Terry Meiners Just dropped a bomb on OTL with Bob Ley


Jul 30, 2008
He was on as a guest today and He was describing how President Postal directed Jurich to fire Pitino before and he refused. Bob Ley was left speechless after he hear Meiners say that. Ley said "I can't believe that" and "if thats true it cuts to the heart of the matter, I know something about how Universities are supposed to work" Meiners looked like a deer in headlights after Ley reacted that way. If you can find it its GOLD, worth the watch.
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I wonder if Meiners just thought that was well know and he pooped himself when he thought he spouted off something that might not be factual
Typical goofball Meiners
Terry Meiners‏@terrymeiners 2h2 hours ago
Shocker! @ESPN asked me to come back on @OTLonESPN at 1pm. Gosh, I wonder what they want to talk about? Prolly my
190 yard drives!



Ley said "I can't believe that" and "if thats true it cuts to the heart of the matter, I know something about how Universities are supposed to work." Meiners looked like a deer in headlights after Ley reacted that way. If you can find it its GOLD, worth the watch.

"How Universities are supposed to work" has long had shockingly little to do with "how UL works." Two very different things.
I know for a fact this is true. I will leave it at that.
"How Universities are supposed to work" has long had shockingly little to do with "how UL works." Two very different things.

Exactly. Tom Jurich may have well just been the President. He ran the university. Him and Pitino ultimately called the shots. They were corrupt. They ran out the notion of any NBA team because they didn't want ANYTHING getting in the way of their money funneling operation. They didn't care about the fans, nor the city when they signed that bull shit arena deal netting them millions. They knew it would fail, and they knew tax payers would foot the bill. I could go on and on and on. We all know the stories.

Now the city has lost the chance of adding an NBA team, UofL may not field a basketball team next year, and all of the small businesses that associate around that arena may collapse because Tom Jurich and Rick Pitino could give a rats ass about anything outside of UofL athletics.
KSR printed that Jurich refused to fire Pitino yesterday

I think what's new here is that Postel asked Jurich multiple times prior to yesterday to fire Pitino. I am guessing this was for the on-going stripper shows in Minardi Hall, Jurich refused and Postel didn't do anything to Jurich for insubordination. Inmates running the asylum.
Exactly. Tom Jurich may have well just been the President. He ran the university. Him and Pitino ultimately called the shots. They were corrupt. They ran out the notion of any NBA team because they didn't want ANYTHING getting in the way of their money funneling operation. They didn't care about the fans, nor the city when they signed that bull shit arena deal netting them millions. They knew it would fail, and they knew tax payers would foot the bill. I could go on and on and on. We all know the stories.

Now the city has lost the chance of adding an NBA team, UofL may not field a basketball team next year, and all of the small businesses that associate around that arena may collapse because Tom Jurich and Rick Pitino could give a rats ass about anything outside of UofL athletics.
Jurich ran the damn city. He was Hitler and Jefferson County was his Nazi Germany.
Someday they'll make a goodfellas style movies detailing Pitino and Jurich's tenure at University 6
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Jurich ran the damn city. He was Hitler and Jefferson County was his Nazi Germany.

And the fans didn't care about anything going on. Completely blind to absolutely everything simply because they only cared about winning.

Remember this all started at the top with the arena deal and the foundation. The bowling ball has since turned into a 200 ton boulder. We found who was at the very end of this whole mess. The last 2 men standing.
I wonder if the media here in Louisville will now grow a pair and hold university 6's feet to the Fire from now on !
That TJ refused the order to fire Rick, which led to his twin dismissal on Judgment day. I won't add anything else.

What difference does any other detail make? I don't know exactly what more is to add and if you know something, what's the harm in saying it?
And the fans didn't care about anything going on. Completely blind to absolutely everything simply because they only cared about winning.

Remember this all started at the top with the arena deal and the foundation. The bowling ball has since turned into a 200 ton boulder. We found who was at the very end of this whole mess. The last 2 men standing.
Actually, this all started in 2002 when the Hornets were GOING to move to Louisville up until Jurich and Pitino mobilized their army of minions to sabotage the deal.
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and this........perfect movie title....University 6 :flushed:

I was thinking the same thing. It's so perfect for a movie or mini-series. Perfect Shakespearian tragedy. I'm picturing the closing scene with Rick Two Stacks & Tommy the don Jurich running around burning and shredding evidence before the feds break down the door while Eric Clapton's Layla plays.
That TJ refused the order to fire Rick, which led to his twin dismissal on Judgment day. I won't add anything else.

I don't believe that happened yesterday at all. Maybe months ago the president wanted Piton fired and Jurich wouldn't do it? Well, maybe. But yesterday? No way that happened in that short meeting. Postel said it didn't.

I think this is all getting planted to make Jurich seem insanely "loyal" and "ironclad" as Meiners tweeted. LOL. just more UofL BS.
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Wow, that says all you need to know about U6 and Jurich. Even after getting caught by the FBI in a pay for play scheme....Jurich would not fire Pitino. Corrupt and dumb are a dangerous combination.