Probably the best and most accurate preview of Kentucky's upcoming football team and preview that I have watched. Nothing earthshattering here but it's great to see some in the media do their homework and put together a very interesting presentation. It's over an hour long but hey football season is still 2 months away.
I invested the hour to listen because, after all, it isn't time to grill yet. Honestly, I didn't hear anything new. There are a couple of major gaffes such as saying East Carolina is our week #2 opponent (it's actually EKU), saying Ramon Jefferson is from San Diego, neglecting to mention Josh Kattus in their discussion of UK TEs, and leaving Trevin Wallace completely off their list of the 10 best 2023 UK players. However, they hit the nail on the head by repeatedly emphasizing UK's OL as the key to this season, and they discussed the importance of Coach Boulware's work to improve our special teams.
They ran through our schedule game by game. It was a little reminder that games #4-11 will tell the story of this season.
week #4- be angry, give Ray the football, and take revenge on Vandy at their place
#5- own Billy Napier's ass on our field
#6- play tough and solid; don't get Leary or Davis hurt in Athens
#7- trap game for us, hold serve at home against MO
#8- be pissed and bring our A game to Kville
#9- take advantage of Bulldog coaching change and play sound road game in Starkville
#10- big trap game for AL; take advantage
#11- be pissed, kick butts, and shut Beamer up