes to winning national championships in football, basketball, baseball ect. ect.... If the SEC really want to put themselves in a stratosphere that the Big10 could never get close to. The SEC needs to bring in these 4 schools

1. North Carolina - The 9th most populated state in the country & a basketball blueblood
2. Clemson - A football power, plus it would keep them out of the Big10
3. Florida State - A football power, plus it would keep them out of the Big10
4. Notre Dame - A national brand name
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Our days of recruiting decent in Ohio for football might come to a hault real quick if that were to happen.
We aren’t stealing any players from Ohio that OSU wants. The move might actually benefit UK recruiting in Ohio. OSU would become an even bigger brand and would get more stars from other states leaving more Ohio guys for us to get.
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Ohio State would be a fish out of water, I like seeing SEC teams take them down in the playoffs. We don't need or want them down here. like someone said earlier, they do not want to play an SEC schedule.
I won't come at you, but I will say this: if you're okay with the crap that's going on here, then you're part of the problem. I'm fed up with the greed from all directions. NIL, players sitting to protect their draft stock, streaming services gouging viewers, adding more teams to the tournament to increase revenue under the disguise of "increased competition", the list goes on.

I'm with you on work stress. Manager wants to meet with me tomorrow regarding people under me who can't be trusted to do their jobs correctly without management having to stand over their shoulders 24/7.
Unfortunately the sports we grew up loving is no more.

I am in the finance industry and manage 5 in my dept but have contact with approximately 40 others. I am amazed at how many are inept at their jobs and don't even try to learn how to do their duties effectively.
There's a better chance that Notre Dame would join the SEC before Ohio State would. OSU nor any other Big10 team is leaving that conference. Just like that no team will ever leave the SEC. The SEC is already far above the Big10 when it comes to winning national championships in football, basketball, baseball ect. ect.... If the SEC really want to put themselves in a stratosphere that the Big10 could never get close to. The SEC needs to bring in these 4 schools

1. North Carolina - The 9th most populated state in the country & a basketball blueblood
2. Clemson - A football power, plus it would keep them out of the Big10
3. Florida State - A football power, plus it would keep them out of the Big10
4. Notre Dame - A national brand name
Clemson is only good because of Dabo. Once he's gone, I see them returning to obscurity.
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Unfortunately the sports we grew up loving is no more.

I am in the finance industry and manage 5 in my dept but have contact with approximately 40 others. I am amazed at how many are inept at their jobs and don't even try to learn how to do their duties effectively.
I work in the freight industry. Some of these people just STAND THERE and have to be moved around like portable totem poles. They won't even think unless someone wakes them up by shining a flashlight through their ears.
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Sounds like they have a hiring problem. A self- directed workforce is the most productive.
They sure do. My manager is going to listen to me in a one on one setting. He told me that he doesn't want to lose me, half the time I come in it's to dig my shift out of a hole that the previous two shifts dug.
There's a better chance that Notre Dame would join the SEC before Ohio State would. OSU nor any other Big10 team is leaving that conference. Just like that no team will ever leave the SEC. The SEC is already far above the Big10 when it comes to winning national championships in football, basketball, baseball ect. ect.... If the SEC really want to put themselves in a stratosphere that the Big10 could never get close to. The SEC needs to bring in these 4 schools

1. North Carolina - The 9th most populated state in the country & a basketball blueblood
2. Clemson - A football power, plus it would keep them out of the Big10
3. Florida State - A football power, plus it would keep them out of the Big10
4. Notre Dame - A national brand name
Why would we (as UKFootball fans) want more football powers joining an already tough conference?
With so much this and that speculation on who will end up in the SEC next, more or less, who will they pluck from the ACC, what if instead thee powers that be went out and pulled Ohio St from the Big 10? I mean, if the SEC really wanted to claim king of the mountain and make sure everyone else knows they are fighting for a distant 2nd, that’s the move right?
That would initiate the end of the SEC as we know it. We are already thinning ourselves out with power teams that have no SEC history.... Ohio State would just be another.
It wouldn't take long for the four new teams... Ohio State, Texas, Oklahoma, and A&M... to convince six existing teams... Alabama, Georgia, Florida, LSU, Auburn, and Tennessee... that they could command the the same media rights deal just by themselves... splitting $3billion 10 ways is a lot more money than splitting it 15 ways.
Notre Dame does not need to be in the SEC. If we are going after ND then we do need to go after Michigan, Ohio State, USC and so forth. We need to be SEC. Draw a line from Mizzou to Atlantic Coast. Then since we have OK, Texas, A&M we could go all the way to Kansas and then down south. That is the max footprint we need. Virginia, Va Tech, UNC, NC State, Clemson, Fl State, Miami, WVU, Kansas, Houston, TCU, Baylor and you have to add Louisville (as much as I do not want to include). That is the foot print. Not all of those teams, pick the teams that you want, get them and forget the rest. IF Big 10 and Big 12 want 40 schools each then go for it. I would say out of all of those the SEC picks up 4 more total and those 4 for me are UNC / Virginia or Va Tech / Fla State and Clemson. That is all we need.
I work in the freight industry. Some of these people just STAND THERE and have to be moved around like portable totem poles. They won't even think unless someone wakes them up by shining a flashlight through their ears.
You can get high now without having to worry about the smell. They’re probably all stoned.
You can get high now without having to worry about the smell. They’re probably all stoned.
That I did not know. No doubt some of them are. We catch them whenever there's a workplace injury, none their own fault.
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There's a better chance that Notre Dame would join the SEC before Ohio State would. OSU nor any other Big10 team is leaving that conference. Just like that no team will ever leave the SEC. The SEC is already far above the Big10 when it comes to winning national championships in football, basketball, baseball ect. ect.... If the SEC really want to put themselves in a stratosphere that the Big10 could never get close to. The SEC needs to bring in these 4 schools

1. North Carolina - The 9th most populated state in the country & a basketball blueblood
2. Clemson - A football power, plus it would keep them out of the Big10
3. Florida State - A football power, plus it would keep them out of the Big10
4. Notre Dame - A national brand name
I don’t see FSU, the SEC already has TV viewers in Florida. Swap them with Va Tech
There's a better chance that Notre Dame would join the SEC before Ohio State would. OSU nor any other Big10 team is leaving that conference. Just like that no team will ever leave the SEC. The SEC is already far above the Big10 when it comes to winning national championships in football, basketball, baseball ect. ect.... If the SEC really want to put themselves in a stratosphere that the Big10 could never get close to. The SEC needs to bring in these 4 schools

1. North Carolina - The 9th most populated state in the country & a basketball blueblood
2. Clemson - A football power, plus it would keep them out of the Big10
3. Florida State - A football power, plus it would keep them out of the Big10
4. Notre Dame - A national brand name
And you forgot to add on your #1, the biggest cheaters and frauds in NCAA history...we don't need them in the SEC.
Fox pays the B10 more than ESPN pays the SEC. Why would any B10 team leave that deal?
ESPN pays the SEC and ACC. The SEC isn't going to go against ESPN and ruin the ACC when it don't have to. The only way the SEC adds an ACC team is if ESPN says to. The only way that happens is if the ACC gets out of the GOR and ESPN risks losing teams to the B10. ESPN has the ACC right where they want them.
This is bigger than a SEC shopping spree this is ESPN v FOX.