Terrance Clarke delivers pizza to frontline nurses

This is great. These are the type of young men we can all appreciate being the face of our program. Thank you Cal for recruiting classy young men that represent us the way our program deserves to be represented. You always see our players in the community giving back and helping out. I'm sure a lot of it once on campus is guided by Coach Cal. But the guys always seem to do it with a smile. This is before Clarke is even on campus. Already showing out what a great young man he is. Keep up the great work both on and off the court.
The same kid will tear your throat out on the court and talk to you the entire time he does it. Exactly the type of player and person we want.
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i tell ya what if i was calicari i would faar at joe justin guy he ain’t no good at orlando entiga was good at guy got at anthony dabis guy he won a national champeenship for em tucky widecats!

We need em titles boy! I told ya we should have fired that whole complyanse departmunt yearz ago and cheated like Duke and Kansas! They ain't got caught ! Well, not formally. Sandy Bell ain't no count! snort.
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