Tennessee fans and media using butler quote

Being honest here, not a fan of if. If it were Tennessee, a lot of our fans would be saying get this to the locker room too. No reason to poke the bear though. I know they’ll be up for revenge after 2 losses this season but why add fuel to the fire
We have 8 National championships. They’ve never made a Final 4. We’re the Bear.
Makes me wonder if Tenn is in trouble and some can feel it. Their first two games were pretty meh. I think we're seeing the usual Rick Barnes great-defense but poor-offense type of teams, and this is about when they bow out.
i agree. it’s possible. the only mojo, or pressure for that matter, beyond the obvious (the stakes, the rivalry) is them trying to win for a coach that has been around a good while. this may be his last real chance at a ff.

it’ll be a pressure game more for them. they may respond, they may falter. in any case, they will play defense. it should be a good game. i think we match up well.
I love it !

A player ... confident to say we will win. It's the NCAA tournament.... what is he supposed to say : "Oh My Lord, help us ! We stand no chance !" ???


tempest in a teapot for fan talk and drool.

if you are a player, at this point, you don't need any more motivation to go win and put everything on the line. Some fans that never have played might not quite seem to understand that, methinks.
Our D is much better than when we last played them, not gonna guarantee anything but I like our chances.
the improvement in defense and being able to count on our bench, after everything, our roster is finally "stable" ... and look at what CMP does with them.... just win, baby.

I like our chances, too. Even though it will have to make the most epic sweep of the Vols in a single season, ever.

There's something not talked about much here either.

If we beat the Vols, it would be the single greatest season I can ever remember in beating them. I'm counting my 50 years here. Maybe even older fans might come up with some of the Mears teams or before, I dunno. Not in my memory. We shall see.
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Eh...I would have preferred if Lamont didn't say UK was going to win.

To be honest, kind of surprised that he would be the one to say something like that.

While I agree it will have little to no bearing on the outcome of the game, I prefer if the players let their play do the talking for them.
Not worried about Lamont's comments....Tennessee fans making it way more than it is. Seems like they are looking for anything to cling onto.

Any NFL fans in here? This has a definite Bengals-Steelers feel to it. If you are a Bengals fan, you know what Im talking about, and you should feel good knowing that we are on the other side of the dynamic in this scenario.

Tennessee is in an unusual situation, the pressure is completely on them. While we acknowledge that it would be great to win and advance, and it would suck to lose to them, there is also the bigger picture with a revival of the UK basketball brand, and feel, and the second weekend run has largely fulfilled that. For them, this is probably the best team they've had, and definitely the best two year stretch they've ever had. Not saying they are going anywhere....this strength of the SEC is here to stay (maybe not always 14 tourney bids, but the days of it being a 4-5 bid league are over)

1. if they lose, they lose to their basketball nemisis for the third time, which ends their national title march.
2. If they win, they finally slayed the dragon when it counted, their fanbase will treat it as if they won the natty....and then what will they have left for Houston or Purdue (who has had their number in tournament play)

In addition:
Barnes may be retiring
Tennessee has a rep of crapping the bed in the post season when they expect to advance. Same with Barnes.

We may very well lose on Friday, and it would sting for a bit. But, I would not trade places with any other Vegas underdog this week in these Sweet 16 games. This is the matchup and scenario I want.
LOL, while this is nothing compared to what these guys say to each other on the court, fans are gonna fan and that's all this is.
Our media snd fans would run with it too if one of their players said it.
It's not like the UT players are up in arms about it, it's their fans, which should surprise no one.
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It did not even sound like he was talking about the UT game in particular, they ask him how he they were battle tested and he said we just play with love and compassion and were gonna win that game. MEANING the games that battle tested us.

That’s exactly how I took it

Piss off if you like that
I like the attitude. For years we thought this is the year we beat UT in football. But no matter how down they were they had the attitude "We are Tennessee, we beat Kentucky" (at least in football). One time during College Game Day at Rupp Arena, (I believe it was Rece Davis), when 20,000 showed up for the show, he said "Because we are Kentucky, and you are not". I've always liked that. I like a confident, not arrogant like Duke, attitude.
I like the attitude. For years we thought this is the year we beat UT in football. But no matter how down they were they had the attitude "We are Tennessee, we beat Kentucky" (at least in football). One time during College Game Day at Rupp Arena, (I believe it was Rece Davis), when 20,000 showed up for the show, he said "Because we are Kentucky, and you are not". I've always liked that. I like a confident, not arrogant like Duke, attitude.
We need to beat them in football on the regular. I hate those turds
Taking “we are going to win that game” and running with it for motivation is a very Tennessee thing to do. We already stomped your asses twice. You shouldn’t need some meaningless quote to get up for us a in sweet sixteen game.
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Honestly if a Tennessee player made the same exact quote some people on here would definitely not like it .

Either way bulletin board material is overrated especially in the sweet 16 .
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Tennessee fans and media are using this butler as motivation. They are calling it bulletin board material.
This really is a stretch for motivational material. The manner in which he makes that statement has zero cockiness at all. Really, I would be very nervous if I were a Tennessee fan too. Remember how nervous we were before the last Alabama game (rightfully so).

I think it will be a good game that could go either way. If Ky plays like they can, we will win. If they throw in one of those clunkers we're in deep trouble. Like I told my Dad, hopefully the fact that this is the NCAA Tournament will keep them focused and hungry.
UK is a better team than Tennessee this year. They could beat us, but UK would win a 7 game series. We are far superior offensively to the Vols. In the two games so far it's 153-137 (76.5-68.5), and we are much healthier now than we were in either of those two games.
They’re taking that quote and running with it lol. Trying to get the fans and players up as much as they can for this game
I bet the TN coaches & players understand that Butler's commit was the only think he could or should say and never gave it a second thought. That kind of crazy crap is what ALL fans hang on to. If one of the TN players had made a similar statement the BBN would be unhinged as well. I think that is a whole lot about nothing. If either team is actually worried about what the other team says, they are not focused on the game plan.
Tennessee has to make shots to win. They can be all pissed off all they want. What's that going to do? Have them foul more? At some point the game is about skill and when a Rick Barnes team can finally do that across the board-he'll have a chance to win. He relies on 2 players to make shots (Lanier/Gainey) and Ziegler is streaky.

Want to be what Kentucky has been and is....get some skill and bring it to the court.
Pope is going to make Mashack and Ziegler take jump shots and he's going to make Gainey, Milicic and Lanier put the ball on the floor.
If we are able to run our offense and move the defense, we will get open shots. If we make them, we win.
That is 1000% what you WANT your opponent to plaster all over his bulletin board. It’s not boastful in the least. It’s just true.
Butler is the one guy on the team I'm okay with saying this. He's got the rep to back it up, and is playing harder than anyone with only one shoulder. It's going to be a battle. On paper, Tennessee should win. Higher seed, point spread favorite, the revenge factor, and media darling Lanier. So why are they worried about what Butler says? Maybe because when he speaks, people should listen? Is it me, or is Rocky Flop a little scared about this one? It's like Colin Chandler says, we don't have time to play scared.

We may win and we may lose, but the truly beautiful thing is it's too late to stop what Pope is building now. The last chance for Vols fans and all others was Troy and then Illinois, to keep their "can't win in March" narrative alive and hope it would be enough to torpedo Pope's hopes with recruits and transfers. What's really got them scared is that he's done it with mostly portal players that were thought to be "just okay" and 3 unheralded freshmen. Barely a Top 25 team entering the season. 42nd in Kenpom entering the season. And he's squeezed the very best out of this rag tag, injured bunch to get them to the Sweet Sixteen. I'm LOVING what this man has already built.

I'd definitely be nervous if I was a Ewww Teee fan, too, seeing my program had made up ground on UK during the last 5 seasons of the previous regime, only for Pope to come in year 1 and beat our Top 10 team twice, with Barnes apparently nearing retirement and the future uncertain, knowing they are one bad hire away from once again being the second best SEC team in the state of Tennessee. This game is possibly their last best chance to beat Pope's Cats for a while. They better hope they can take advantage of that while they can.