Televangelist needs a private jet & wants donors to pay for it


Sep 14, 2013
Creflo Dollar is his name.

One popular pastor is looking to the sky for help.
Televangelist Creflo Dollar has asked 200,000 followers to donate $300 apiece so he can buy a luxury jet to preach worldwide.
The appeal, originally posted on Creflo Dollar Ministries' website but apparently since taken down, is called the Gulfstream G650 aircraft that Dollar's Georgia-based World Changers Church says it needs after an older plane was grounded.
"We believe it is time to replace this aircraft so that our Pastors and staff can continue to safely and swiftly share the Good News of the Gospel worldwide," the copy read.
"... Therefore, we are asking members, partners, and supporters of this ministry to assist us in acquiring a Gulfstream G650 airplane so that Pastors Creflo and Taffi and World Changers Church International can continue to blanket the globe with the Gospel of grace."
And why not?

When Rev. Billy Graham was asked about his expensive suits and Lincoln, didn't he say something like the Bible says to preach the gospel, but it doesn't say preach it in rags?

The prosperity gospel churches will tell you that FLAUNTING your wealth is a sign of God's favor. Just ask Rafael Cruz about that one.
Sally says he wouldn't need it if he were a Catholic:

What's sad is the $60 Mil he will undoubtedly bilk out of the wallets of 200,000 naive fools, could otherwise go to the American Cancer Society, The American Red Cross, the Salvation Army or a host of other reputable charities that do good works and good deeds.
Guys like this do nothing to advance the gospel.....As a matter of fact, it creates a stumbling block for others

"It is good not to eat meat or drink wine or do anything that causes your brother to stumble." Rom. 14:21
This story was just on HLN this morning. Reminiscent of Oral Roberts asking for millions of dollars and if he didn't get it, the Lord was gonna take him.

It's amazing how so many people blindly follow religion.
Originally posted by Blueathletics:
Guys like this do nothing to advance the gospel.....As a matter of fact, it creates a stumbling block for others

"It is good not to eat meat or drink wine or do anything that causes your brother to stumble." Rom. 14:21
Religion is perpetuated by the fabulous lies of con men to gullible fools. Just give hope to the miserable, a crutch to the weak, claim the basis of morality, and/or provide a strong element of fear, then you've got a marketable system that can be sold on faith belief alone without question.

For the less ambitious, just start with an established system with some general level of acceptance. The more ancient, the better. Never mind the absurdities, it adds to the mystical intrigue that delights the more ignorant.

Sell your system with tact and confidence. You will eventually start believing your service is worthwhile as the loads of cash roll in.
Now if good ol' Creflo used THIS as a soundtrack to his fundraiser drive...heck, I'd send him 300 pennies: (one naughty word in this video tho)

I need a Dollar
Originally posted by Blueathletics:
Guys like this do nothing to advance the gospel.....As a matter of fact, it creates a stumbling block for others

"It is good not to eat meat or drink wine or do anything that causes your brother to stumble." Rom. 14:21
Spot on man.
Benny Hinn just e-mailed Creflo and blind copied me...Went all Ice T on Big C:

If you're having cash problems I feel bad for you son
I got 99 problems and a plane ain't one

Tip my hat to the sun in the west
Feel the beat right in my chest
At the crossroads a second time
Make the devil change his mind.
It's a pound of flesh but it's really a ton
99 problems and a plane ain't one

If you're having cash problems I feel bad for you son
I got 99 problems and a plane ain't one
99 problems
But a plane ain't one.

Like broken glass under my feet
I could lose my mind in this heat
Looking for the prize but I don't want blood
I order one drink then I drink the flood
Well, you can come inside but your friends can't come
99 problems and a plane ain't one

If you're having cash problems I feel bad for you son
I got 99 problems and a plane ain't one
I got 99
99 problems
But a plane ain't one.

Handle that money, sonny!
You see this crap a lot in mega churches and churches who teach the prosperity gospel. If you study tithing, it was an Old Testament teaching and had nothing to do with people giving 10 percent of their cash to the church forever. When you start seeing preachers and their family use the church as their own personal bank account and living a life of luxury at the expense of the congregation, it is time to move on but too many times, people put pastors on a pedestal.

I posted sometime a year ago about an experience I had at a church where the preacher had bogus BS jobs as full time for his family like his daughter leading the worship team (only three services a week and often a volunteer job everywhere else), one son in-law who got full-time work for doing the audio and lighting for the services, and another son in-law who was just a high school pastor who despite his wife not working was able to afford a ridiculously expensive home....on a high school pastor's salary.

Combine this with their kids going to private school, his wife having another salary position, and on and on it goes. But what I talked about back a year ago was the daughter started a Kickstarter page to fund two CDs she wanted to make and distribute where the proceeds would still be going to her. She and her dad, the head preacher, advertised this at multiple services and asked for $32,000 to make it happen. UNBELIEVABLE. Then she made the goal, made her albums, and then of course, had no one to sell it to but the people who funded it in the first place. I questioned this in an anonymous email about what are they doing to determine the basic needs of the congregation like people unable to pay bills,needing food, or transportation and what the preacher told me was "Do not mess with God's anointed." Riiiight.

I did some further digging into that church system that has churches worldwide and saw how the financial set up was and it was beyond messed up. Ever since then, I have huge issues with churches who teach this and pressure the congregation to give as if they are doing God's work by funding the staff's salary and so they can live better than you do. It's pretty disgusting.
"All I need is $300 to buy this jet....."

"....and $50 a week, for life, to pay for the fuel and a pilot"[/I]
Not all mega-churches are money grubbers. My church has 3K members. We have exactly 5 people who are salaried: Senior Pastor, Assistant Pastor, our church secretary, our Family Life Center director and our janitor. That's it. None of them are related. Everybody else volunteers their time. And I believe the janitor has the easiest job since the members always clean the sanctuary after each service! I have seen churches like the one Heisman described, and our church refuses to associate with them. Salvation is not about money.
Originally posted by IdaCat:
Religion is perpetuated by the fabulous lies of con men to gullible fools.
I would argue that it is perpetuated by the knowledge that there has to be a higher power greater than ourselves. Human history shows this. Human beings have corrupted organized religion. The question, which religion is right, and just who is this God that created everything.
Originally posted by wkycatfan:
Originally posted by IdaCat:
Religion is perpetuated by the fabulous lies of con men to gullible fools.
I would argue that it is perpetuated by the knowledge that there has to be a higher power greater than ourselves. Human history shows this. Human beings have corrupted organized religion. The question, which religion is right, and just who is this God that created everything.
I think what human history shows is that man has always questioned his origin. There have been and are many differing opinions on the subject. Some are philosophical. Some religious. Some even scientific.
Originally posted by wkycatfan:

Human beings have corrupted organized religion.
Human beings created organized religion. It has always been subject to the whim of humanity.

Originally posted by wkycatfan:

The question, which religion is right, and just who is this God that created everything.
They could all be wrong.
Originally posted by GhostVol:
Not all mega-churches are money grubbers. My church has 3K members. We have exactly 5 people who are salaried: Senior Pastor, Assistant Pastor, our church secretary, our Family Life Center director and our janitor. That's it. None of them are related. Everybody else volunteers their time. And I believe the janitor has the easiest job since the members always clean the sanctuary after each service! I have seen churches like the one Heisman described, and our church refuses to associate with them. Salvation is not about money.
Which church is this? We have been going to Faith since we've been here....
Originally posted by MegaBlue05:
.... and this is why I don't subscribe to the world's oldest ponzi scheme.
I believe in God and do not think what corrupt men do on this earth in 'his name' reflect on him. However, because of corrupt men and seeing how church has become a business, I really do not look on it favorably these days. I honestly think home churches (which is basically Bible study) is the closest to how it was intended to be...not these ridiculously expensive buildings with state of the art equipment, rock concerts, and the need to fund a pastor's luxurious or frequent vacations and lifestyle.

I also, think that churches today teach false information on tithing and I understand why they do it. They don't get paid if they don't.
Originally posted by GhostVol:

Originally posted by fatguy87:
They could all be wrong.
Could be. That's the fascinating thing...none of us will know until we die.
What fascinates me is how you expect to know anything after your brain stops functioning.
For every church like this there are thousands that are bare bones, that don't spend lavishly, that quietly help the poor. I understand those that think tithing is foolish based on stories like this, but this church is quite an outlier.

My pastor makes 70 Gs. He works all week and is on call chaplain at the local hospital. His wife works as church secretery 3 days a week for about 15 grand. One youth pastor at 35 grand (not related to my pastor but is related to a member of the congregation). I was shocked to find they all made that much when I first heard it.

This story is disturbing, but there's another entity that takes way more than 10%, does it against my will, and pisses away the majority of it to the point that the country will be ruined by debt. Compared to that, 60 million is looking pretty damn good.
1 prayer = 1 facebook like. 1 facebook like= 1 u.s dollar. 1 u.s dollar =1 sin removal. 1 sin removal= 1 step closer to god.

Whoa. Mind blown.
Brilliant move. Tell them about salvation, then show them an object they can relate to in real terms as a symbol. Now the plane has become the goal to achieve to ensure salvation.

If he gets 65 million, he'll buy a 25 mil Gulfstream IV and pocket 40.
Originally posted by ymmot31:

Brilliant move. Tell them about salvation, then show them an object they can relate to in real terms as a symbol. Now the plane has become the goal to achieve to ensure salvation.

If he gets 65 million, he'll buy a 25 mil Gulfstream IV and pocket 40.
A fool and his money are easily Creflo'ed
Originally posted by Willy4UK:
1 prayer = 1 facebook like. 1 facebook like= 1 u.s dollar. 1 u.s dollar =1 sin removal. 1 sin removal= 1 step closer to god.

Whoa. Mind blown.
I've been a Christian for 33 years, and prayer is much more than this.
Originally posted by wkycatfan:

Originally posted by Willy4UK:
1 prayer = 1 facebook like. 1 facebook like= 1 u.s dollar. 1 u.s dollar =1 sin removal. 1 sin removal= 1 step closer to god.

Whoa. Mind blown.
I've been a Christian for 33 years, and prayer is much more than this.
Sadly not to a whole lot of people. It's easy to laugh off anything. One day it will not be easy to laugh or joke off what is really important, then what...
Originally posted by BBUK:
Sadly not to a whole lot of people. It's easy to laugh off anything. One day it will not be easy to laugh or joke off what is really important, then what...
Here in reality, it's not "easy to laugh off anything", but it is easy to laugh off anything associated with man made gods.